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Showing posts with label What you should know about Menopause. Show all posts

The Truth About Menopause

What you should know about Menopause

JICM Health Products  

To Help With  Y0our Menopause Problems

We are now going to take a closer look at menopause. This is the period when the hormones  estrogen and progesterone will  start to diminish and testosterone will begin to heighten in a woman. Just before it reach to an all time low a woman may starts to experience premenstrual problems  sometime called (premenstrual syndrome).All these feeling occur just before the cessation of the menses and can go on for a long period depending on the woman and the reason for the cessation.
The causes for menopause could
1.     diminishing hormones due to aging,
2.     early menopause due to surgery,
3.     traumatic experiences
   Plainly put  it is any of the changes a woman goes through either just before or after the cessation of her monthly period (menses) that marks the end of her reproductive  periods .These change can manifest in one or more of the following  signs  or symptoms below.

Signs and Symptoms of menopause

1.       Memory lapses
2.       Fatigue  
3.       Loss of libido
4.       Panic disorders
5.       Urinary tract infections
6.       Bloating
7.       Hair loss
8.       Dizziness
9.       Incontinence
10.   Headaches
11.   Anxiety
12.   Breast pain
13.   Electric shock sensation
14.   Hot flashes
15.   Irregular menses
16.   Nights sweats
17.   Vaginal dryness
18.   Elevated heart rate
19.    Burning tongue
20.   Digestive problems
21.   Muscle tension
22.   Allergies
23.   Brittle nails
24.   Body odor
25.   Itchy skin
26.   Osteoporosis
27.   Tingling extremities
28.    Difficulty concentrating
29.   Psychosomatic disorders
30.   Extreme fear
31.   Depression
32.   Joint pain
33.   Insomnia
34.   Weight gain
35.   Sleep disorders
36.   Chills
37.   Mood change
38.   Slow metabolism

 What you should know about Menopause

Medical doctor offer treatment
1.       Hormone replacement  estrogen and progesterone if uterus is gone
2.       Vagina suppository to help with dry vagina
3.       Treatment to slows down  or prevent –osteoporosis- wasting of bones
Not everyone can  tolerate hormone replacement. It is dependent on the health of the individual. These hormone replace therapies  Can be administered  through
1.       Tablets  Peramin (estradiol, Estrace, Estratorb tak 1per day
2.        Patches and sprays like alora, climara, Estraderm, Vivelle (sensitive to heat)
3.        Suppositories these may have the same name as above only they are inserted             into the vagina instead of swallowing
4.       Creams and gels  Estrasorb  Evamist, Estrogel  they may be applied on shoulder         wrist, and arms
These therapies can reduce troublesome symptoms of menopause  like hot flashes and lower the risk of osteoporosis

Risk factors associate with the conventional doctors therapies
1.       Increase risk of stroke ,blood clot  when combined with the hormone                      progesterone
2.       Cancer , heart attack  swollen and painful breast
3.       Vaginal discharges, headaches,  nausea
4.       May increase damage to the already compromised li ver
5.       Estrogen  may cause certain  to cause stomach  disorders.
6.        May increase  dangerous cholesterol
        Overall the risk of takes  hormone therapy is too high compare with natural  treatment.
What you should know about Menopause 

      Natural methods of controlling the effects of menopause

1.       Ensure you are practicing the 8 health law paying special attention to diet and you
     may need to add or step up on your mineral and vitamin supplements.
2.        Get involved  with a social group doing something that you like
3.       Do exercise daily  walking in the  sunshine before 10 am and after 3pm
4.       You may reduce some of the symptom by taking herbal supplements in the form
          of teas or tablets however the tea is more effective since her work better in water which         is the ionizing agent. If you take tablets drink lots of water.

    Herbs Like black cohosh, evening primrose, wild yam, chase berry don qui , red                   raspberry ,sage most of them are low dose natural estrogen Sage all these herb must use with                 caution.
    Over use can bring on some side effects especially liver related. Always consult your             health provider
5.      Soy ,grounded flax , vitamin E use to lubricate the vagina, cold drink to cool the hot             flashes Clari-sage therapeutic grade oil put on the inside of upper arm may bring some           relief
6.    Make use of water by drinking and taking cool showers especially if you experience night sweats.
 Contributing author
  Juliet I. Christie Murray
Natural health Counselor

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