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Showing posts with label what is true religion. Show all posts


RELIGION WITH OUT VOWELS is like a person without love
So many individuals follow a religious body but they have no  idea of what is true religion. Many follow to make their resume look good,

Some follow in order that when they die their family will have a church to church their body. In the true Jamaican parlance “take shame out a the family eye.”Some get attached to a religious body because they believe it is the right social thing to do not knowing what true religion really is all about.

True religion especially the Christian religion encompasses love for God and fellow men .It encompasses in the ten commandments and all the teachings of Jesus. Jesus’ teachings were based of true love. What is true love?

True Love is the channel of purity through which the heart flows out to its fellow men to do to him at all times.
If you cannot find that heart of purity then you cannot experience true love, be it Filial, Agape, or Eros.
James 1:27
English Standard Version (ESV)
27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Without this love then your love is like love spelt without the important vowels, therefore your religion and religious practices are like words built with only consonant senseless.

Is your religion made up of just empty consonants?

 Consonants alone cannot make English words. Vowels make  words have meaning. Love and religion: they create miracles.

Below is an acronym as it relates to the importance of vowels in religion.

 1. Acknowledge your sins and confess your sins them  to God  like David Psalm 51:3
2 .Examine yourself. Psalm 26:Corn11:28
3. Integrity: You must stand for what is right and  true Job 2:9--10
4  Obedience Follow Gods Laws this is what God expects of all. 1 Samuel 15:22-26, Acts 5 .29
5 . Understanding. Will enable you to make right choices Ask God for understanding
     1 Kings 3:9 ,4:29
6. Walk as Jesus walk, ask. Him for guidance .Gen 17:1, Gen 5:22-24 ,Eph 4:1 ,Micah 6 :8
6. Yoke be willing to carry the yoke of Jesus Christ Matt 11: 28-30.

Does your religion teach you how to apply the above to your daily living .Then you have put the vowels into your religion.

Contributing author: Juliet Christie Murray
Credit; Alberga Foster

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