Many individual are so ill today because they have made themselves ill. They refuse to be bearers of truth.They lie to themselves and others. Some of us prize ourselves as tellers of truth . But what is truth?
Recently I was invited to lunch by an elderly friend. She
also invited a young lady and her eight year old son. There were actually six
of us sitting at the table. The little boy was trying to get out of eating his
lunch by doing all sorts of pranks to the point that they became annoying.
You see the menu was strictly vegetarian with some sort of
vegetarian burger for the chief protein. (Meat) There was rice and peas, scalloped
sweet potato, friend plantain, boiled Renta yam, and boiled pumpkin accompanied
by a tossed salad and coconut cookies as desert.
His mom dished out the rice and peas, the burger and the
salad on his plate. He talked about his recent hospital visit for an asthma
attack and started to complain about how his tummy was aching. He actually went
to the bath room. Next he pretended he
was having an asthma attack. His mom kept telling him to stop that. But he pull
or manner of tricks. His last was to pretend he was asleep at the table.
His mom told him to stop pretending and get on with eating
his food. He straightened up and began laughing. In all this he did not taste a
single morsel of the food. She then mentioned to his that the meat on his plate
was the burger meat that they put into the burger king. At this point he said “Oh Yeh”; dive into
the food and in no time the plate was empty of every scrap of food.
With his antics gone everyone was more at ease at the table
and finished their meal, then went into a light conversation about cornmeal
pudding, and how to get it really yummy like grand ma’s old time cornmeal pudding
We all
retired to the living room and he went
to play the piano. One of the individuals asked a question
Relating to
truth, another asked what is truth? and that became the topic of the
afternoon conversation then.
One person
said that truth is dependent on the person who is asking the question and what
the person is willing to accept as truth, therefore truth is relative. Another said
it is when there is
so-spacerun: yes;"> no other answer could be the right answer.
The person
who started the conversation said what does the bible says truth is? The place
to find the answer would be the Bible.
He said,
what are the scripture passages that give a definition for truth? One person
quoted one but could not tell where it was found. The person who started the
conversion asked what tools could you use to help you. Another said the Bible
concordance. Surely there were two instances in the concordance.
He said
there were three. None of us could tell or find the third. So he patiently told
us where it was found .We look it up and there is was.
Here are the
Bible passages;
ST. John 14:6 Jesus said unto them I am the
way the truth the life no man cometh unto the father but by me (truth is Jesus
St John
17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth
thy word is truth. (Truth is God’s word)
Psalm 119:
151 Thou art near oh God and all thy
commandments are truth. (Truth is God’s Commandments)
1 John 4:6 It is the spirit that beareth forth witness because the spirit is truth
How can we
justify truth along this Bible definition
after recognizing that truth should not be relative?
Let us look
at the little boy’s attitude. He said he was not hungry was he being truthful
If, If truth is relative one could
answer may be yes. However the conditions change and he heard that the
meat was the same used by Burger King for making burgers he was suddenly hungry
according Christ definition Truth is not relative. It does not change according
to the
Truth as the commandment does not change it
stand for ever
2 Truth as .Jesus Christ, His principles and
way of life does not change they are the same yesterday,
and tomorrow.
Truth as
the word of God: God speaks and what he speaks stands He does not lie neither
Truth as
the spirit of God. God is a spirit and when we worship him we must do so in
spirit and the truth
These three
instances of truth found in the Bible are not debatable or relative .There is
no doubt in truth. The lad had left us to doubt because he kept changing the reasons for him not wanting to
Then when it
suited him he was immediately hungry and all the illnesses mysteriously
How do we as
individuals align our lives with truth? How do people who associate with us see
us as bearers of truth? We have no control by ourselves .They can only see us
as bearers of truth as we align our lives with Jesus through daily communion ,
by studying His words and by allowing the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Contributing Author
Juliet Christie Murray
Medical Missionary