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Natural and Cheap cancer Cure

Natural and Cheap cancer Cure

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases. It is this way because it is not easily cured  and even with the best health care most individuals die within 1-5 years.

Cancer is believed to be a toxic substance that is comprised of a fungus a virus and a bacteria that enters normal cells ,and multiply while destroying them and go on to invade new cells releasing toxin as they  go so that the body can no longer handle them, resulting in death.

Traditional medicine seem to try to destroy the cells that carry them through chemotherapy, radiation, or both.  but sad to say they actually destroy the cells the cancer invade along with good healthy cells but  still do not destroy the cancer causing virus.

These viruses like sugar and thrive in an acidic environment, therefore it is theorized  that you have to use what they like( seeet) plus put them in an environment(alkaline blood) in which they have difficulty surviving.

Thus you make the cells they wish to invade alkaline and feed them with special alkaline sweet substance like ( maple syrup )that sends them rushing for it since cancer use up 5 times more sugar than ordinary cells, This  in turn will  help suffocate and destroy them.

This is how many natural cancer cure protocol comes about.: by making the body PH more alkaline will destroy cancer cells. However with  these methods the  PH has to be well balanced because over alkalinity can occur which is definitely not good. 

 This protocol have to be followed slavishly, and sometimes for life in order that the cancer does not come back. Below I have found some methods which have been said to work wonders more so because they are cheap.  I have also listed some natural herbs that are said to have melted tumors.

It must be noted that just taking these formula will not be enough you have to keep your body in a healthy state by eating a proper diet and the correct food. You will  have to relieve the toxins from the colon by taking coffee enema  from time to time.

You must follow the instructions  for quantities  and for the number of times to do or take and also length of time required.
N.B. This article is not written here  with the intent to diagnose or treat anyone.  Consult your Doctor before embarking on any health program.

However ask the Almighty and his Holy spirit for guidance. You see you have the right to take your own health in your hand. Jesus said if you ask anything in My name believing, it will be granted. Always remember The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. All who are alive at the reading of this article is quite likely to die before Jesus return.

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Healthy people do not die only by accident of some type or suicide. If you find your self with cancer your may be one of the lucky  or chosen one. Fight !, fight !, fight like craze. Do not let it take you into that night.

 But Sir/Madam life is held by the Almighty creator not you, not me, There is eternal life on the other if you accept this gift of Jesus; He said I come to give you life and more abundantly.

 Cancer is your wake up warning. If you sleep or when you sleep  choose life before you do. Death is only a sleep a rest from the heavy pain and burdens of this life. So walk now always with Jesus Christ  . Walk Good.
Contributing author
Juliet Christie Murray
 Life style Counselor :M.Missionary

Tumor melting  Pure herbs    
Anyone of these can be taken with cancer cure part one or part two

    Formula #1     
2.Chuch huasi                
5 cats claws                 
Mix 4 tbsp of any one  single  herb in 4 cups 16 ozs water and take this  1 cup 2 x daily 30 minutes before meal  You can combind up to three for a more powerful effect

Tumor melting herb Formula #2
Non iJuice
Calabash juice
Blackstrap Molasses
Roast the calabash gourd. Cool and juice in a cloth
Add to 1 bottle blackstrap molasses
Juice 12 mediun size ripe noni add to the mixture. Take 3 tbsp  3 time daily
.Drinks lots of water

Natural Cancer cure Part one
can be taken with tumor shrinking herb above

1 tsp baking soda
1 ½ -2 tsp Maple syrup or/black strap molasses
1 tbsp  apple cider vinegar in one 8 ozs glass warm filtered water
-Put the soda on the maple syrup or black strap molasses
.Take 3 times daily with the last one before bed .
- Take the cider vinegar 30 minutes after taking the soda and syrup mixture
-Take every day for 4-6 weeks. Then rest 4 week and repeat.
-Take your PH each day to get it up to or over 8.
-Eat no sugar no white foods , no soda beverage. 
No meat  eat lots of vegetables like  carrot and green vegetables
eat fruits like melon  cantaloupe, pineapple. But eat the melon alone
- NB This can  be taken with other cancer cures.
-Take 8 ozs retention coffee enema when you start feeling nauseous 
and giddy this sometimes happen as toxins  are released.

