Cancer help Protocol
Weakness, diabetes,
pain in stomach or lower back, jaundice , diarrhea, weight loss
Cause of pancreatic cancer is usually caused by:
1. -Wrong food habits
2. -Poor diet
Commercial, seasonings, and spices spices
4. -Smoking / 2nd ary exposure to smoke.
5. - High fat diet, protein, sugary, and salty
6. - Chemical and toxins exposure
7. -Predispose, factors: heredity, pancreatitis, diabetes, constipation
8. -Dairy products, meat eating.
9. -Low immune response
Natural Treatment: Change
the wrong habits above
Follow the 8 laws of health NEWSTART Nutrition, Exercise, Water,
Sunshine, Temperance, Air , Rest, Trust God. reduce
stressful situations.
Because the individual is likely to feel weak,
and do not want to eat especially if they do radiation or chemotherapy they will be nausea.
The Diet must be nutritious and taken
in small quantities
2 . Suggested diet
Have 3-4
serving of fruits daily include in them (blue, purple and red berries) ½ cup )
is a serving.
Add 6 ozs.
of freshly squeezed orange juice daily
Eat oatmeal
add grounded flax seed and a few raisins and walnuts
bone broth made from
Irish potato and bones and carrot.
Eat fish and
chicken about 1 time weekly
Eat a
handful of nuts and seeds daily (chia seed, sunflower, sesame seed, pistachios.
Almond etc) .
Remove red
meat but its best to remove all flesh for a while
Add whey or
hemp protein powder in order to keep weight stable 3tbsp daily
Golden milk: 1 glass
almond or soy with ½ tsp of turmeric powder Daily . Do not eat any form of
Have lots of carrot juice Do not add any sugar 3-5 glasses
daily if cannot tolerate food
Have 1-2 glasses of green juice daily made up of at least 3 (lettuce,
cucumber, celery, broccoli, callaloo etc} each time. Add spirulina to at least
1 glass daily and a piece of garlic. Have 6 glasses of purified water daily.
Pancrestic cancer Eat whole
grains cornmeal.
Brown rice , wild, black rice ,quinoa,
fresh vegetables and steamed reduce starches to minimal , Do not eat any
product make from wheat . bread, pasta etc. while on this protocol
individual may have digestive problems since the good bacterial may be
destroyed therefore, probiotics is recommended, try Acidophilus
1 tablet daily
4, Take supplements to build the immune as it is now compromised.
C. 5000 mg daily , Vitamin D
5000IU daily Beta Carotene 25,000
IU , 4 times daily for 3 weeks. Kelp 5 capsule 2 times daily. Spirulina,
4 capsule daily or 2 tsp 3 times daily. Blackstrap molasses 1 tbsp 2 times daily , Irish moss 2 capsule 2
times daily, Alfalfa 3 capsule 3
times daily open it water is better. Golden seal ½ tsp in juice 3 times
daily for 8 days at a time rest, 7days then start again, Take 100mg zinc
daily. Take 500 magnesium daily Take selenium 200 mg daily
and vitamin B complex1000 mg daily .Take ashwagandha to
reduce stress and help sleep. For pain
take white willow
5, Herbs to remove pancreatic cancer.cells
Blood’ cleaning tea St Johns wort 2 parts Chaparral 4 parts Pau D arco 4 parts Violet leaves
3 parts Echinacea 5 parts. Mix all. Make a tea of 2 tsp in 8ozs water take 4
times daily Until done. Maybe repeat consult
the herbalist |
Burning cancer cells tea Chaparral 1oz Alfalfa 1 tbsp Pau D arco 1
oz Shiitake 1oz Astragalus 1
ozs Periwinkle 1oz Mix and use and use 1 tbsp In cup 2 take times daily. Until done |
5. Pancreatic cancer Detoxification;
A 3 days fast drinking only juice can be done at least once every 21 days
Enema Take coffee enema 2-3 times daily. Draw grain coffee in 1 quart water cool to
body temperature , pur into enema bag and gentle insert the tube into anus,
gentle run the tea in. Hold for as long as you can . then go bathroom and
evacuate, Take 1 capsule senna every 3
days. If have diarrhea stop the senna
Salt Rub :do Epsom salt rub 3 times weekly do a warm bath after each (. ½lb
Epsom salt, damp and rub over entire
body Bathe in warm water, dry off, wrap and go to bed
oil pack : get
a marina /T shirt . cut off sleeves and
neck pour on I bottle of castor oil .Fold it , Put on area ,put plastic over it,
then bandage to prevent leakage. This pack can be reused nightly. Just store in
a plastic bag
NB The
only healer is your own body if given the right condition and stop and change the
bad habits that cause the disease. They are listed above. The other healer is
God Almighty. Do the 8 health laws and the things
above .Ask God for forgiveness and Mercy He hears sinners prayers too and He
wish us to turn our life over to him. He has given you your wake up call . You
are one of the chosen few. Set all that
straight . Then what is there to fear. The almighty holds everything. He
will take care of you.
For you I am praying , for you I am praying,
.I am praying for you. Written with all my love
Contribution Author :
Juliet Christie Healthy lifestyle counsellor/ Nutritionist