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Showing posts with label covid 19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label covid 19. Show all posts

Experience of A COVID-19 Victim


Experience of A COVID-19 Victim

COVI9 19 Vaccine
I listen to a program recently where  a lady related her horrifying exp;erience from contacting the COVID 19 virus, I said myself so many people missed this interview. And as best as I can I am going to post this so that the many individual who are going with out masks and not observing the social distance protocol, not doing proper sanitation will understand the awful life-threatening experience that one can go through.

The lady being interviewed said she was a very active and busy individual who is always going from one project to another, always on the go for she was always experiencing very exceptional good health.

However for about a weeks she started experience fever and chills only at night, but in the mornings  and throughout the day she was quite ok,  she experienced ,no eye pain, no acidic taste ,no bad taste, no sore throat or running nose ,no cough like whatever like many people stated they had with the unset of the virus

She said after 5 days with the night fever she stated felling tired and her skin became so tender she could not lotion her skin. I think it was her daughter who said mommy.” You could be getting “Covid19”. She said she started to do the steaming of the nostrils drank lots of hot liquids, turmeric   tea and gargle the throat with hot water and salt that many said would stop CIVID!19  its tracks.

But non of that had any effect. She stared having real fever and chills in the day s and her daughter   Said Mommy you cod be having Covid19. She reported it and a doctor came and tested her, she was COVID19 positive. She was told to go into immediate Quarantine.

She was advised to get an oxygen level testing machine(Pulse Oximeter}and test her oxygen levels. Normal oxygen levels should be 95 .If it goes below  you could be heading for trouble. Her’ was 88.  On the Sunday She went out into the open air and started blowing bubbles in water and got it back up to 95.

 By Tuesday it went back down and try as she could it would not get it back up back to 95.

She started to have breathed problems and was quickly rushed on to the National Chest Hospital in Kingston,

She said they were very good from the porter who saw them as they came in and rush with a wheel chair and took her straight  where the Doctors and nurses quickly hooked her up to oxygen and stated working on her immediately.

She became much better that they could send her home but, not without some damage done.

She said having the virus is much more problematic than what people think. She was about 45 years old or there about. She had no COVID19 morbidities. However, she had to be given blood thinner because by way of an injection because doctors told her she started develops clots, and her plates got very low, so she was treated for that too. She was then told that she had also developed pneumonia in her lungs.

At the time of the interview, she out and at home, however she still was not over the pneumonia but was getting treatment at home.


It was a long interview, they had run out of time, it would be continued the next day. I listened for it, but it seemed as if I missed it or she was too ill to continue. To read it and hear it is no comparison. It was really heart breaking. It makes me want to take the COVID 19 vaccine

She gave accolades to the Staff at the National Chest Hospital, Kingston and advised if you are experience the  COVID 19  you should head straight to that hospital. They are Knowledgeable and considerate, and very professional.

Interviewer : Emily Shield

Contribution Author : Juliet Christie Murray

JICM Wellness Centre, Sandy Bay Hanover, Jamaica




Covid 19 and Herbs Formula

Can herbs help in this Covid 19 Pandemic

Do you know that herbs are very powerful  in maintaining  health and keeping body organs in top shape?

 It is said that what herbs do internally 
 To organs is like what exercise do to the 
outside body with out putting the body through great stress.

.There are some organs that no matter what exercise you do
 their performance and function will not improve.

However if the right type herbs are  administered in the right proportion and combination  these organs will rejuvenate and get back to peak performance.

Here is an  herbal combination you can make to help you if you get covid 19

1 bulb garlic
3 lemon peel skin
juice of 3 lemons
1/2 fresh ginger
6 inches aloe vera  peel (but leave on a piece of the skin)
1 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 quart water.
2 drops eucalyptus oil 
Blend all ingredients, Strain and bottle.
Put in refrigerator. drink 2 tbsp in 1/4 warm water. 3 times daily
Sit in the sun as much as you can.  put on mask when around individuals.
Drink a lot of warm tea. Fever grass is good, mullein, elder berry 

You can make a onion poultice and put on your chest or back  for 3 days  to keep away pneumonia.
Do not forget to keep in touch with the  community health authorities   let them know you  are experiencing  COVID 19 like symptoms  and self quarantine yourself

The JICM Wellness Centre
 has dry package herb combination  formulas that when properly used can be made into herbal teas or tonics.are proven to be very beneficial.

Lifestyle counselling is available to give information on benefits on how to use , duration of use.and amount  also contra indication of herbs .

Available are
single herbs
Special dry formula 
For detoxification , fibroid, menopause..infertility. male poor  sexual and reproductive performance Immune boosters against Civid19
 Lungs, liver. kidney,heart .stomach  health.

We carry black strap coconut black castor oil. maple syrup ,apple cider vinegar, turmeric ,cayenne,  charcoal, and organic herbal soap

We keep Jamaica traditional. Flavours alive in our bake products

If you feel for a genuine  piece of cornmeal pudding with custard on the top. Check us out on Wednesdays.
You can also get coconut gizzard with crisp brittle crust  banana muffins and coconut cakes.

Need a quick review of how well your body is functioning  do  a quick body scan..
Relax and relieve stress with one of our many massages and foot detox. 
We hope you will visit us soon

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