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COVID 19 and Enema

COVID 19 And Enema  what  Do They Do

Get your Enema  Bag here  Follow the link to Purchase yours 

So many individuals hate the word enema. however it is a very important part of  removing  toxin, from the body .No matter the type of supplements you take they need to function in a healthy digestive track,

Many individual turn to herbs to build the immune system , but they find the system is still not working effectively

When using herbs large amount of toxins are released as cell begin breaking down and wastes accumulates. 

  These are-absorb into the blood stream  making the individual very  ill. If the CPVID19  strikes at such a time one could be compromise.  Enema can be your saviour especially  garlic or coffee enema,


If you choose to go the natural way  understand that Chemo and natural herb therapy  for cancer  do no  they do not work together  .According to Gerson Therapy  even after completing  Chemotherapy  for over a year herbs has the ability to increase the Chemo effect at least 3 times more,

this is why many individuals die switching from one therapy to the other,

Herbal treatment can be very costly so if you do not have strong finances I suggest you do not start it.

You will need at least 13 glasses of juice 8 carrot,4 green and 1 orange these will supply the required minerals and vitamins.

with this protocol the body will lose weight rapidly. you may have to add moringa, hemp and alfalfa to supply other important nutrients some have  to even  take whey enema.

herb therapy is usually accompanied by nausea, weakness, and light headiness.

This is when the coffee fleet enema prove to be very effective in keeping the individual stable.

 The Person will need potassium broth, high dosages of vitamin C. natural  distilled water .

To remove the toxin fast Epsom salt wrap and glow will be necessary.

The enema is very helpful for normal individuals who decide to do a colon cleans  just for normal detoxification, and health

Do not let any one try to sell you expensive enema bags. a disposable bag is just as effective as the top of the line expensive one They are also easy to use  so check before you  are coerce  into buying a very expensive  bag. Just do your search It is useless to spend extra  money in This COVID !9 pandemic, Reduce toxin in the blood with a simple coffee enema

Potassium broth is not hard to use   put 1lb  Irish  potato  with  onion  garlic  garrot  , boil until soft .   blend ,strain and you may add  some soymilk. Take a gup 3 times daily stor rest in refrigerator for 1 day

Covid 19 and Herbs Formula

Can herbs help in this Covid 19 Pandemic

Do you know that herbs are very powerful  in maintaining  health and keeping body organs in top shape?

 It is said that what herbs do internally 
 To organs is like what exercise do to the 
outside body with out putting the body through great stress.

.There are some organs that no matter what exercise you do
 their performance and function will not improve.

However if the right type herbs are  administered in the right proportion and combination  these organs will rejuvenate and get back to peak performance.

Here is an  herbal combination you can make to help you if you get covid 19

1 bulb garlic
3 lemon peel skin
juice of 3 lemons
1/2 fresh ginger
6 inches aloe vera  peel (but leave on a piece of the skin)
1 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 quart water.
2 drops eucalyptus oil 
Blend all ingredients, Strain and bottle.
Put in refrigerator. drink 2 tbsp in 1/4 warm water. 3 times daily
Sit in the sun as much as you can.  put on mask when around individuals.
Drink a lot of warm tea. Fever grass is good, mullein, elder berry 

You can make a onion poultice and put on your chest or back  for 3 days  to keep away pneumonia.
Do not forget to keep in touch with the  community health authorities   let them know you  are experiencing  COVID 19 like symptoms  and self quarantine yourself

The JICM Wellness Centre
 has dry package herb combination  formulas that when properly used can be made into herbal teas or tonics.are proven to be very beneficial.

Lifestyle counselling is available to give information on benefits on how to use , duration of use.and amount  also contra indication of herbs .

Available are
single herbs
Special dry formula 
For detoxification , fibroid, menopause..infertility. male poor  sexual and reproductive performance Immune boosters against Civid19
 Lungs, liver. kidney,heart .stomach  health.