Step # 2 A MUST
Cancer Prevention
After treating for 12 weeks with the above (part one
 this must be taken to prevent the cancer from recurring

Instead of taking this concoction once to twice daily,
you are going to be taking it three times daily for 12 months 
solid. After that, you can then drop to twice daily.

 Remember, cancer is a relentless disease and you 
 cannot become complacent.
 you absolutely must stick with this protocol sometimes for 
 the rest of your life to keep cancer away forever!
 This ingredients combination
 is one of the best ways to stop and kill the microbes 
 and parasites that infect the cells and cause cancer and can be use
as a formula 2 cancer treatment with a little variation
 as you can see at the end of this page 
thoroughly mix 
½ a teaspoon of turmeric powder,
½ teaspoon of freshly grated ginger 
½ teaspoon of cinnamon, along with 
½ a teaspoon of MSM and
1 full teaspoon of either wheat grass, or 
barley grass, or spirulina or chlorella   
powders( not the soda) with 1 table spoon of very dark
Simple eat this formula 1-3 times daily for the 
rest of your life.
Take it 20 mins before food. Onan empty stomach then
drink one glass of filtered water.
you can Alternate the wheat grass and the1 1/2 baking soda.
 at times but never use both

You can  get all of the products you need for the protocol
by clicking on this linkProducts

A Few Extra Points to Keep in Mind…

make sure you take a good quality probiotic supplement
With the tumeric, this spice is fat soluble so make sure you always have it with a tablespoon of coconut oil, along with 10-12 small black peppers (black pepper increases the absorbability of turmeric by a whopping
 Use aluminium free”).like Bob’s Red Mill baking soda 2000% MSM biological sulphur must be distilled with no added fillers
cinnamon powder, it should only come from Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam or Ceylon
The ginger you use should be fresh ginger finely grated (oh, and in case you haven't heard, a new study just found ginger to be up to an astonishing 10,000 times more effective at killing cancer cells than chemotherapy!)
the MSM biological sulphur must be distilled with no added fillers or binders. This brand is one of the best we’ve found so far… Gold Standard Organic Sulphur

As the toxin are release you may feel awful and want to stop .dont. just take you coffee enema and you will be good again. Drinks lots of pure distilled water. Eats lots of carrot or juice  do beet and green juice. Eat vegetable salads.follow the diet here it will help.If you reach the stage you cannot eat get your juice as enema. it will be absorb there. If you are losing weight too fast do a whey powder enema for for 10 days Then return to the protocols above.
So epsom salt warm baths to help release toxins effectively.

Walk good. I'll pray for you. 

  Credit is given to the writes of the various authors from which I have gathared the above iformation

As a natural cancer cure,Formula #2
Here is what you can do
1/2  a teaspoon of turmeric powder
 ½ teaspoon of freshly grated ginger,
 ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, along with
 ½  teaspoon of MSM
 1 tsp coconut/olive oil/hemp/ flax seed oil
 1 full teaspoon of either wheat grass,
 barley grass, spirulina or chlorella powder.
(do not add any soda here)
 with 1 table spoon of very dark honey.

Step #1 throughly Mix all ingredients in the
 same manner as above except increase all 
amounts by ½ a teaspoon and substitute the
green food (wheat grass, barley grass, etc) 
for baking soda add 1 full teaspoon.
Take this entire batch first thing in the morning
on an empty stomach with one full glass of filtered 
Then make up and take another batch 30 minutes 
before lunch (on an empty stomach) and repeat once
again before bedtime (3 times a day in total). 
Do this for 3 weeks before switching back and
 forth in the manner described in step #1.

May God bless you on this journey.  

