TO MAKE IT TO HEAVEN: And get your true healing
You may
be feeling ill at the moment and would
like to be healed. However the best healing will be that of gain eternal life.
Just in case you do not get well physically in this life, when you
get eternal life you will have no
more sickness nor pain nor death.
things are possible if you have the faith believe and obey the teachings of Jesus Christ
Follow the teachings of Jesus Christ
Read Matt. Mark, Luke and John .in the Holy Bible These are the Gospel of Jesus Christ .
Before you start pray and ask for guidance of the Holy Spirit. Next read the book
of Hebrews slowly.
Read Matt. Mark, Luke and John .in the Holy Bible These are the Gospel of Jesus Christ .
Before you start pray and ask for guidance of the Holy Spirit. Next read the book
of Hebrews slowly.
Acknowledge that you are a sinner
.Confess your sins to Jesus and ask for His forgiveness.
.Confess your sins to Jesus and ask for His forgiveness.
Then decide to follow him.
Find a body of people who are following the teachings of Jesus Christ and be baptized
like Jesus did (You must not forget the assembling with another (Hebrews 10:25).
Find a body of people who are following the teachings of Jesus Christ and be baptized
like Jesus did (You must not forget the assembling with another (Hebrews 10:25).
Find a body of people to connect to
How do you identify the right body of people to be connected to
How do you identify the right body of people to be connected to
a. Isaiah 8:20 -They
must follow the laws and the testimonies of Jesus Christ
b. Revelation
14:12 They must keep the commands of
c. Revelation
22:10-16-Blessed are they who keep the commands they have right
to eternal life
to eternal life
d. Hebrews 4: 1-16
-They keep all the Ten Commandments not
only nine
Just like Jesus did.
Just like Jesus did.
a. Galatians 3:24 it correct us like a
school master it points out sin
b. Mathew 23: 23 It shows judgment, mercy and faith
b. Mathew 23: 23 It shows judgment, mercy and faith
Proverbs 13:13-16. It rewards and also keep us from the snare of eternal death
d. Proverbs 13: 13-16 It is the foundation of life
d. Proverbs 13: 13-16 It is the foundation of life
Is the commandment given in Exodus 20: 1-20 still relevant to day
a. Matthew 3:16 - Until heaven and earth pass the law still stands
b. James 2:10-13- All the moral law should be kept including the
commandment of love
commandment of love
c. Rev 22: 14- It Keeping the law gives right to the tree of life
What is Sin.
a.John 3:4 Sin is the
transgression of the law
b.Rom.7:7 Without the law cannot know sin .
c.Rom. 6:22 The wages of Sin is death, but the gift of God is
eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord
d.Eph. 2:8-9 You cannot work for eternal life it is a gift given us freely by Jesus
We are save by this gift of grace
.But we must accept this gift of grace by faith and by doing the will of Jehovah God
If you love Him you will fear Him and keep his commandments. (The fear of the Lord is to hate evil Prov.8:13). It is the beginning of wisdom
.But we must accept this gift of grace by faith and by doing the will of Jehovah God
If you love Him you will fear Him and keep his commandments. (The fear of the Lord is to hate evil Prov.8:13). It is the beginning of wisdom
Prepared by : Medical Missionary: Juliet Christie Murray.