, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER




This is used for blood and lymph system.If blood and lymph are clean no disease would exist.
burdock.              garlic.                  yellow dock
Red clover.           echenecea.           buchu
Dandelion.          chaparral.               cerasee
Wikipedia   image
Gallensteine 2006 03 28.JPG2.  BOWEL PURIFICATION
Short fast

  a. Vegetable juices Carrot.  celery  beets, water cress etc.
  b .Citrus juices ,lemon, grapefruit orange, etc
    aid lungs and skin elimination

      Steam bath
      hot and cold bath and compress
Will help clean blood and lymph

These are the major organs of elimination
        kidney use --diuretic herbs   -dandelion,burdock cramp bark
       Liver --hepatic herbs           -  milk thistle, barberry (Lemon juice, olive oil for gallstone)
       Lungs. Decongestant.           - barberry, blessed thistle burdock
       colon   purgative herrbs         - cascara sagrada ,buck thorn  senna
       Skin.                                     -dandelion,chickweed

This is used to treat heat excess or cold efficiency/ internal or external  problems.In heat excess
 the toxin in the blood and must be removed toxin and poison produce heat in the body
Heat deficiency individuals feel cold because organs are not functioning properly  If there is heavy
 congestion in certain areas of the body de-obstructive therapy must be used.
If the organs are receiving toxic,poor blood which is binding their function ,blood purification is the suitable therapy


A.   CALMATIVE    these aid in bringing warmth  and circulation and stimulate deep body parts. They aid in relieving gas and stomach discomfort use in flu ,back pain constipation, cold, fever Some are
Caraway, garlic , cardamom
Cayenne,  ginger, thyme
Fennel,      anise,  fennel
If a person has cold deficiency / heat excess disease condition and it has been a problem for a long time making it more chronic(internal) The cause could be nutrient deficiency such as ,Protein ,Vitamins, and Mineral deficiency, it could also be ,indigestion , lack of exercise etc.

This can be also used if the problem is nutrient deficiency and if the  body or specific organs need  toning.
External symptoms - may be cold extremities,lack of perspiration, internal fever but cold outside extreme tiredness ,  
Calmative will work deep to improve circulation and stimulation,

This therapy is used whenever there are obstruction in the body causing loss of energy  Energy and congestion.these are treat internally

 Some cause of obstruction are
Too many dairy products
Mucus forming foods
Not enough exercise
Eating too late at nights

 Symptoms  that may present them selves
Loss of energy flow in the stomach and intestines
Gastro intestinal disorders
When using de-obstrurent therapy consider using
cleansing diet
Bowel cleaning
Sometimes blood stagnation in the abdomen of women  cause gynecological problems Excessive moisture and phloem accumulate in the digestive tract causing bloating and pain.
Use De-obstruent therapy for blocked energy flow in lung colon ,Liver, gallbladde,r uterus  etc. The main reason  for using this therapy is to break up and and stimulate the movement of built up waste in these ,areas and bring them to function properly

The best herb to use is the one that suits the problem best herbs suited for various problem
Chalogues: such Csascara sagrada.senna, oregan grapes root, wild yam, promotes the flow of bile they are used for .gallstones or congested bile during hepatitis and during constipation
Chalagogue must be combined with antispasmodic or calmative to ease gas pain
Do not use if there is bleeding, Large gallstones, or if  hemorrhoids are present.
Discutients are  used to dissolve cyst,tumor,growth       To be continued


HOW TO MAKE IT TO HEAVEN:    And get your true healing

 You may be feeling ill at the moment and  would like to be healed. However the best healing will be that of gain eternal life.
Just in case you do not get well physically in this life, when you  get eternal life you will have  no more sickness nor pain nor death.

All things are possible if you have the faith believe and obey the teachings of Jesus Christ


1.      Follow the teachings of Jesus Christ 
      Read Matt. Mark, Luke and John .in the Holy Bible These are the Gospel of Jesus Christ .
      Before you start pray and ask for guidance of the Holy Spirit. Next read the book
        of Hebrews slowly.

2   Acknowledge that you are a sinner 
    .Confess your sins to Jesus and ask for His forgiveness.

3.      Then decide to follow him.
       Find a body of people who are following  the teachings of Jesus Christ  and be baptized
        like Jesus did  (You must not forget the assembling with another (Hebrews 10:25).

 Find a body of people to connect to

 How do you identify the right body of people to be connected to

   a. Isaiah 8:20 -They must follow the laws and the testimonies of Jesus Christ
   b. Revelation 14:12 They must keep the commands of God
   c. Revelation 22:10-16-Blessed are they who keep the commands they have right
         to eternal life
   d. Hebrews 4: 1-16 -They keep  all the Ten Commandments not only nine
       Just like Jesus did.

