Counseling: Sometimes we are so ill that we give up hope of ever getting well ; it maybe hard to believe but the problem in many cases is caused by worm infestation.
They can be avoided if our immune is very strong .Sometimes all we require is a deworming once per 6-12 months.
However you could decide to take a vermicide that cuts up the worms and they come out through the stool or you can take a vermifuge that detach them from the intestines and they are expelled from the system. You need to do a repeate to make sure you get rid of the overload. Sometimes they are in the blood and other organs and can become life threatening and dangerous.
In the intestines they are said to produce some of the healthy bacteria that is why the aim is to keep down the over infestation not to completely kill all.
When they start robbing us of our food and overload our body with their poop it's time to get rid of them and their excessive toxins they can produce.
Start with these simple food Drink pineapple juice blended with pumpkin seed 3 times daily
-Coconut water mixed with pumpkin seed and papaya seeds 3 times daily
l .Detox the body with pure melon 3 times daily 3-7 dsys .
You can add 2 glasses green juice daily with not less than 3
This should include cucumber Kayle
Spinach celery.parsley, broccoli. Lettuce .calaloo. parsley .celery etc .
you may now add some herbs you can use a combination of 3 for maximum effect.
Herbs for deworming
Black wall nut
Semi contract
Worm wood
Worm seed
Joseph coat
Pomegranate all parts especially the root
You should add some Probiotics to balance the intestinal bacteria.
It is best to do a quick follow up repeat ..
You can exchange some of the herbs some from the list above for the next repeat to some from the list below too. These can include
Golden thread
grape seed extract
Oregano oil
Oregon grape
Symptoms of worm infestation:
-Flu like symptoms
-Stomach cramps
-Gas bloating
-un explained weight loss
-Abdominal pain or tenderness
Complications: of worm infestation
1 Intestinal worms increases your risk of anemia. And intestinal blockage
2.Complications may occur in suppressed immune system such as people with with HIV AIDS
Prevention: of worm infestation
-Regular wash your hand with warm water and soap after
-Using the the bathroom
-Handling pets and their feeding containers
-Wash or reheat any food drop on the floor
-Wash peel or cook any raw fruits and vegetables with boiled or purified water.
-Freeze fish and meat 4° at least 24 hrs before using.
-Thoroughly cook ground meat to 62°.8C and 71°C for whole cuts of meat.
Let cooked meat rest for 3 minutes after cooking before carving or eating
Get them to .wash their hands regularly with soap and water.
Types of intestinal worms:
1 .Flat worms including tape worm and flukes worm
2.round worm which include ascariasis, pinworms
,hook worm infections
Cause of worm infestation:
1.Eating undercooked food from animals
2.Consumption of contaminated water
3.Consumption of contaminated soil
4.Contact with contaminated feces
4 Poor sanitation
5.Poor hygiene
NB: always wash hand after handling soil.planting plants handling wet mops and pets.
While your illness may be worm infestation related never forget that what we think we become. Let love for others just as we love ourself be on the fore fron of or frontal lobe of of our minds.
The mind is the most powerful instrument in healing.coupled with trusting in the devine being that created us.
Read the book Minis9ry of Healing .Ellen G. White: Chapter Mind Cure page 241
Contributing author:
Juliet Christie Murray
Credit is given to the following,
Resources Sources
Healthline .
Myo Clinic
Errol Hall medical Missionary
Medical News today