Natural Cancer Cure Natural Products

Sometimes sourcing the products  needed to implement the natural cancer cure protocal can be very difficult.No cancer cure is free but you can minimize the cost of the treatment. I have selected the purest products and best  products. You should buy those that are cheapest but none  GMO.  .


Celon Cinnamon

Apple cider Vinegar

Alluminum Free baking soda

Maple Syrup



Enema bag

Coffee grounds

Cayenne pepper

Wheat Grass
Barley grass

 Tumor melting Herbs

Chuchuhuasi Powder Extract 2.2 lbs.


The first day at school stress

Stress the number one cause of most Diseases

What really is stress:-
-  It is seen as pressure, strain, tension , tightness .(physical  )
_ it is also seen as a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse   or demanding circumstances.
-Under stress the body may respond by releasing chemicals in the blood stream to give more energy or strength to deal with the condition on hand  if is physical. - Such as the fight or flight reaction, or  the burst of anger response when  face with  physical danger,
-These chemicals release are good for the body  in short periods but under extended  period it can be bad. This is why stress is sometime said to be good or bad.

There are different categories of stress

Internal Stress: Is the one that has you worried about. Things you can do nothing about .things you have no control over. Yet you worry Eg. (The rain won’t stop falling and I cannot get the clothes dry)This is dangerous stress.

Emotional Stress: Is your response to situations around you such as (noise around you, work, family etc, You must identify the cause and design ways and strategies to deal with it.

Fatigue and over work Stress: This type is built up over long periods of time and can take hard toll on the body physically, emotionally and mentally.

 Mental Stress can affect the body and mind:

People under large amount of stress can become, tired, sick and unable to concentrate and think properly ,they cannot make sound decisions, they can  go into depression, they can have a full blown mental breakdown.


There are many warning signs such as
 Tense muscles, Over eating, cold limb nervousness.
Nervous stomach ,dry mouth ,frequent visit  to  the bath room.      
 Shortness of breath ,impaired judgment , frequent colds and flu.
 Biting nails,  anxiety forgetfulness, irrational, defensive  lack of patience, argue all the time, fatigue
Smoking headaches , excessive  drinking  of alcohol.
High blood pressure , back pain,  Terrifies of heights.
Others are always wrong, drug  use ,mental problems, grinding  teeth,
Excessive movements , Twitching , restlessness , reclusiveness

  1.  Recognize  you are stressed
  2. Stop –and breathe
  3. Convince your body to relax
  4. Responding to the immediate physical effect of stress can help fix long term stress
  5. Exercise regularly
  6. Eat healthy
  7. Sleep regularly 7-8 hrs is best
  8. Adopt a hobby
  9. Avoid over use of any drug,
  10. Stop smoking,
  11. Stop taking caffeine
  12.  Go on an inexpensive  vacation
  13. Organize  yourself  (Plan your day , organize your work and  time)
  14. Some people may need professional help to deal with stress.since they may be having an imbalance adrenal gland.

 Quick Fixes  For Stress

1.Breath deeply: it slows down heart  rate and reduces anxiety                           
 Focus on your breathing and breathe for a count of 10 . Repeat.   
                           Breath in as if filling a paper bag and out as if you are forcing out the air from the bag.

2.Relax your muscles: Bend and stretch arms, clinch and unclench fingers  rotate wrist, bend over, squats  etc ,massage neck  and shoulders muscles                                

3 Make a change: Step back from what you are doing or is straining you for few second,  can bring back a lot of perspective;  go for a quick walk,  play some music, dance, sing loudly, drink a glass of water, talk to a friend, go outside. Just change  what you were doing.

4.Laugh :       nothing relieves stress like laughter it releases endorphins that   relaxes the whole body. Laugh at yourself or some form of comedy not others.

5. Converse with God: 

                 Pray and ask for help Isaiah 26:3  States God  will keep in perfect peace those                     whose minds are steadfast on Him

contributing author
Juliet Christie  



Why Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed   Ejaculation
The  majority of men with sexual problem usually tend to place emphasis on erectile dysfunction and  premature ejaculation. But rarely you find a man who is worried because it takes him over 30 minutes to climax and sometimes not at all. You see to most men delayed ejaculation  is seen as the mark of a stud .However the man who cares about his partner satisfaction finds it a  real problem.

