, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER

Health is a blessing :Eternal Life is Better

           HE  HEAVEN  SICK OR   
     Beloved, I wish above all things that 
thou mayest   prosper and be in health, 
even as thy soul prospereth.   ( 3 John 1:2)

           SANDY BAY
   can  help  you  reach these goals

      Call: For appointment   
         Or leave a message
              1 876  378-1354–
                 1 876  868-5692

Health is a blessing but Eternal  Life is better 

 You may be feeling ill at the moment and would like to be healed. However the best healing will be that of gaining eternal life.

  Just in case you do not get well physically in this life ,when you get eternal life you will have  no more sickness, pain, no more  fear of death. You will have a new glorified body

 All things are possible if you have the:
 Faith  to believe and obey the teachings of Jehovah  God and  his son Jesus Christ who gave his life as a ransom for our sins  so that all now have access to Eternal  life
Learn the teachings of Jesus Christ 
 1. Read the Gospels: Matt. Mark, Luke and John in the Holy Bible one at a time. they tell of the. Life and  teachings of Jesus Christ. (or ask someone to read for you if you have reading challenges)

· Before you start, pray and ask for guidance of the Holy Spirit to enlighten your understanding.

Next read the book of Hebrews slowly two times.

2.-Pray: and  acknowledge   that   you are a sinner.
 · Confess  your sins to Jesus.  
 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness  (1John 1:9)

What is Sin
 1 John 3:4
Sin is the transgression of the law without the law we could not know sin  (Rom 7:7)

The wages  (pay for) sin is death, but the  gift of God is eternal life Through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:22 )( Health is a blessing  but  eternal life  is better. )  
You cannot work for eternal life it is a gift given to us  freely by Jesus  Christ  when  He gave his life for us on  the cross . (Eph 2:8-9).

.We are save by this gift of grace .
However we must accept this gift of grace by faith and by doing the will of Jehovah God.
If you love Him you will fear  Him and keep his commandments.
The fear of the Lord is to hate evil (Prov.:8:13) It is the beginning of wisdom (Prov.9:10)
It is wiser to choose eternal life over health
 3 Decide to  follow the   teachings  of Jesus Christ ,He is our example and savior.


4. Find a body of people
who are following  the teachings of Jesus Christ

 Join them and be baptized like Jesus did.
(You must not  forget the assembling
 With one another for there you will be strengthened  and learn more about Jesus (Hebrews 10 25)

5.Follow GOD’s  Laws
    Just like what Jesus Christ did.

What is the purpose of the law

 And Why follow it ?.

 a.      It corrects us like a school master, it points out sin.

(Galatians 3:24)

b . It shows judgment, mercy and faith (Mathew 23: 23)

 c It rewards and also keep us
     from the snare of eternal death.
     (Proverbs 13:13-16).

d. It is the foundation of life
     (Proverbs 13: 13-16 )

 e. What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin. For I would not have known what it is to covet if the law had not said, “You shall not covet (Rom

How can I serve God

You do so by following Jesus’ teachings.

You Serve God by doing His commandments. (Exodus 20: 1- 20 ) .

 Are these Laws  or commandments  Still relevant today ( Yes)
  a. Until heaven and earth pass the law still stands. (Matthew  5:16 )

b. All the moral law should be kept including the royal law that is the new commandment of love  (James 20:10-13)

 c. Keeping the laws  of God gives us right to the tree of life and  entry into the gates into the Holy city of God (Revelation  22: 14 )

  d. Its good to be healthy You can serve God better. God wants you to be healthy.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosper.(3 John1;2 1:2)

The Healing Process
 To get well physically you must be willing to make some lifestyle changes :
A  (Apply the 8 health laws).
  1.  Eat  nutritious  meals
  2. Get enough  rest 7-8 hrs nightly
  3.Drink enough water( 6-8 glasses)
  4.Make use of sunshine (30-45 Mins)
  5. Make use of fresh air.
  6. Moderate use of good  things and
     abstain from harmful ones like:
     alcohol, caffeine, nicotine etc.
  7.Do daily Exercise(30 mins. walk)
     8. Trust and believe God. Have
          Daily communion  with Him  
   B. Find out the cause of the
      illness through.
   1.Lifestyle Assessment /Body Scan
   2  Stop, and change the bad habits  
   3. Do a body cleansing-.
        a. Fast, enema, herb-tea/tablet
        b. Organs detox: herb ,fruits /veg
        c. Ionic energizing foot bath  
        d Steam bath, and salt glow
        e. Give the body time to heal
C. Balance the system, with
     Lifestyle Changes
     Food ,
     Massage etc.
D Quick fix at the doctor and take
 Pharmaceutical and deal with their many side effects.

