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Showing posts with label stripe beetroot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stripe beetroot. Show all posts

Why You Should Try Beetroot


Red beetroot

Beetroot is a dark red vegetable with an acquired taste which has had a lot of coverage in the news recently. Most beetroot on sale are round and red, but yellow, white and stripy versions are also available.
 . It is  said that the vegetable became popular in Roman times and it was used to treat fever, constipation, wounds, skin problems , high cholesterol- and was used as an aphrodisiac.(sexual stimulant)
The beetroot taste is described as sweet, earthy and tender to eat. It is grown in the ground and is related to turnips, swedes and sugar beet. It has been linked with better stamina, improved blood flow and lower blood pressure.
It contains nutrients such potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, B6 .Vitamin  C, folic acid, carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants and soluble fiber
Beetroot fiber has been shown to increase the level of antioxidant enzymes in the body increase the number of white blood cells, Beets are also one of the richest sources of glutamine, an amino acid, essential to the health and maintenance of the intestinal trac
A history of health
Beetroots have long been used for medicinal purposes, primarily for disorders of the liver as they help to stimulate the liver's detoxification processes. The plant pigment that gives beetroot its rich, purple-crimson colour is beta-cyanin; a powerful agent, thought to suppress the development of some types of cancer.                             

Yellow beet root

Researchers have known for some time that juice may help lower blood pressure, but in 2010 UK researchers revealed that nitrate is the  special ingredient in beetroot which lowers blood pressure and may help to fight       
 Research  shows: Beetroot fiber has been  increases the level of antioxidant enzymes in the body, (specifically one called glutathione peroxidase), as well as increases the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for detecting and eliminating abnormal cells. Beets are also one of the richest sources of glutamine, an amino acid, essential to the health and maintenance of the intestinal tract.

 If you're considering beetroot as one of your 5-a-day fruit or vegetables, it contains potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, B6 and C, folic acid, carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants and soluble fiber

   Selecting and storing  
    The greens should be fresh-looking with no signs of spoilage. The beetroot should be firm, smooth, and a vibrant red-purple, not soft, wrinkled or dull in colour. Fresh beets with the greens attached can be stored for three to four days in the fridge, but beets with the greens removed can be stored in the fridge for two to four weeks. Raw beets do not freeze well since they tend to become soft on thawing. Freezing cooked beetroot is fine as it retains its flavour and texture.
Slightly limp greens can be restored to freshness if stored in the refrigerator in water. However, if it's too late, you can simply cut them off.

White beetroot

Wash beets gently under cool running water, taking care not to tear the skin. It is this tough outer layer that helps keep most of the beetroot's pigments inside the vegetable. The leaves can be steamed lightly to retain their nutritional quality. When boiling beetroot, leave the beets with their root ends and one inch of stem attached and don't peel them until after cooking since beet juice can stain your skin.
If your hands become stained during preparation and cooking beetroot, rub some lemon juice over them to help remove the colour.

Though available year round, beets are sweetest and most tender during their peak season, from June to October. Beets are enjoying a resurgence in popularity among modern chefs. While heirloom varieties like white and golden yellow beets make for pretty dishes, only red beets have the cancer-fighting compound betacyanin.

Stripe beet root


For some people, eating beetroot may induce beeturia; a red or pink colour in the urine or stool. It is totally harmless! Beet greens and, to a lesser extent, the roots contain high levels of oxolate. Individuals with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones should avoid over-consuming beetroot 

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