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Reliable astonishing solution for PreMature Aging

Age Gracefully and Beautifully

Aging is a natural process that everyone is subjected to. As a matter of fact, the aging process started kicking in the moment we were born. However, its unsightly effects are only felt when we start hitting middle age. Despite this, knowing what triggers the unwanted effects of aging and being aware of the right products can actually help you easily slow down or give the illusion that you have halted the aging process before its effects actually get on your nerves.

Many people are getting more and more afraid of facing the signs of aging. There is definitely no one in the world who would love seeing visible lines on their face or damaged skin complexions. Unfortunately, age sneaks up like a thief in the night. You might not like it nor appear to be combating it lightly but inevitably, you grow a year older after every three hundred sixty-five days
Anti aging  products are always available to combat  these problems

As years add up to your age, they come with changes that take the youth in you. The function of the cells and organisms in your body shift, creating visible changes that sometimes come rapidly. The aging process may be different with each individual because there are many factors that contribute to it, but the bottom line is, everyone will surely get to it at one point of their lives or another.

Some of the bodily changes that you will experience include a significant difference in your weight and height. Weight increase is one of the major concerns that aging people wish to find a solution to. Reduced physical activity due to the weakness of the bones and muscles will definitely take its toll on your weight. Your height, on the other hand, naturally decreases as you get older. This is a result of a handful of factors like changes in posture and in the growth process of your spinal bones. Aside from these, your skin is also a fool proof sign that you are getting older. It becomes rough, loose, and dry. Women get more concerned about the skin changes than men because they tend to experience them faster. With the many hormonal changes women go through starting at the onset of puberty, pregnancy and menopause included, their skin rapidly becomes more vulnerable to age.
 Checking  out  these Anti Aging products to see how they can help can ease your mind

Your mental abilities may also become limiting as you grow older. Learning would be a lot more of hard work than, say, when you were on your twenties. Memory loss is also one of the more popular effects of aging. Older people are oftentimes forgetful because their brain process information slower than usual. Your mental fitness would also contribute to the many emotional combats that you will face. Anxiety and depression is very common among the older population because of the physical and mental limitations that they come across with.

Sexual performance is also greatly affected by aging. You may either lose the appetite or the ability to do it altogether.

Some say maintaining a constant supply of the magical Human Growth Hormones (HGH) is like enjoying a youthful life forever. HGH production peaks in adolescence and slowly decreases after you reach your twenties. The decrease is more significant as you grow older, which explains the overall difference that you experience if you are beyond your fifties. Low levels of HGH in your body system is the main reason behind the visibility of the signs of aging.

Among the many things that can be benefited from the aid of proper HGH levels are healthy skin, a more functional immune system, decreased body fat, increased muscle mass, increased bone density, low cholesterol, and high energy levels among others. The older population may submit themselves to an HGH Replacement Therapy to continuously enjoy the limitless possibilities of being young and healthy.

There are of course, things that you can do to enjoy the youthfulness of being young without having to go through pricey medications and therapies

One is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, meaning, continuously participating in physical activities. Regular exercise is a good solution that will slow the aging process down without having to shell out bucks. A good exercise program that you follow regularly is the best answer to combat weight gain, muscle loss, bone density decline, or even any form of heart and cholesterol-related diseases for that matter.

Eating healthy is another trigger that could make you look and feel young longer. The right choices of foods and taking in the right amounts of them would create a great impact on your body's vitality. Do away with less fat, less salt, less sugar, and more greens, so your body could enjoy the most benefits from eating rather than suffering from the ugly consequences of not eating right.

