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There are many forms in which herbs can be used, the most common of which is in the form of a liquid drunk by the patient, either an herbal tea or a (possibly diluted) plant extract. powders and tablets I have helped hundreds of people with different problems and promoted a healthy lifestyle that leads to health and wellness.Herb-like: to create the formula that is sure to help you
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At Dr. Freeman – Herbal Home ) we will find herbs to address any of the problem below
alcoholism AllergyAcneAllergyAthletes footAnxiety and stressBad breathBoilsBurnsFluGas(Swollen stomach)P.A.D diseaseGingivitisEaracheDiverticulitisColdsAlzheimer's diseaseAnginaArthritisAsthmaAttention-deficit disorderBronchitisCancerCongestive heart failureConstipationCoughCopdGravesDepressionDiabetesDiabetic ulcersDiarrheaDizzinessFibroidFatigueGiardiaHay feverHigh blood pressureHigh blood sugarHigh cholesterolHiv/AidsHepatitis AHepatitis BHepatitis CHerpesIrritable bowelImpotenceIndigestionHPVInfectionInsomniaHot flashesIrregular heartbeatIrregular MenstruationLow sperm countMalariaMenstrual crampsPremenstrual syndromeShinglesNauseaSyndromeMorning sicknessMuscle painToilet InfectionsMigraineLower Back painSyphilisSore throatTonsillitisUlcersVaricositiesYeast infectionETCLISTEN Dr. Freeman – Herbal Products for any of the above problems