JICM Wellness Centre     
Provides The Following:

 1. Full body Scan
 2. Ionic Foot Cleansing
 3.Therapeutic Massage
 4. Enema
 5. vitamins and herbs
     Nutritional products
 6. Nutritional Counseling
 7.  Weight management
 8.  Diabetes  control
 9.  Hypertension control
10.  Cancer management
12.  Other Lifestyle  

We offer Full  body  Scan Using
Quantum Magnetic Resonance body
 analyzer    Cost JA $1300.

    Copyright 2011@Juliet Christie Murray
             JICM Wellness Centre
                   Sandy bay

Urine ph

 How  cosmopolitan are you?  Are you an individual with an inquiring mind. Are you so ill that you are willing to try something radical. I am introducing this therapy to you through this proven and researched  well documented in the works of  Ms. Christy as displayed below  Your Own Perfect Medicine A book that explains the benefits of drinking your own urine to you health and wellness .The Cure that doctors do not wish you to know about Urotherapy.Read  be amazed and be educated.

Why You Should Try Beetroot


Red beetroot

Beetroot is a dark red vegetable with an acquired taste which has had a lot of coverage in the news recently. Most beetroot on sale are round and red, but yellow, white and stripy versions are also available.
 . It is  said that the vegetable became popular in Roman times and it was used to treat fever, constipation, wounds, skin problems , high cholesterol- and was used as an aphrodisiac.(sexual stimulant)
The beetroot taste is described as sweet, earthy and tender to eat. It is grown in the ground and is related to turnips, swedes and sugar beet. It has been linked with better stamina, improved blood flow and lower blood pressure.
It contains nutrients such potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, B6 .Vitamin  C, folic acid, carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants and soluble fiber
Beetroot fiber has been shown to increase the level of antioxidant enzymes in the body increase the number of white blood cells, Beets are also one of the richest sources of glutamine, an amino acid, essential to the health and maintenance of the intestinal trac
A history of health
Beetroots have long been used for medicinal purposes, primarily for disorders of the liver as they help to stimulate the liver's detoxification processes. The plant pigment that gives beetroot its rich, purple-crimson colour is beta-cyanin; a powerful agent, thought to suppress the development of some types of cancer.                             

Yellow beet root

Researchers have known for some time that juice may help lower blood pressure, but in 2010 UK researchers revealed that nitrate is the  special ingredient in beetroot which lowers blood pressure and may help to fight       
 Research  shows: Beetroot fiber has been  increases the level of antioxidant enzymes in the body, (specifically one called glutathione peroxidase), as well as increases the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for detecting and eliminating abnormal cells. Beets are also one of the richest sources of glutamine, an amino acid, essential to the health and maintenance of the intestinal tract.

 If you're considering beetroot as one of your 5-a-day fruit or vegetables, it contains potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, B6 and C, folic acid, carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants and soluble fiber

   Selecting and storing  
    The greens should be fresh-looking with no signs of spoilage. The beetroot should be firm, smooth, and a vibrant red-purple, not soft, wrinkled or dull in colour. Fresh beets with the greens attached can be stored for three to four days in the fridge, but beets with the greens removed can be stored in the fridge for two to four weeks. Raw beets do not freeze well since they tend to become soft on thawing. Freezing cooked beetroot is fine as it retains its flavour and texture.
Slightly limp greens can be restored to freshness if stored in the refrigerator in water. However, if it's too late, you can simply cut them off.

White beetroot

Wash beets gently under cool running water, taking care not to tear the skin. It is this tough outer layer that helps keep most of the beetroot's pigments inside the vegetable. The leaves can be steamed lightly to retain their nutritional quality. When boiling beetroot, leave the beets with their root ends and one inch of stem attached and don't peel them until after cooking since beet juice can stain your skin.
If your hands become stained during preparation and cooking beetroot, rub some lemon juice over them to help remove the colour.

Though available year round, beets are sweetest and most tender during their peak season, from June to October. Beets are enjoying a resurgence in popularity among modern chefs. While heirloom varieties like white and golden yellow beets make for pretty dishes, only red beets have the cancer-fighting compound betacyanin.