Avoiding harmful vices like smoking and alcohol drinking can do loads to you more than you can imagine. Smoking is detrimental to the whole body. It triggers premature death but will not let you go looking young as well. The major components of cigarettes have harmful effects that are especially reflected on your complexion. Dry and rough skin can be caused by the poor circulation and low oxygen levels in your blood, which are generated through puffing airs of smokes. Alcohol, on the other hand, depletes your body of the vitamins and minerals it needed to be functional. It also causes dehydration. Keeping a stress-free and happy life most of the time would surely make you feel better about a lot of things and in the process, would make you age gracefully. Stress affects your body and your well-being greatly so make sure that you manage all the aspects of your life well including your career and your personal and social relationships with people.

Admittedly, the fast-paced era held back people to keep a healthy, balanced, and stress-free life only realizing later on that they should have done so. But by that time, you may well be reaching old age and would find it difficult to repair the damages that your old habits created. The good news is, there is a tried and tested way to help counteract the symptoms of aging in a no sweat fashion. GenF20™ helps supply your body's needed HGH to maintain its youthful glow. It tackles all the ugly nightmares that most people worry about getting older. Amid all its benefits, GenF20™ is also safe, so you will not have to worry about side effects.

Expert advice on Anti Aging -for Men and Women


This is a wellness centre site and it would not be doing justice to all  if all we  write about is illnesses. Life is suppose to be fun. Looking and feeling  good. Following the products  links . Below is a selection of some men and women health products covering a range for anti aging, skin beauty, natural body shaping and sculpting for women, hair growth, muscles building, energy improvement  and  sexual  health.

. Life is for living  so check these products they are created to do just that to make you look and feel  younger and good about yourself.

The first signs of premature aging are, wrinkled  sagging skin,.hair loss and  premature greying also poor sexual performance, The products on the page were carefully selected because of their tract records of proven results  for each problem above.

 They are recommended here for you to use them Do not look at price they are so priced because of the quality  of the natural ingredients used to formulate them.They are endorsed by well train doctors in the fields and by reputable individuals.Read more on their proven  benefits.

The Truth About Menopause

What you should know about Menopause

JICM Health Products  

To Help With  Y0our Menopause Problems

We are now going to take a closer look at menopause. This is the period when the hormones  estrogen and progesterone will  start to diminish and testosterone will begin to heighten in a woman. Just before it reach to an all time low a woman may starts to experience premenstrual problems  sometime called (premenstrual syndrome).All these feeling occur just before the cessation of the menses and can go on for a long period depending on the woman and the reason for the cessation.
The causes for menopause could
1.     diminishing hormones due to aging,
2.     early menopause due to surgery,
3.     traumatic experiences
   Plainly put  it is any of the changes a woman goes through either just before or after the cessation of her monthly period (menses) that marks the end of her reproductive  periods .These change can manifest in one or more of the following  signs  or symptoms below.

Signs and Symptoms of menopause

1.       Memory lapses
2.       Fatigue  
3.       Loss of libido
4.       Panic disorders
5.       Urinary tract infections
6.       Bloating
7.       Hair loss
8.       Dizziness
9.       Incontinence
10.   Headaches
11.   Anxiety
12.   Breast pain
13.   Electric shock sensation
14.   Hot flashes
15.   Irregular menses
16.   Nights sweats
17.   Vaginal dryness
18.   Elevated heart rate
19.    Burning tongue
20.   Digestive problems
21.   Muscle tension
22.   Allergies
23.   Brittle nails
24.   Body odor
25.   Itchy skin
26.   Osteoporosis
27.   Tingling extremities
28.    Difficulty concentrating
29.   Psychosomatic disorders
30.   Extreme fear
31.   Depression
32.   Joint pain
33.   Insomnia
34.   Weight gain
35.   Sleep disorders
36.   Chills
37.   Mood change
38.   Slow metabolism