How. Important is the law and what is the purpose of it?
      a. Galatians 3:24  it correct us like a school master  it points out sin
      b. Mathew 23: 23 It shows judgment, mercy and faith
      c. Proverbs 13:13-16. It rewards and also keep us from the snare of eternal death
      d. Proverbs 13: 13-16  It is the foundation of life
  Is the commandment given in Exodus 20: 1-20 still relevant to day
   a.    Matthew 3:16 - Until heaven and earth pass the law still stands
   b.   James 2:10-13- All the moral law should be kept including the new
          commandment of love
         c.    Rev 22: 14- It  Keeping the law gives  right to the tree of life

      What is  Sin.
          a.John 3:4 Sin is the transgression of the law
   b.Rom.7:7 Without the law cannot  know sin   .
   c.Rom. 6:22 The wages of Sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
      through Jesus Christ our Lord
   d.Eph. 2:8-9 You cannot work for eternal life it is a gift given us freely  by Jesus Christ.

We are save by this gift of grace 
.But we must accept this gift  of grace  by faith and by doing the will of Jehovah God
If you love Him you will fear Him and keep his commandments. (The fear of the Lord is to hate evil Prov.8:13). It is the beginning of wisdom

: Prepared by :  Medical Missionary: Juliet Christie Murray.



Take the Limit Off God for He came to set the captive  free

I was talking to a medical Missionary lately .He said someone called him to talk with  individual who is ill. He was not told the nature of the illness until he arrived at the home. He was told that it seem he was having some form of demonic attack. 

The Medical Missionary said he had to stay outside and pray to God asking him to protect him before he went inside. As he converse with the young man the young man said he was been attacked by Satan because Satan told him to do something and he did not do it and Satan was punishing him by taking away his job and making his life unbearable.

He said he was at the point of doing anything Satan wanted because he wanted to be rich. The MM said he asked him if he could pray for him, the young man  told him he could do anything he like because His God is Satan. He said he prayed and at the End when he said in the name of Jesus the young man said in the name of Satan.

This is the state of the world Satan is attacking individuals both, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
 Somehow or the other this young man has become a captive of Satan.

 But Jesus came to set the captive free  from whatever situation  he finds himself in

Are you bound by disease?  Are you a captive to Illness?
Do you believe you can be set Free? Yes you can as long as you do not put a limit on God. 

Do not put a limit on God. Do not put a limit on God’s power.
Jesus came on earth and gave us the secrets of how to keep our bodies free from disease .He also gave us through the pen of inspiration the methods by which disease may be reverse.
It is generally taught that disease come through 3 reasons. 
1. Braking the health

2. Breaking the moral law

3.  For the glory of god 

However  I choose to add these  
4. Demonic attack

5. Drinking the communion unworthily 

 What is disease the definition for disease

given in the Ministry of healing is?
Disease is an effort of the body to free the system of the effects of violating the health laws.  Plainly put It is disobedience to Gods law.  

1. Breaking the health laws what are they
     These are guiding principles given by God to keep us in good Health  with out the use of medication

1.     Nutrition:  that is relating to how and what we eat. The original diet (fruits, grains, nuts, and then   vegetables.
       2.     Water  the body needs water both inside and out
       3.     Exercise: the body functions best  in constant movement
       4.     Sunshine  this is the source of all energy necessary to build vitamin  D
             5    Temperance  Abstinence; avoid that which is harmful use moderately the good
             6    .Air: without oxygen we  will die   
             7   Trust God.  Medicine  ,or herbs do not heal it is God who heals
     These are the true remedies you can assist nature using water, herbs and massage, heat and cold (ministry of healing)

    2.  Breaking the moral law or Ten Commandments.Exodus 20 
         What are some  effects
    Why do we have so much sexually transmitted disease? Because of breaking the law of fornication and adultery.

    Why do we have generational curses 
      by not honoring our Father and mother?

    Why are we unhappy?  In most cases it is because we  covet our neighbor 
    This can  lead  to depression and stress related illnesses.      
    You see  Life always looks greener on the other side there is story of the blind solder  concise as a poem Windows of life.
    3 Demonic possession and demon attack
    Many are ill because of demonic influences in their lives Look at Mark 9: 17-24 you see Jesus healing the epileptic boy  who was ill because of demonic attack. 
    Many times we leave doors ways to demons. By dabbling into things Gods warns us against But thank God for Jesus once we decide  to put them away He came to set the captive free,  that's why we cannot put a limit on God.  

    4. Eating and Drinking the Lords supper unworthily

    Lots of individuals in the church  are ill because they take the communion unworthily. Over in 1st Corinthians. 11:27-30  you can read  verse 30 reads for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep.
    Go back to verse 28 therefore let a man examine himself.

