, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER: Health Laws
Showing posts with label Health Laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Laws. Show all posts


J.I.C.M. Wellness Centre:{ Jesus Incorporated Counseling Ministry Wellness Centre  is a natural health and wellness organization geared at helping individuals to make lifestyle changes through the implementation  of the eight naturals laws of health.

Its aim is for participants to achieve maximum health by preventing or reversing lifestyle diseases. The health advise on this site is given from a medical missionary point of view and is not intended to give specific medical ,diagnoses , prescribe or to replace traditional medicine. 

Therefore if at any time you are introduced to a program then it is advisable that you check your health practitioner for advise to see if it will enhence your health.
However you sometimes have to educate yourself and also step out in faith as many traditional  doctors do not readily embrace alternate medicine. One major reason their pharmaceutical sales will drop and their clientele will be greatly  reduced.

Natures eight doctors namely the eight health laws will be giving you advise. They have proven to be the best practitioners, always reliable always available and most of them are free of cost . Sometimes nature has to be given some help and so you  will  be introduced to nutritional herbs which will be beneficial in helping to maintaining your health or correct some health problems.

As said before these are not intended to replace traditional medicine and should be used with caution. Contrary to many belief herbs do have side effects if they are used over extended periods and wrong dosages. As medical missionaries we are bound by principle and integrity to let you know this. This counseling ministry is not intended to miss lead you for the sake of financial benefits or gains.

We encourage you to keep taking your medication until your doctor tests tells  you to reduce the dosage or to stop completely.

This site also stands by the writings of Ellen G White a woman of spiritual enlightening and who seeks to direct individual to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You are invited to give your feed back on articles that are posted on this site. They will be vetted then if they s are in accordance or will enhance the information here they will be published;
To contact us you will find information on the about page. We hope you  have a great, educational,  spiritual and physical experience as you browse.

When you have received your healing  our advice Go  And Sin No More less a worst thing come upon you.
 Simple  put if you go back to do what had originally caused you to be  sick then the illness will return
As you have receive  freely give go out and make tell the good news to others.

We also take prayer request for healing Call: 1876 3781354

Administrater: Author
Juliet Christie Murray.

The Spirit Of prophecy and The health Laws

-->   The health laws are There  for the many individuals who are seeking good they are the eight natures doctors.Here is a quick view of what the pen of inspiration has to say on each of them. They are arranged under the acronym .N.E.W.S.TA.R.T
    1  Nutrition     Ministry of Healing     
Our bodies are built up of the foods we eat. There is a constant breaking down of tissues of the body .Every movement of every organ involves waste. And this waste is repaired from our food. The food should be chosen to supply the elements we need.   In order to know what are the best foods we must study God’s original plan for man’s diet. Grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us. These foods prepare in a simple and natural a manner as possible are the most healthful and nourishing. They impart a strength ,power of endurance and a vigor of intellect that is not afforded by a more complex  and stimulating diet.

 2                         Exercise            
The faith I live     .EG White                         
One of the first laws of the being is the law of action. God has appointed labour is a blessing to man. When the brain is constantly taxed while the other organs of the living machinery are inactive there is loss of strength ,physical and mental.
Ministry  of Healing
Inactivity is the fruitful cause of disease .Exercise  quickens and equalizes the  circulation of the blood. In idleness the blood does not circulates  freely  and the change in it so necessary  to life   and health does not takes place.
Walking is preferable to riding or driving for it brings more of the muscles into exercise.Such exercise would in many cases be better for the health than medicine.

3       Water               Ministry of Healing – Nikae  Walker
In health and sickness water is one of heaven’s choicest blessings .Its proper use promotes health .It is the beverage God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drink freely it helps to supply the necessities and assist nature to resist disease. The external application of water is one of the easiest and most satisfactory ways of   regulating the circulation.  A cool or cold bath is an excellent tonic.
Warm bath opens open the pores and thus aid in the elimination of impurities. Both warm and neutral baths sooths the nerves and equalizes the circulation

 4         Sunshine:                 Medical evangelism E. G. White.  Sharonie
Bring the sunshine the sun of Righteousness into the sick room: The most helpless can be in the sunshine. The pure air the glad sunshine the flowers and trees, the orchards and vineyards and outdoor exercise are health giving life. In building of houses I t is especially important to secure thorough ventilation and sunlight. No room is fit to be occupied as a sleeping room unless it can be thrown opens daily to the air and sunshine.

 5      Temperance                                          
Ministry Of healing:      E.G. White  ,     The Faith I live:     E.G. White
Among the victims of intemperate are men of all classes, they have lost their self control.
In relationship to tea, coffee and tobacco and alcoholic drinks the only safe course is not to touch not to taste not to handle. Abstain from harmful indulgencies, and fleshy lust . Strictly temperate habits combined with exercise would ensure both mental and physical vigor.

 6          Air:                                          
Ministry of Healing E.G.White
The lungs should not be deprived of pure fresh air. Full deep inspiration of pure air should fill the lungs. Out of doors amidst the things that God has made the sick, breathing the fresh health giving air  can best be told of the new life in Jesus Christ. Encourage them to breathe the fresh air, encourage them to breathe deeply.

7       Rest                    

The Adventist Home    E.G. White                                                         Keeping Late Hours
The practice  of sitting up late at night is customary but it is not pleasing to God. These un -timely hours are injure to the health and make  unfit  the mind  for the next day’s duties.
Ministry of Healing  E.G. White
Some make themselves sick by over working ,for these freedom from care and a sparse diet are essential to restoration of health. Those who have broken down from mental labor should have rest from wearing thoughts

   8    Trust In God:   Ministry Of Healing E.G White              
Put your faith and belief in God. Look not to self but to Christ. He who healed  the sick and cast out demons when he walked among men is still the mighty redeemer. God often permit those in whom we place confidence  to fail us in order that we may learn the folly of trusting in man and making the flesh our arm. Let us trust fully and humble ourselves before God.

Conclusion      Taken from  The Faith I live 1959_ Walking as Christ Walk 

 All who understand the laws of  health  should realize their obligation to obey these laws that God has established in their being .Obedience to the health laws is to make the matter a personal duty

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Get rid of it now Hypylori...