Stripe beet root


For some people, eating beetroot may induce beeturia; a red or pink colour in the urine or stool. It is totally harmless! Beet greens and, to a lesser extent, the roots contain high levels of oxolate. Individuals with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones should avoid over-consuming beetroot 

Just a simple Lifestyle Change

I change my lifestyle 3 year ago today and dramatic things have  happening. And I never turn back.
I am hypertensive and a diabetic and was 180 lbs when I started. I became an hypertensive at age thirty and a confirmed diabetic at age 53  although there were signs of diabetes such as skins color change but believe it was the side effects of the hypertension tablets and have actually changed hypertension tablets 6 times and no change.

With this life style change I have taken my weight down to 150 lbs without medication nor fad diets and minimal exercise just for firming. 3 years ago And have kept it off ever since
 I now maintain a blood pressure between 114/76 – 130/80 in very stressful situation it may go to 140/90 and a blood sugar between 5 -6 ( 81-108)
I still have my medication on hand and try taking them sometime  if I slip a bit but they always make me feel sick and  the reading gets too low for me to function efficiently.

I am now on the business of promoting healthy life style coupled with healthy finances .I am so excited that I want to tell others about them. I want to help individuals to live healthier lives and have better standard of living.
I am actually on a crusade for healthy lives style and have become a medical missionary and have opened a small wellness center where I teach individuals to manage their disease through lifestyle changes. In a nutshell this  is what I teach individuals: how to utilize natures 8 doctors meet them below:

                        JICM WELLNESS CENTRE
                                 Meet  the 8 doctors , they will  help you         
                 Celebrate  Life , God’s Gift To You

             1.Nutrition. Eat foods from all nutrient groups Do not eat
                       And drink,at the same time. Do not eat between meals

               2.Exercise  Do this at least 3 times per week for 30 minutes.
                     Walking is very good

               3.Water :  Drink 6-8 glasses daily and do not eat and drink

   4. Sunshine : Spend  30-45 minutes in the sunshine

              5. temperance: Avoid  bad practices, do moderately the
  things that are good

                 6. Air:  Get   Fresh air ,sleep in proper ventilated   at nights.

                                7. Rest:  Get  7-8 hours  go to bed by  latest 10:00 pm

                                          8. Trust  Trust in divine power

I also realize that individuals are suffering financially and need counseling on finances and not  only counseling but need opportunities to make money.

In my search for finding one item that helped a lady with bad arthritis pain  I came upon the ideal business opportunity which from research is one very good method of ensuring financial freedom.

With this business an individual can work at his/her leisure , and  decide the line of products s/he wishes to promote .The products are from a company that has over  fifty years of track record  and is certified with the BBB as one of the best is  the United States. The products the choose from are varied, Home, Hair, Health, Cosmetic, jewelry, office , snacks quite a wide variety.

If the individual has the entrepreneur  s/he can become and Independent Business owner (IBO).  At this point s/he can invite and registers other IBOs and give them also the opportunity to be paid by the company for sales volume and new IBO.
The New IBO is required to pay $62. US to register and  Is given a store in the form of a website that has all the products carried by the mother company. The new IBO is also given kit to start the business.
You can get ;more information  and see what a store looks like here

Here I am operating the wellness center where I educate people on their health and I use my other business to improve my finances as I  use  it to introduce health products to  help individuals to improve their health..
People sometimes ask me to help them to keep up their energy levels and improve their physical performance on the jobs and on  recreational activities. Women ask for help with pre menstrual syndrome , menstrual and menopause problem  this is when I suggest the herbs they can use. Most times I give them recipe or they may ask me to prepare it for them. People ask for natural help for problems like arthritis and even infertility.

For those who like commercial products I introduce them to supplements herbaland vitamins my  online store carries

 But most of all I recommend them to the 8 doctors first nutritional supplements ,and lastly herbs. The results is most times tremendous and amazing Just a simple lifestyle has empowered me to .

A. Lose weight
B. Lower  my High blood Pressure
C. Control my diabetes.
D. Improve my finances for the Better
E. Over all health.
I am so happy
    An so I introduce  it to you. You too can do all this and more by just assessing your lifestyle and change for the better.
Healthy blood  no disease no disease  Hooray to good health. God bless

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...