    5. Some are ill for the glory of God

     Jesus said Lazarus illness was not unto death but for the Glory of God. John 11: 20 
     When Lazarus died he said he was a sleep. He also said I am the resurrection and the life.
    The blind man Jesus healed. When question by the disciples who sinned. he or his parent Jesus said neither he nor his parents, he was blind that the works of God may be manifested in him  

    Can we get well and what is the process?
    1.     Ascertain the cause
    2.     Change unhealthy habits
    3.     Correct the wrong habits and assist nature in expelling the impurities’
    4.     Establish the right conditions (do not return to the bad habit) Go and sin no more less a worst thing come upon you.

    2   Take the limit off God 
     Jesus said all things are possible if we only believe
    Here we come to the crux of the matter many of us remain ill because we do not believe. We have no faith in the healing power of Jesus.
    But this is what Jesus gave to us
    1.     Confess your sins
    2.     Ask for forgiveness
    3.     3 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
    4.     In all the cases where healing took place in the new testament the individuals believed. And Jesus .specifically asked them if they believed or ask wilt thou be made whole, or dost thou believe.
    5.     The cripple man by the pool of Bethesda. John 5:6-7
    6.     The noble man’s son John 4: 49-50 the father believed
    7.     The Blind Man John 9 :35
    8.      The epileptic Mark 9:17; The father believed

    9.  The woman with the issues  of blood she  believe that just  touching his garment
    She would become well and she did.

    10.   Martha Believed that Lazarus would be raised at the Resurrection.

    11.     She  said I know even now  whatsoever you ask of God he will  grant
    12.     Martha put a limit on God but Jesus showed her she could not do this

    13.      He said I am the resurrection and the life and though dead  for 4 days He raise Lazarus there and then.

    I ask all those of you suffering out there, Wilt thou be made whole
    Do you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?

    I ask again is there anyone willing to stand in the gap and ask Jesus Christ to make the sick whole.   In order to do this Jesus said in Mark.16: 15-16

    1.  Go preach the gospel into the entire world to every creature.
      This is interesting He did not say every human being
        He said every creature.
    2.   He that believe and is baptized shall be saved He that believe  not shall be dammed.
         Jesus is not a liar what He says he means it. He said if it were not so He would have told you.

    -And these sign shall follow them that believe 

     1.In my name they shall cast out devils.
     2.They shall speak with new tongues. ( You will change your ungodly   conversations
       .You will sing Gods Praise.

    The song writer knew what he was say when he wrote (Oh for a thousand tongues to sing of my redeemers grace. Oh for a thousand hands to raise in honor to the King)

    Jesus Continued-They shall lay hand on the sick and they shall recover
    John 14:12-16
    He did not stop there.

    -Jesus said verily, verily I say unto you he that believe  on me the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works because I go to my Father 

    -And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in me.

    -He went  further  to say “if ye ask anything in my name I will do”.

    That is the power Jesus has extended to his believers
    To his medical Missionary. ELLEN WHITE said every member should be a medical Missionary from the pastor come right down. For  it is the entering wedge .

     All these come  with a price Jesus said If ye love me keep my commandments.

    And I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he shall abide with you forever.
    This is the power he gives to his true followers so that they can go out and brings souls into his kingdom.
    I do not know about you but I believe this is why I am a medical missionary.
    I am taking the limit off God. What about you.
    I am pressing on the upward way, new heights me gaining every day.
    Lord led me on to higher ground.

    I  know many of your are looking for a release from the sin, the illness and whatever beset you. Today  I am willing to make an intercession and supplication to The Almighty God , Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Alpha and the Omega Through the name of Jesus Christ for you, and ask. him to release the chains that binds many of you and set you free. For Jesus Came to set the captive free.
    So on the profession of your faith you may email and I will make a supplication  To Jesus Letting HIM know you are willing to try. You can say like the man Lord I believe Help my unbelief.
    Do not  call or email to make me feel good, Do not call or email me because you think  you will be healed. Jesus came to set captives from sin . Just  call if you believe that God can help you.
     And if you do not feel like call  or email  Talk to him right where you are God will meet you right there because it’s the hearts that matters and your belief
    Remember if he chooses to heal you physically Then as he told the crippled man he healed.Go and sin no more less a worst thing come up on you.

    NB. Not all healiing are the same .or physical
    Some times our bodies get too tired and cannot withstand the ravages of the illness 
    So healing may come as death.
    But if you give your life to Jesus abd follow his teachings  what a healibg when you wake with a glorifird body with no disease.
     Oh what a great getting up morning that will be.

          Contributing author
    Juliet Christie Murray
    Medical Missionary-Jamaica


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