Such situations can be physically painful and also mentally painful for the woman. Physically her vagina lubrication starts drying and the friction of penis against vagina can be painful  as the area gets sore.

Mentally she begins to stress herself that she is not exciting him enough because she may not be sexy enough, attractive enough or she is not doing it right and more so that he really does not love her or that he wants to be with someone else.

What are some of the possible Causes of the problem
1.Medications  -
a.    SSRIs  -antidepressants  like Prozac, Lexapro  Zoloft Paxil.  and Celexa
b.    Benzodiazepines  - drugs lead for anxiety like Xanax. And Klonopin
C.   Blood pressure medication
D.  Medication for convulsion
e.    Medication for cholesterol

2. Anxiety and Depression
3Autoimmune – multiple sclerosis  , hyperthyroidism  can cause  SD
4.Short term  health conditions - UTI and other infections.
5.  Emotional –Fear, anxiety, nervousness, emotional hang up as being seed as a stud if , fear of               getting a  Pregnant
6. Practice Masturbation  for long periods and recent masturbation, watching porno and masturbate,
7.  Low hormone –like thyroid or testosterone
9.  Non encouragement from your partner -She does not make you feel  as if you or doing a great        job
10. Less than 20 minutes fore play
11.  Some thing bothering your mind
12. High level of stress
13.Prostrate problem

14 Psychological problems
 Depression, anxiety and mental health issues
-          Relationship problems, due to lack of communication or doubting partner
-         Anxiety  about performance especially if it  occurs more than once
-         Poor body image and organ  size
-         Cultural and religious taboos.
-          Difference between what was expected fantasy   about  the partner and the reality of the sexual            fantasy
  15. damaged nerve:  nerves on penis , head or soreness.
    16. Older age  :as men age, it's normal for ejaculation to take longer
    17. Surgery : as prostate surgery
    18.Alcohol abuse: especially if you're a long-term heavy drinker

  Complications of delayed ejaculation can include:
   ·   Diminished sexual pleasure for a man or his partner
   ·   Stress or anxiety about sexual performance
   ·  Marital or relationship problems due to an unsatisfactory sex life
    ·  Inability to get your partner pregnant (male infertility)

Contributing author
Juliet Christie Murray


FISHER MEN PARA DICE a poor representation for the creator's promise  Paradise
 The Rabbinic Dream For the Future

John 5:6  Wilt thou be made whole?  
That was the question Jesus asked the man with the 38 years of infirmity waiting to be healed in the pool of Bethesda.
Notice Jesus did not ask  do you want to be healed. He said “ Will thou be made whole? A whole person is well spiritually ,mentally, socially and physically.
I asked you the same question today “will thou be made Whole”

We all want the Rabbinic dream. We all want to live forever. Do you know why we want to live forever? We were  created to live forever.

Gen.2 :9   Tells of  trees  in the garden of  Eden and fruits  that  could be eaten freely if man wishes. However there was one he should not touch or eat of its fruit. (The tree of knowledge of good and evil ).For the day they touch  it they will die.

Gen: 3   Saw man’s disobedience and from that day he started to truly die

 Gen ;22 -24 tell of man  being bared from eating of the tree of life  less he became a perpetual sinner and live forever.

 From that day man developed an extreme thirst and passion  to regain perpetual life  and live forever  He is :
1_wanting to be save from death
2-seeking to find the fountain of youth
3-Seeking to create the elixir for perfect health
4-Seeking his former glory 
5-seeking his former perfection and to live forever

Just take a look at how industries capitalize on this yearning 
1.The cosmetic industry : bleaching cream,  rejuvenating creams , make up and Cosmetics  
2.Clothing industries creating clothes to make one look young and appealing
3 Natural Health industries go over board in creating  health foods, recipes diet plants  and medicinal products; all trying to reap the benefit of man’s craving for eternal life.

