Remove Toxins From the Body
A good health regime is to do a 3 days general cleaning at
the end of each month.
Juices will help neutralize toxins and aid their elimination
through the kidney liver and skin
Broth puts back your potassium, aloe and grapefruit mixture
cleans blood, Psyllium sweep the
intestine, enema cleans colon.
If it is
just a general cleansing your body
needs, only juices, lemon and water. chlorophyll or Spirulina
This is to be used each day of the cleaning.
Must be done 3-6 days
4-6 Lemon or
lime juice
64 oz Water spring or boiled water
24 ozs Fruit juice
(grapefruit, orange, lemon) ( apple, grapes, pineapple ) ( melon drink alone)
24 ozs Vegetable juice ( calaloo, pack choi, string beans, cucumbers carrot celery) do fresh or store in covered container
for 1 day
8 0zs vegetable broth evenings (no Food) (
Irish potato 2 , 2 carrot, celery, onion, garlic,) pinch sea salt boil strain and drink)
( chlorophyll / Spirulina )
Enema bag
(draw 2 tbsp in 2 quarts water) use in enema
Deep BloodCleaning (turmeric,
I tsp , aloe vera 2 inches, ¼ tsp cayenne,
1whole grapefruit without rind) blend
and take 2 ozs or 4 tbsp at
1. Night before mix 1
table Psyllium husk spoon in 5 ozes
water and take immediately
2. In the morning take
1 table spoon lemon juice in 2 -8ozs glass Luke warm water
3. Take one glass of
fruit juice mix with 1./2 tsp Spirulina /chlorophyll 7.00-800 am
4 Drink 1 glass
5. 1 1/2 glass vegetable
juice 10.00 a.m
6. 1 glass water
7. 1 1/2glass fruit
juice 12.00 p.m.
8 1 glass water
9. 11/2 glass vegetable
juice 2.00 p;m
10.1 glass water
11. I 8 oz bowl vegetable broth 4.00 p.m
13. 1 glass water
14. 5 ozs Psyllium husk in 5 ozs water 6.00 pm
15. 1 glass water before going to bed/ fruit juice
If you
experience nausea or headache
it is the body getting rid of waste. drink a tea like mint..
Enema must
be used if cleaning for a disease. Do at
nights before going to bed.
You can do
a salt glow of slightly moist Epsom salt to rub the body then shower.
Drink a light vegetable soup the day after fast and fruit
juice before going back to regular meals