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Showing posts with label can Apple cider vinegar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label can Apple cider vinegar. Show all posts

Will the use of this improved knowledge cure your arthritis

Can Apple cider vinegar cure arthritis

We cannot fool ourselves and should not follow fad diets.The answer in my opinion and experience is no.

Real cure can only be achieved by an internal biological that is done only by the body.
A Diet created Scientifically
Along with exercise ,deep breathing  Rest ,natural hygiene adequate
 sunlight, adequate intake of  water .
And the deep desire for health are the base line .

Arthritis is most time the
accumulation of  acid  crystals deposits that continually build the body and cider vinegar and honey cocktails taken warm  is the greatest enemy to acid crystals.

This  powerful mixture
combination dissolve the acid crystal  and put them in solution which can be flushed out by the kidneys with adequate  distilled water intake.

Since joints  are connected to muscles some time arthritis aches and pains are sometimes accompanied by  stiff joints  and muscular aches and cramps.these are experiences on the  .
hip,tights, me leg and feet,When precipitated acid crystal gets into the. Blood stream they can cause extreme cramps. Some of these crystal lodge into joints  apple cider and honey cocktails can  disolve the diposits and relieve the  pain.

We must realize that arthritis especially rhumatoid  is associated  the body attacting it self causing the body immune system to be compromise.Apple cider may not be that effective.  Nutrition , detox,  exercise is  the way to go .In the book there is a Cure for Arthritis the author has site many case studies carried out in Sweden where chronic arthritis has been healed with  nutrition  exercise  and life style change.

They did not  rely solely on Apple cider vinegar .  For those who got  results it must be noted that the vinegar use was the natural organic unrefined vinegar with brags been said to be the most effective brand.
 to get  a bottle click the image  below You can also get vinegar and garlic tablets they can help too but do not take beyond 21days for each course treatment .From experience  it can over dissolve Uric acid and  will start acting on the  cartilage which is  just  as bad

If  you want full long term cure  I have proven  that turmeric  organic powder is very works even better for me because  it is effective in normalising blood sugar too.

Contributed by
Juliet Chritie Murray
MM healthy Lifestyle

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