No one wants to look old , old age means death  and no one wants to die because we were created to live forever . and we all seek the rabbinic dream.

How ever there is one way available to man for living for ever that is through  the gift of Jesus Christ. Sacrifice.
We must be able to  live and die well with Jesus.
I repeat we must be able to live well in Christ and Die well in Christ.
Many start the journey well with Christ but
Many falter  by the way. 
No matter how well you started or continue
You must finish  the  journey with Christ if you seek eternal life.

Do you really want to live forever
 Ezekiel 47 tells of a river that flows  from a sanctuary  and on both sides is the tree of life  whose fruits will be good for food and  the leaves for  healing.
The question is when will this tree, fruits and leaves be available for complete healing.

Revelation  22  also tells us of a river of life clear as crystal coming from the throne of God and the lamb. Which God   ( Yahweh) Jehovah)   and  the lamb is His son  Yashwah   (Jesus Christ)

In the midst of the street  is the river of life.  On either side is the tree of life that bears twelve fruits and yield them every month.

Not like the seasonal fruits we now have mango ,plumbs , pears .
The leaves of the tree is for the healing of the nations.

The throne of God and  the lamb will always be there and his servants  shall serve him
The Questions is asked who are his servants?
It Goes on to say  and they shall see his face , and his name shall be in their foreheads
I repeat who are his servants .
 Those who have the identifying marks of Jesus. The righteous.
They shall have everlasting life

Revelation 22. States they will no more experience curse, they shall not experience night for God give them light. The righteous shall live and reign forever and ever

Blessed are those who heed the words of this book (Revelation)
Blessed are those who do his commandments  that they may have right to the tree of life and enter the city.

Out side are  dogs, and sorceress, whore mongers, immoral persons, murders, adulteress and those who love and practice lies.

Readers and listeners ,my brethren. If we have started the journey of wanting to live forever . we must  continue to live it well but most important we must finish well.
Living and achieving the Rabbinic  dream well, is to be obedient to Your heavenly Father. And the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Wilt thou be made whole?

 John The revelator says :Testify to anyone who reads  the words of this book If anyone adds to this book God will add the plagues  that are written in this book
If anyone take away from this book God will take away his part out of the book of life  (Revelation  22. 18-19 )

Contributing author
Juliet Christie Murray
MM. Ceo Jicm wellness Centre
Sandy Bay, Hanover  ,Jamaica. 


Zika Virus

-Spread by mosquitoes originsted in Uganda Africa in 1947
-It was isolated from the  Rhesus monkey
-In 2007 the first major outbreak occur in the pacific
-Next  major outbreak in 2015 in Brazil
-It has reached the USA
 -Now threatening to take over the Caribbean
- It is a viral disease and the virus is spread by mosquitoes Aedes Aegypti  specie.
-It stays  in the body 3 to 12 days in body before there is any sign or symptoms.
-It remains in the system 3 to 7 days  and work itself out
It is this stage that it is contagious. when the mosquitoes bite

-Fever, red eyes without sticky discharge,
-muscles and joint pains rash
-Swelling, in lower limbs
-,pain behind eyes
_Babies are  born with small heads and brain not developing fully
-Nerve disorders
_It is found sperm. to be transmitted by sexual activity
_ The Ministry of Health is asking that women  avoid getting pregnant for   one year until the epidemic subsides.
-It can run  congruently  or alongside other viral infection such ad dengue   Chick V and even Malaria.