 What you should know about Menopause

Medical doctor offer treatment
1.       Hormone replacement  estrogen and progesterone if uterus is gone
2.       Vagina suppository to help with dry vagina
3.       Treatment to slows down  or prevent –osteoporosis- wasting of bones
Not everyone can  tolerate hormone replacement. It is dependent on the health of the individual. These hormone replace therapies  Can be administered  through
1.       Tablets  Peramin (estradiol, Estrace, Estratorb tak 1per day
2.        Patches and sprays like alora, climara, Estraderm, Vivelle (sensitive to heat)
3.        Suppositories these may have the same name as above only they are inserted             into the vagina instead of swallowing
4.       Creams and gels  Estrasorb  Evamist, Estrogel  they may be applied on shoulder         wrist, and arms
These therapies can reduce troublesome symptoms of menopause  like hot flashes and lower the risk of osteoporosis

Risk factors associate with the conventional doctors therapies
1.       Increase risk of stroke ,blood clot  when combined with the hormone                      progesterone
2.       Cancer , heart attack  swollen and painful breast
3.       Vaginal discharges, headaches,  nausea
4.       May increase damage to the already compromised li ver
5.       Estrogen  may cause certain  to cause stomach  disorders.
6.        May increase  dangerous cholesterol
        Overall the risk of takes  hormone therapy is too high compare with natural  treatment.
What you should know about Menopause 

      Natural methods of controlling the effects of menopause

1.       Ensure you are practicing the 8 health law paying special attention to diet and you
     may need to add or step up on your mineral and vitamin supplements.
2.        Get involved  with a social group doing something that you like
3.       Do exercise daily  walking in the  sunshine before 10 am and after 3pm
4.       You may reduce some of the symptom by taking herbal supplements in the form
          of teas or tablets however the tea is more effective since her work better in water which         is the ionizing agent. If you take tablets drink lots of water.

    Herbs Like black cohosh, evening primrose, wild yam, chase berry don qui , red                   raspberry ,sage most of them are low dose natural estrogen Sage all these herb must use with                 caution.
    Over use can bring on some side effects especially liver related. Always consult your             health provider
5.      Soy ,grounded flax , vitamin E use to lubricate the vagina, cold drink to cool the hot             flashes Clari-sage therapeutic grade oil put on the inside of upper arm may bring some           relief
6.    Make use of water by drinking and taking cool showers especially if you experience night sweats.
 Contributing author
  Juliet I. Christie Murray
Natural health Counselor

Kidney Stones

 Problem of kidney and bladder stones is one of the oldest medical afflictions known to mankind. Today it is one of the most common diseases of the urinary system. It currently accounts for approximately one hospitalization in every thousand in the United States. The disease is more common in males, and generally strikes in the third decade of life. Stones are rare in children and in blacks
The human body is very mind boggling, and the most ideal working of each one of its organs is essential for one's general health. The kidneys are a champion among the most fundamental organs accountable for discarding impurities, balancing electrolytes  water, and different kinds contaminations in the blood.
 Kidney stones, generally called renal lithiasis, are certain minerals and destructive salts stores in the kidney. There are various reasons behind kidney stones, for instance, dehydration ,  Over nutrition, not exactly eating the proper diet, use of exorbitant vitamin, and minerals, too much protein forming uric acid .You may experienced, gout and mineral overload, all of which can make the pee getting too concentrated, , making it difficult to evacuate from the kidney to the urethra.
Most kidney stones are calcium oxalate or calcium oxalate combined with calcium phosphate. You reduction in calcium, and  table salt , milk and cheese, high intake of cocoa, chocolate eggs , cabbage will  help in preventing  the onset

 While typically kidney stones don't bring on any bona fide hurt, they can achieve blockage of pee and be to an awesome degree anguishing, in which case, surgery may be required. Here are ten feasible ordinary answers for kidney stones:
·         Water.                        Lemon juice.                   Apple cider vinegar.   hydrangea 
·         Pomegranate juice.         Kidney bean broth.            Dandelion root juice.
·         Wheatgrass juice.         Horsetail juice.                    Gravel root . Renavive.    
·         Celery juice.                                 See your doctor               Basil juice.  Gravel Root 
·         One very good product on the market to give quick relief is


