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FISHER MEN PARA DICE a poor representation for the creator's promise Paradise |
5:6 Wilt thou be made whole?
That was the question Jesus asked the man with the 38 years of infirmity
waiting to be healed in the pool of Bethesda.
Notice Jesus
did not ask do you want to be healed. He
said “ Will thou be made whole? A whole person is well spiritually ,mentally,
socially and physically.
I asked you
the same question today “will thou be made Whole”
all want the Rabbinic dream. We all want to live forever. Do you know why we want to live forever?
We were created to live forever.
:9 Tells of
trees in the garden of Eden and fruits that could be eaten freely if man wishes. However
there was one he should not touch or eat of its fruit. (The tree of knowledge
of good and evil ).For the day they touch it they will die.
3 Saw man’s disobedience and from that day he started to truly die
Gen ;22 -24 tell of man being bared from eating of the tree of
life less he became a perpetual sinner
and live forever.
From that day man developed an extreme thirst and
passion to regain perpetual life and live forever He is :
1_wanting to be save from death
2-seeking to find the fountain of youth
3-Seeking to create the elixir for
perfect health
4-Seeking his former glory
5-seeking his former perfection and to
live forever
Just take a look at how industries capitalize on this yearning
1.The cosmetic industry : bleaching cream, rejuvenating creams , make up and Cosmetics
2.Clothing industries creating clothes
to make one look young and appealing
3 Natural Health industries go over
board in creating health foods, recipes diet plants and medicinal products; all trying to reap the benefit of man’s craving for
eternal life.
No one wants to look old , old age means
death and no one wants to die because
we were created to live forever . and we all seek the rabbinic dream.
How ever there is one way available to
man for living for ever that is through the gift of Jesus Christ. Sacrifice.
We must be able to live and die well with Jesus.
I repeat we must be able to live well in
Christ and Die well in Christ.
Many start the journey well with Christ but
Many falter by the way.
No matter how well you started or
You must finish the
journey with Christ if you seek eternal life.
Do you really want to live forever
Ezekiel 47 tells of a river that flows from a sanctuary and on both sides is the tree of life whose fruits will be good for food and the leaves for healing.
The question is when will this tree,
fruits and leaves be available for complete healing.
Revelation 22 also
tells us of a river of life clear as crystal coming from the throne of God and
the lamb. Which God ( Yahweh) Jehovah) and
the lamb is His son Yashwah (Jesus
In the midst of the street is the river of life. On either side is the tree of life that bears
twelve fruits and yield them every month.
Not like the seasonal fruits we now have
mango ,plumbs , pears .
The leaves of the tree is for the
healing of the nations.
The throne of God and the lamb will always be there and his
servants shall serve him
The Questions is asked who are his servants?
It Goes on to say and they shall see his face , and his name
shall be in their foreheads
I repeat who are his servants .
who have the identifying marks of Jesus. The righteous.
They shall have everlasting life
Revelation 22. States they will no more experience
curse, they shall not experience night for God give them light. The righteous
shall live and reign forever and ever
Blessed are those who heed the words of
this book (Revelation)
Blessed are those who do his
commandments that they may have right to
the tree of life and enter the city.
Out side are dogs, and sorceress, whore mongers, immoral persons,
murders, adulteress and those who love and practice lies.
Readers and listeners ,my brethren. If we
have started the journey of wanting to live forever . we must continue to live it well but most important we
must finish well.
Living and achieving the Rabbinic dream well, is to be obedient to Your heavenly
Father. And the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Wilt thou be made whole?
John The revelator says :Testify to anyone who
reads the words of this book If anyone
adds to this book God will add the plagues that are written in this book
If anyone take away from this book God
will take away his part out of the book of life
(Revelation 22. 18-19 )
Contributing author
Juliet Christie Murray
MM. Ceo Jicm wellness Centre
Sandy Bay, Hanover ,Jamaica.