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Showing posts with label natural cure. Show all posts

Help for prostate cancer

 Help for prostrate Cancer

prostrating problems warning  signs

1. Slow urine stream

2. Frequent urination
3. Swelling and pain in 
     the rectum
  4.Difficulty and frequency in            urination especially at nights 
If you are experiencing any of the signs above as a male before it gets worst and  become full-blown cancer get the natural supplement the best for the problem  at this time click the link to get it Prostadine drops  

Testing  For prostrate Cancer

1.   Digital -Using the index finger to test the rectum.

2.      PSA- Prostate-specific Antigen. This is a protein secreted by the prostate gland

                Done by a blood test: PSA = 4 When the blood PSA is above 4 there is a prostate   problem

.     3. Biopsy When the prostrate gets lumpy and hard, a Biopsy is done. A needle is  inserted and a piece is snipped off for testing. The Biopsy is rated from 2-10

                There is Cancer if the Biopsy  shows 2-10,  2 is not aggressive, and 8 -10  is                very aggressive. cancer  stages of  Prostrated  is  A-D  or 1-4

4      MRI, CT Scan: Scans bones from head to toe. The stage determines the treatment.


 Prostrate cancer is a hormone cancer, even if you follow the laws of health you can still have cancer. Once cancer has left the prostate gland we cannot guarantee a cure.  It is best to remove testosterone from the system    If a  person is over 75 years  old, no radical prostrate surgery is given  .It is given to people who have 10 years or more to live.  If the person is 75 years and over he is given radiation. Large PSA over 20  likely there is a risk.

Signs and symptoms

            i.            Erectile dysfunction     impotence

           ii.            Bleeding;                      blood in urine

           iii.          Urine control                 urinating on yourself

            iv.          Urinary obstruction      stoppage of water

 Types Of  Prostate Treatment

Radiation - kills cells thus stopping their growth. The rate of survival is up to 10 years

 This is where an external beam is passed over the affected area for 6 or 7 weeks, 5 days per week.

Hormone Therapy complication

            i.                 Enlarge breast

            ii.                  Flushing-like (hot flashes)

           iii.                 Erectile dysfunction

Cryotherapy-        for prostate therapy this is the freezing of cancer cells

Chemotherapy -   Used for the last stage of cancer. They are real drugs. given by muscles, veins mouth, on skin, or organ cavities

Side effects      These may occur or not at all

            i.                   Weakness

            ii.                  Nausea and vomiting

            iii.                 Hair loss


Herbal remedies    For hormone for treatment 

 -Medicinal herbs:  like tumor shrinking and wasting, blood detox herbs etc. if you use the.

-Soya  Products:     good for prostate but may cause enlarged breast

.-Immune herbs:     system building   

-Herbs that destroy tumors: all these must be done in the very early stage


 Watchful waiting  is

            i.            Observing a patient while no treatment is given

            ii.          Such patient usually has organ-confined cancer with no symptom

While  you are waiting can take prostadined rops you will be surprised at what it can do

 Can prostate cancer be prevented? - No specific measures are known in the medical field.  Early detection with an attempt to cure. However the herbal formula Postadine has been  used to prevent or reverse the very early onset 

  Dietary Measures, along with 8 health laws are encouraging

·                   Low-fat low diet Soya bean product increase estrogen

·                   Lycopene from tomatoes                 

                     Selenium & vitamin E, Zinc

·                  Avoiding flesh, sugar, salt, fatty foods


Credit for this section is given to {Dr. Keith Wedderburn} urologist

  Natural Program for Prostate cancer

The Naturopathic measures are known to reduce prostatitis and prostate cancer but are looked down on by conventional doctors mainly because they have no training in such methods and to please BIG PHARMA by pushing their drug. Health is all in the money. This is one of the best if not the best



    1 Detoxifying the body:

(a)   colon cleansing (4ins aloe vera, 1 lemon juice ½ tsp turmeric I cup water)

    take ½ cup 2 x d daily 3-7 days or

(b)  using cascara, senna, goldenseal tea 1-2 tsp in 1 cup water) 2 x d 3-7

       day ake only green juice, carrot, juice beet juice, eat melon, cantaloupe

        4-5 times daily or when hungry while doing the above (a) or (b) 

                 c. Blood cleaning Do with the colon cleanse but go all 7 days  Drink a                              combination tea of all the following herbs (1part gravel root I part   

           1 part plantain.1part echinacea, 1 part buchu,1 part astragulus,1 part chaparral,

            1 part} 1 part periwinkle, 1 part stinging nettle. ¼ part ginger,,1/4 part   lobelia, 

           Use  to make tea add  3 tsp to one cup boiling water sweetened with                                               honey(optional}

    Take ½ cup 3 times daily. More effective if done with a coffee enema. 1 x 

     x7 days, (Draw coffee 1quart  water, cool and put into enema bag and Insert into 

     rectum lying on the side hold for as long as you can. 

   Come off the cleanse with a light vegetable  soup and take 1 acidophilus  tablet 

            per day for 7 days after,

        c. Sweating out toxins with Epsom salt glow (warm bath scrubbing entire 

           body with Epsom salt) and Russian steam baths will induce sweat

            See different ways on the internet.

                     2. Supplements:  These should be taken to reduce swelling  Saw palmetto                                                 tablets, Avena  stevia,(oats) pygeum, kelp,  zinc taken in tablet form, and                                                    albumin tablets, follow instructions on the bottle

                   3.  Diet protocol

                    -  If albumin tablets cannot be found take egg white to build albumin

                       levels to   

                     - take sea kelp. Pumpkin seed, grains, flax seed, /oil 

                -  Eat dark green, leafy, red, and yellow vegetables, legumes,

                                 peas beans

                      - Eat fruits, eat an apple a day, eat nuts,

                      - drink green juice and carrot and beet juice

                     - Eat grains, like brown rice, quinoa corn

                     - Reduce or cut out red meat, soda,

          -   Eat only 100 % organic food

               -   Do not eat in fast food restaurants

                       - Do not eat anything that comes out of the microwave

                - Eliminate aspartame and monosodium glutamate

           -  Do not eat artificial flavors (including Splenda)

            - Do not drink diet sodas

             -Do not eat hydrogenated oils( eat virgin oil , olive coconut, )

                  -Do not eat homogenized and pasteurized dairy products

                   -Do not eat high fructose corn syrup

         4. Exercise Regime; Do 30 minutes walk if you can in see the sun 3x weekly

                 -   aerobic 20- 30 minutes a day 3-4 times weekly

                  - Strength  training  lift weights 2-3 times daily for 8-10 minutes

                   - stretching -exercise  like yoga, like stretching after each exercise

    Help for prostate cancer

                5. Immaculate: hygiene practiced personal bath and change of clothing.

                           Proper hand washing to keep away viruses, bacteria, fungus

                           Which reduces blood albumin levels which are needed to balance

                            Body fluids and nutrients so it can fight disease

                            Oral hygiene visits the dentist and make sure you remove a mercury

                            filling as they reduce albumin levels.

                  6      Massage the Prostate externally and internally.

                  7.      Progesterone cream rub on balls 2 times daily if it reaches cancer stage

                   8.    Prayer   When  using this protocol, you are required to pray daily asking    the creator for healing Because it is, He who heals and holds life all other                                           things are just props to make the stage looks good   

Update. 10.09.23

 a 1-2  lbs soursop  fruit daily for 2 months then 1 time per werek  can greatly reduce the chances of prostrate swelling  becoming cancerous as long as you mamage flesh and sugar intake

                   This section  on natural is contributed by lifestyle counselor Juliet Christie Murray (medical                                   missionary)












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