JICM Health and  Wellness Center and Lifestyle Diseases Counselling

Jamaica herb tonics made from natural herbs
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You do not have to suffer Read more

Our Mission is promoting Wellness and Health naturally. Througgh Health lifestyle counselling and products

 You do not have to suffer that mu ch Learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can  locate information, on best practices, natural health methods coaches, and health summits. Here we educate you about the many possible alternatives available when you are considering addressing your immediate wellness health challenges. 

Question for you.
Do you believe in spiritual healing ?  Read before answering

To share your own  experience of this place please write a review  HERE 

 Stress and Lifestyle Diseases can affect your Health and wellness

Did you know that quite a few of these lifestyle diseases developed  not adhering to natural health laws and some are stress related? brought on by anxiety because of the everyday challenges of providing basic needs for the family.

Along this path, I have come across individuals whose significant health concerns were stress related resulting in many developing lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. high blood pressure, cholesterol, and others Having challenges with meeting your medical health finances can often lead to mental health issues. The effects of what stress can do to your mental health  Can be devastating. Read More    

 The inflated cost of Wellness and Health can become over welming.but it can be free of  cost if you believe.

The prayer that heals lets try it.

Investagate these Healthy lifestyle products for your family needs.

 It pains my heart that many are ill and unable to pay for basic medical services, and are forced into purchasing high-end expensive drugs and services, When if they had met a lifestyle coach who would guide them into a change to healthy lifestyle practices that would have saved them all those un-necessary expensive procedures along with their many side effects. This is what can be done for you just click the blue link below


What can health and wellness lifestyle coaching do for you?  Well, the next time you visit your medical doctor you will be able to ask pertinent questions related to your health challenge and find out what the possibilities are of him/her recommending a practitioner of natural or alternate health and they both work together to address your illness. Just in case you are strap for time to visit their website, the easier way is  to fill  out a  form HERE and they will send the information to you  

Need help with meeting your health finances. ?Its time to do something worthwhile to improve your finances  which can often lead to mental health issues

 In case you  are struggling with financial obligations which can bring so much stress,  you may need counseling   Find out more here

Other Important Health Links

 1.  Full Body Detox   

 2. Help: males' slow or no activity  

 3. YouTube health channel 

 4. Free Health Check Up 


 6. Products for full Body detox include colon,

  7.   blood kidney liver cleansers

8  Check out  latest product available

To  share your own  experience  of this place Please write a review  HERE