Traditional Black Castor Oil

 Traditional Black Castor Oil
The centre at present have available the real traditional made Black Castor oil
people usually use it as  a hair grower and to thicken the hair.
It said to be good for helping to remove hair fungus. it can be added to other oil such as coconut and vitamin E for dry it removes scaling and 
Yes black I am told by the manufacturer and supplier that no salt no salt was add while processing. The traditional method is to boil over a open 
wood fire,I do not suggest ingesting as it can be toxic.
 However externally It can be used for a rubbing of joint pains. As a hair 
grower black natural castor oil is the best. Castor oil is excellent for tumor
 removal both internal and external and may be applied as  Castor oil poultices or pack
Some people are allergic to castor oil so do a skin test by rubbing a little.on for 12 -24
hours before using all over
Castor Oil for Dry Skin Recipe
Castor Oil (1 tbsp)
 9 tbsp Sunflower or Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
Massage castor oil around the eyes can help with dark circles and wrinkles
Stimulate hair growth can be used for growing eye lashes and brows.
Some people boil with salt to increase the boiling point of the water and reduce the time of.boiling
. while this is economical some individuals believe the salt can affect the produce such as causing the hair to fall instead of growing.However this is not scientifically proven. If in doubt make sure it was processed the old time traditional way where no salt was ever added.
 In this economical climate and knowing Jamaicans ingenuity, it is only a health conscious and honest person who will not try and cheat on boiling time.
This supplier of the castor oil at The JICM Wellness Centre has a high standard integrity, honesty, and practices good business acumen.
 The JICM Wellness Centre meets the people as it offers educational Services each week in Hopewell
 Hanover on Thursdays at the No 1 Top Centre and Fridaysioce per month at Orchard Mall
At these locations individuals may get information on products and Services the centre offers. They can also be informed on healthy life style practices as it relates to life style diseases such as hypertension,

 diabetes, obesity and others.

Information on herbs, their uses and side effects is also available. You will get info on how to fully implement the 8 laws of health effectively
Appointments must be made for services at the centre so call 8763781354,-876 868-5692-876-324-4479 to make arrangement for body scan, foot detox and therapeutic massage

There is no need to be concern about cash as the centre now accepts all major credit and debit cards except American Express.

Remarkable secrets for desolving bladder stones

 Dissolving Bladder stones
So many individuals are suffering from different types of stones
Gall bladder, kidney and Bladder.
Be is what they may they are all a form of concentrated form of minerals that mainly because of too much  protein too much table salt and too little or no water  consumed
I do hope this information will help you to avoid them or dissolve them.
When diagnose most people panic and go for one of the doctor methods of getting rid of them. Surgery usually the recommended option.
However alternate  medicine  practitioners  also have methods of removing them other that the medical ways.

