Do you know that your enter body is made out of pure energy.this energy is arrange in different form to produce organs ,bones hair and liquid in the body.
Well there is one organ in the body that you can use to top up your energy quickly if you are feeling stressed or tired especially when you are in places where you need energy or need to calm the rising stress.It is believed that the body has at its disposal 9 energy system that you can activate to pump up the energy.
However I will just introduce you to the triple warmer a simple one which for most people over utilizes an gland that at 70 it is not even there but that what remains of it is just a blob of fat.
Have you seen in the movies Tarzan or Cheeta beating their chest when they are thinking of going to war. Well you believe this they are activating one of the easiest system of pumping up the energy the "triple warmer
Why best the chest? You see there is a gland situate right at the breast between the lung behind the sternum called the thymus gland. Though born with it it is slowly developed until late childhood,and puberty when it reach its maximum weight and slowly starts shrinking and gradually replace by a fatty tissue.
Thymosin is the hormone produce by the thymus. Throughout the childhood years It helps in the development of T Cells, which are specific type of white blood cell called lymphocytes. These Cells pass through the thymus gland on their way to the lump noods.
where hey helps to fight disease
The thymus has a double function one as a endocrine the other a lymphatic gland. These functions form part of the immune system and thus helps the body to fight many diseases in the body.
The immunes system is a part of the first line of protecting the body from invasive bacteria and viruses.
You need to know that if you beat a few seconds on the area on the chest between the breast at times when you are very tired or feel stressed your energy will pump up and and your stress releive