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Showing posts with label natural treatment for piles and hemorroids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural treatment for piles and hemorroids. Show all posts

Natural Cure for Piles and Hemorrhoids.


 Healing Piles Naturally

Of  piles and fissures

Another name for Piles is Hemorrhoid

-Cause of them are small tear or fissures in the mucus lining of the anal canal

-Passage of large hard stools

-Severe diarrhea

-Compact colon

-Strains while passing hard stools

-Sexually related trauma

 Different types

 -Pressure of  pregnancy  and  beating down during birth

-Lifting of weights

     Signs and Symptoms hemorrhoids and piles

          ▪︎  Pain much like a paper cut.

           bright red blood after you poo.

          ▪︎ An itchy anus.

          ▪︎ feeling like you still need to poo after going to the toilet.  

            ▪︎slimy mucus in your underwear or on toilet paper after wiping your bottom

            ▪︎lumps around your anus.

  ▪︎pain around your anus.


 Hemorrhoid  Diet


Drink plenty of liquids :

                                Helps reverse  constipation

                                helps soften stool

                                proper hydration leads to better health

Eat whole grains:  like Brown rice, peas and beans

                                Seeds: like  grounded-flak, sesame, sunflower

                               Nuts : such as almond, pistachios

Fruits :                    Any kind: if diabetic ,avoid the very sweet                                  ones

Vegetables  Eat lots and lots to provide mineral and                                   vitamins and fiber.

 Raddish juice is helpful 1/4 to 1/2 cup daily.ðo not prolong  you can stop then start again. Remember to drink lots of water as it removes fluid and can dehydrate the body.

Natural Treatment for piles


1 Let surgery be your last option because you can get well without it naturally

2.When using the toilet wipe bottom with a damp cloth or damp toilet paper

3. Drinks lots and lots of water to soften stool

4. If in lots of pain take paracetamol              

 5. If itching occurs sit in a tub of warm water to ease itching and pain    

 6. Use an ice pack or wrap ice in a towel, place on area for pain

 7. Use 1 part peroxide in 3 parts water to clean area and promote healing    

Hot sits bath to cool the aches of pile

 8. Peel aloe Vera and cut jell into strips and freeze then insert  in anus  to promote Internal  healing  and soothing of  fissures and cuts.


9. You can make from cotton a supository and soak in castor oil  then insert in the anus  for 24 hrs. To promote healing of  veins on the inside


  Addressing and healing  Bleeding Piles 

1.Drink 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper powder in ½ cup warm water 3 times daily.

2. Use 1oz hydrogen peroxide in 8 ozs warm water as an enema hold in as long  as you can,. Do daily until you get results.

3. Do not eat dumplings

 4. Do not do anal sex

 5. Keep feces soft you can take cascara herb tablet 1 2-3   times daily until it is at the right consistency

6. Drink green juice 1 time daily until you see  improvement

7. If piles are on the outside put cayenne on a cotton and         keep there to stop the bleeding.


Contributing Author

          Juliet Christie Murray

Lifestyle Counselor/Educator

JICM Wellness Centre

Sandy Bay, ,Hanover Jamaica

1 876 378-1354




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