Bladder stones 
are small, dark mineral masses that form in the bladder—they develop when concentrated urine is left in the bladder. This concentrated urine is about 95% water and five percent minerals and waste products (i.e. salt and protein).
Bladder stones start to grow when urine is left in the bladder after urinating. This is often due to an underlying medical condition that stops the bladder from completely emptying when using the toilet.
They however can be dissolve natural .using herbs singly or made into a formula. Chanca Pedra  is  good  formula but Royan Chanca Piedra is proven to be one of the best bran. Check it out here
Conditions that stop the bladder from fully emptying include:
·         Neurogenic bladder: If the nerves that run between the bladder and nervous system are damaged, for instance in a stroke or spinal injury, the bladder may not empty fully.
·         Prostate enlargement: If the prostate is enlarged, it can press on the urethra and cause a disruption in flow, leaving some urine in the bladder.
·         Medical devices: Bladder stones can be caused by catheters or other medical devices if they move to the bladder.
·         Bladder inflammation: Infections of the urinary tract or radiation therapy can leave the bladder enlarged.
·         Kidney stones: Kidney stones can migrate down the ureters and, if too large to pass, they will remain in the bladder and can cause obstruction. Kidney stones are more common than bladder stones.
·         Bladder diverticula: Pouches can form within the bladder. If the pouches grow to a large size, they can hold urine and prevent the bladder from being fully emptied.
·         Cystocele: In women, the bladder wall can become weak and drop down to the vagina; this can affect the flow of urine from the bladder.
How Are Bladder Stones Diagnosed?
If you are having complications with urination or any symptoms that are associated with bladder stones, contact your doctor. The tests your doctor may recommend include the following:
·         Ultrasound: An ultrasound will use sound waves to create images inside the body that x-rays may not be able to see.
·         Urinalysis: A urinalysis test is used to examine your urine for crystallization, abnormalities, and infections.
·         Spiral computerized tomography scan: This is a computed tomography (CT) scan, which checks for complications within the bladder.
·         Intravenous pyelogram: A dye is introduced to the veins and moves throughout the body until it finds its way to the bladder. The dye highlights any abnormalities found in the bladder, and an x-ray is taken of the highlighted results.
·         X-ray: An x-ray will show the inside of the bladder and most complications that are present. However, an x-ray may not show every stone that is present.
Risk Factors for Bladder Stones
Below are some of the things that can increase the chances  of one getting  bladder stones
·         Age and gender: Males develop bladder stones more often than females, especially as they get older.
·         Paralysis: People with serious spinal injuries and loss of muscle control in the pelvic region are unable to empty their bladder completely.
·         Bladder outlet obstruction: Any condition that blocks the flow of urine from the bladder to the outside world. There are a few different ways that the bladder can be blocked, the most common is an enlarged prostate.
·         Bladder augmentation surgery: A type of surgery carried out to treat incontinence in women can lead to bladder stones.

Treating Bladder Stones Medically
There are basically  3 methods used.
1.     Drinking  Enough water  If  bladder stones are caught when they are still small, simply increasing the amount of water the individual drinks can be enough to pass them naturally. If they are too large to pass in the urine, treatment for bladder stones normally involves either breaking them up or removing them by surgery.

2.      Cystolitholapaxy Is a procedure in which a doctor inserts a thin tube with a camera on the end into the urethra (the opening found at the end of the penis or above the vagina). The doctor can view the stones through the tube and break them down.

The doctor will use a laser, ultrasound, or a small implement to break up the stones before washing (or   vacuuming) them away. This procedure is carried out under anesthesia.
           Complications from cystolitholapaxy are rare but can include tears in the bladder wall, and  

3.      Surgical removal

If the stones are too large to be broken down using cystolitholapaxy, surgery is an alternative treatment option.        The surgeon will enter the bladder through a cut in the abdomen and remove the bladder stones. Any surgical procedure comes with some risks, so cystolitholapaxy is always the first choice.
Bladder stone can be caused by a number of reasons so they may be no one specific way in preventing them.
 Reducing table salt and minimizing protein intake along with  drinking plenty of water 6-8 glasses will also help break down any developing stones and prevents its formation
 However, if an individual experiences any odd urinary symptoms - pain, discoloration, blood – it is  advisable to  getting an medical opinion  
  Most people  with urinary tract infections feel that there is urine left in the bladder after urinating. In these cases  double  voiding is best. That is try urinating again 10-20 seconds after the first attempt.  This  can help prevent stones from forming.
It is also suggested that if you already have an enlarged prostate ,sitting to urinate can help make sure that the bladder is emptied fully. This, prevents or slows the buildup of bladder stones.

Bladder stone can be treated naturally It will take a longer time If you do not make sure you get enough water and ate well balance diet they may return. However this product will ensure that they keep away Just make it be a part of you cleans regime which is using them every 6 months after the stone is gone. You will find you will  need to use it less and less. Royal ChancaPedra

Contribution author
Juliet Christie Murray

Information found on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat any medical condition. If  you have one visit your health provider.

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 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...