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Showing posts with label COVID 19 side effects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID 19 side effects. Show all posts

The After Effects Of COVID19


There are serious illnesses affecting individuals who have had COVID19. One is a form mental disorder. Many complain of brain fog. Many find that they have the problem of not processing information as well as before they had the virus. ‌Many who had no such problems before are now experiencing memory deterioration . ‌Example one gentleman after experiencing his bout with COVID19 coming out of hospital could not recall where he was living and could not find his way back home.
Yes people are suffering dementia too. Remember that COID19 robs the body of oxygen and it is obvious that the brain suffered a lack of oxygen too. You can try he brain pill advertise on the right of this page The health authorities believe people will need mental health treatment and support since many will be experiencing depression .and some could get to the point of attempting suicide. 

‌Medical advice is to make sure the vaccine is taken as it will reduce these problems. ‌Reports from the USA is that people who were suffering from  "long  the COVD19 illness" .that means people who did not bounce back from Covid19 ,some who were even bed ridden were able to get up,  walked and felt much better  and many became fully healed after they had taken the vaccine.

 ‌What do the individual who were campaigning against the vaccine have to say about this. ‌ The newest update on the effects of Covid 19 is that men even as young as 25 years old experience one of the after effects that is they suffering erectile dysfunction which can last up to 6 months (many are too ashamed to talk about .When coupled with a lung not functioning as efficiently as before this is enough to make a man wants to commit suicide.

  I am asking men not to get frustrated and feel life is not worthwhile any more because of this. the sexual organ will work again give it up to 6 months, so do not let it affect you mentally and leave you really impotent. 

 Your lung will also work well again .you must do lots of deep breathing exercises in Fresh early morning air. There are lots of herbal formula that can help with this.

You contact us  at the JICM Wellness Center  we can give you advice on that. COVID 19 or the Vaccine ‌It is certainly seems  like the Vaccine could be y the better of the two evils. I suggest you take the vaccine Jamaican people are been asked please to take the jab as early as possible when it becomes available. Contributing author Juliet Christie Murray

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Get rid of it now Hypylori...