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Showing posts with label treatment. Show all posts

Terrific breakthrough in Corona Virus cures

  What  is   Corona virus

This is a class of virus  that  is from the category  similar but not the same as  SARS and MERS.
It has never been found in humans  until recently. It is said to be in animals such as rats and bats. It is believed to break out in Wuhan animal market China  because the Chinese is accustom to eating the wild  animal including snakes.

However  conspiracy theorist 

said that  the coronvirus may  have been  first developed by a Chinese scientist who  in the 1970s  defected to the US with the Coronavirus formula.

Now that the Chinese have become so powerful  and the US owes them trillions of dollars the US decides to use the biological warfare on them to cut their speed.
It is also believed that the US already has the vaccine  formula from the said scientist. They are using the virus to scare the world so that in time they will be able to make billions of dollars when they decide to release it .

 It is also believed that it is a method of controlling the worlds population  keeping it in line  with the already scarce and dwinlinging
  1. Image result for Corona virus
It seem that if the conspiracy theorist are right then the US is being controlled by a set of single minded individuals who have no vision. Could they not have seen that China has spread it’s roots and tentacles  world wide in almost every country and therefore  the virus would migrate back to them.
Now that it has reached the US that country will soon has to be quarantined.

I can imagined those Jamaica citizens who have had their US visa revoked or denied  for no real or explained reason are not too sorry afterall ; Thanks to the Trump and his administration and government.

 Conspiracy or real the Coronavirus is real  

 It is spreading like wild fire and pretty soon no country will be exempt.

Lots of families will be affected and hospital will not be able to accommodate all.
  Looking at the home method of quarantine this method is only suitable for the rich and some middle class and people who live alone. Then there is the method of going to the hospital but you must call first before you go. That seem good but how workable will this be.
As said the best method of control  is to not getting it in the first place. We are told that washing hands  often, and use a face mask which cannot prevent the virus but will stop you from transmitting it to your nose and mouth.  And if someone cough and spray droplets. We are told if you are away from  where you have  no access to  water you must have  a alcohol base sanitizer.

  If this is so  when thinking of Jamaica which soap is the best and cheapest, carbolic, or protex,? Is  the country ordering enough alcohol base hand sanitize and face mask. Are we ensuring that areas without water will be given water before the Coronavirus hits.
Many individual are giving information of how to reduce the death toll when it reaches a country Trained doctors , herbalis, medical missionaries ,even the lay man

It is said the vulnerable who are likely to develop complications are the young and old, people with underlying health issues like diabetics, hypertensive,  obese  an people with acute respiratory distress like asthmatics  etc. Really young children are said to be able to  recover from the disease more quickly so they do not have respiratory complications like adults between 30 and 56 years old.

Its is believed if you have a strong immune you will be able to get through this corona virus  infection without any complication. It is said sanitizer is not  the answer and should be used as little as possible on the hand as it  lowers the  immune  because so much of our natural immune fighting microbes are destroyed. Sanitizer is  to be used to wipe infected surfaces like doors handles etc and remember if you touch doors and public surface do not put your hand to your nose or mouth.

 Try staying out of public places as much as possible and apply due caution when you do. A mask will be helpful to protect from direct droplets been spillt by the wearer and from touching nose,mouth and eyes .It must be discarded without being touched.

Strengthening the immune to Fight the Corona virus

Here  are some simple  things that I saw on a video recently to strengthen the immune,

1.              1.Take probiotics like, apple cider vinegar, onion, garlic, saucer craft, beet root
    2  Stop using white sugar - it is the most effective commodity for lowering the immune   
3         3   Take selenium and zinc also  found in foods like almond, pumpkin seed or supplements.
4         4.  Take vitamin D3-do not forget  that sunshine give vitamin :stay in sun 45 mins a day
5         5 . Mix , garlic  honey and cod liver oil.
6         6.   Make a tea of  star anise + honey .This is anti viral
7         7.   Make a tea of thyme   + ginger + star anise  add mullein  if you wish_- mucus releaser
8         8.   Get  resveratrol eat lots of  purple foods like grape- it is  an antioxidant
9         9  .Add grape juice and black currant  soak and drink.
1        10  Have vitamin C rich foods  -citrus ,cherries  sweet pepper ,0r supplements
1        11  Make an anti viral soup with sweet potato ,parsley, rosemary, spring onions , garlic,
1        12   Some  other Anti virus  herbs ,oregano, elderberry, peppermint, thyme ,sage, fennel, garlic, Echinacea,  basil lemon balm, astragalus, ginger eucalyptus ginseng , Pau de arco

 Contributing author:Juliet Christie Murray

   This article is for information only and is not intended to replace and medical advice given by your doctor or health provider

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