-There is no vaccine. You treat the symptoms that are seen
-Rest is necessary
Paracetamol  No Aspirin or its derivative like Buffering ,Panadol, Phenzic
-Take lots of water and other fluids like Gator Aid  that does not have too much calories
- individual with the virus should be isolated 7 days to avoid being bitten
 by other mosquitoes therefore  prevent passing on the disease
Infected person  -bitten by mosquito- mosquito bites other person
-New Mosqjito bitesnew person and it goes on in a cycle of  every7 days
-Risk factors are poor public health and sanitation

-are diabetics,
-Old people
 -the very young
-people with chronic problems arthritis etc
 -people with auto immune disease,  like lupus, HIV etx

-Mosquito nets
-Insect repellent do not keep long on skin
-Liquids and creams for rash
-Chemical  spays repellent, vape ,smoke, mosquito coils, herbs like citronella or lemon grass
-Biological control  eg. Putting  fish in fish tank  to eat mosquito lava
 -Pouring oil on  stored water eg cooking ,kerosene or gas oil

-Keep drains clean  get rid of anything containing water around the house
The mosquito likes  clean clear water.
Trim  bushes and tree around home mosquito love to live near humans.

Always be vigilant because like every thing,  nothing  new under the sun but ebbs and flows as the tide  and goes around fill circle.

How To Reverse ED. problem in Weeks

Erectile talk to natural health Specialist 

Erectile Dysfunction is a growing problem in the world. In the United States alone, approximately 30 million men suffer from ED. This may come as a surprise but this statistic about same number of Americans (both men and women) living with diabetes!  Try  the
hardwood tonic for men
ED usually begins to affect men in their 40’s but it can also affect younger men. Around 5% of men between the ages of 20 and 40 suffer from some form of ED. And the problem only increases as we age. At 50, 25% of men have some form of ED. By 70 years of age, ED affects 70% of men
Main Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

There are 3 main causes of ED and once you know them, they are easy to fix. Here they are:

1. Damaged Arteries, Veins & Capillaries
We’ve all heard about the heart and the circulatory system. They are the body’s lifeline, delivering blood to the body’s tissues. And when everything is working properly, all your cells get the full amount of blood and the right nutrients. The circulatory system is basically a pump (your heart) and a series of vessels that the blood runs through. These are called the arteries, veins and capillaries.

The arteries are the vessels that supply fresh blood full of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. The veins are the blue vessels you can see under your skin. These return the blood back to your heart. The reason they are blue is because this blood is devoid of oxygen, and that’s what gives blood its red color.

Last there are capillaries these are the finest vessels that get blood to and from every nook and cranny in the body. Problems start when the arteries, veins and capillaries get clogged. Most doctors don’t know the real reason this happens but you’re about to find out. And this won’t just help get your erections back, it will also prevent and reverse heart disease. The real reason your circulatory system gets clogged is because the walls of the vessels get damaged.

When the blood vessel wall gets damaged , your body produces cholesterol to patch up the damaged area. Just like you would use plaster to fix a hole in the wall. Over time, your body adds more and more cholesterol to make sure the blood vessels doesn’t tear. When the blood vessel wall gets damaged, your body produces cholesterol to patch up the damaged area. Just like you would use plaster to fix a hole in the wall. Over time, your body adds more and more cholesterol to make sure the blood vessels doesn’t tear.

The narrowing of arteries restricts blood flow to the penis making it hard to get and maintain a healthy erection. But this is really just a warning sign of something more serious. If the blood vessels are blocked completely, the result is a heart attack or stroke.. So high cholesterol isn’ just from eating a high fat diet only. Your body is actually creating the cholesterol. This is necessary only when your circulatory system is weak and needs constant patching

. 2   Low Nitric Oxide
The other cause of erectile dysfunction low nitric oxide in the body .It is needed to expand the blood vessels.

3 Poor Blood Supply
This problem of Poor blood quality is the condition in which platelets are clumped together therefor preventing the blood from flowing freely to the organ

We can help you with this problem just visit or contact us at 876- 378-1354 and we will get you on the program that reverse ED in no time.

By now you must  have heard about the wonders of Asian Mineral which has been know to help improve and open the arteries so that blood can flow through.

Try  ED TREATMENT PROGRAM THAT WORKS  by clicking on the donate button we will get the information to you

This program is  for educational  purposes  and is not intended  to replace  proper medical care . Using it you do so at your own risk.
Prepared by:  Juliet Christie Murray

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 Use the contact form to the right of this page or email us at






How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...