We carry black strap coconut black castor oil. maple syrup ,apple cider vinegar, turmeric ,cayenne,  charcoal, and organic herbal soap

We keep Jamaica traditional. Flavours alive in our bake products

If you feel for a genuine  piece of cornmeal pudding with custard on the top. Check us out on Wednesdays.
You can also get coconut gizzard with crisp brittle crust  banana muffins and coconut cakes.

Need a quick review of how well your body is functioning  do  a quick body scan..
Relax and relieve stress with one of our many massages and foot detox. 
We hope you will visit us soon

How to Maintain a Healthy Immune System

 Many are extremely afraid of the COVID 19  and its effect. A healthy immune system will get you through, The immune system Is made up of organs and processes of the body that provides resistance to infection and toxins. These organs include the thymus gland, bone morrow  bowels mucous membrane, spleen ,tonsils and lymph nodes.,

Maintaining a Healthy Immune System, 


 There are 4 types of immunity: Humans have 3 types, innate, adaptive, and passive

1. innate: we are born with some level of immunity to invaders.

2. adaptive immunity (acquired) this protects the body from exposure to pathogens (bacterium, virus, parasite, and foreign bodies) the body remember them and can resist them if they attack again.

3.Passive immunity: antibodies deliver to and work for a shot time until the body can produce its own such as what is found in the first breast milk of mothers which protects newborn babies

4. immunization: is the process of making humans or animal immune through inoculation.

The immune system is a complex fighting system powered by liters of blood and lymph. (Lymph is a clear, colorless liquid that pass throughout the tissues of the body)

 In this blood and lymph white blood cells recognize and destroys invaders. Phagocytes and lymphocytes are the fighting cells) When the immune is low, we are more open to contracting diseases. If it is high, we are able fight off mild infections quickly or we do not contract them.  These are  reason the term is coined healthy blood perfect health and why health enthusiasts especially  herbalist always promote  detoxifying the body.

The indication that the immune is doing its job, is a resistance to disease or mild inflammation (acute) displaying itself as redness, heat, pain or swelling , fatigue and  excessive mucous like the reaction to the common cold or flu. These usually last for short periods of time and is necessary for healing. These symptoms informs us that something is wrong with our bodies.

A compromised immune system causes excessive inflammation (chronic) lasting for longer periods such as months, years or even a lifetime. In such cases an auto immune disease may manifest itself.  There are times however when the immune because of some types of malfunction the body is unable to differentiate between healthy body cells and harmful invaders and start destroying the good cells. In such instances it is said that an autoimmune disease has developed.

 Some of these auto immune diseases are lupus, asthma, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, Inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, Multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome and, and a slew of other auto immune diseases.

 You notice two terms mild inflammation and excessive inflammation. This is where we play a part. If the body is exposed to too much inflammation for a long period of time a disease will develop such as heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, asthma, sinusitis, hypertension, periodontist, or hay fever. We must try as best as we can to prevent excessive inflammation.


If there is no trauma or injury to the body, then there should be no or only mild cases  of inflammation. We constantly cause excessive inflammation through our lifestyle and diet.

In the book Ministry of healing we were instructed to follow the eight (8) health laws, Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Adequate fresh Air, Rest, and Trust in the creator. These are our first line of prevention.


What Can We Do to Ensue We Have A Healthy Immune System?

1.    .1 The best thing  to keep the immune healthy is diet, exercise, sunshine, and rest. Nothing can replace those.

4.  2, Try as best to protect the body from excessive exposure  and  chills especially the   lung area and extremities, 

 3..     Reducing the foods that cause excessive inflammation e.g. mucous forming foods. (SUGARS, SODAS, REFINED PROCESSED FOODS. FOOD ADDITIVES)

 4.     Follow the A.I.P (auto Immune Protocol)


 The A.I.P. This includes identifying the trigger foods and remove them from the diet 

Eating dark green leafy and yellow vegetables, unprocessed grains. seeds, nuts, omega 3 foods, citrus, fruits, purple, blue and red berries, lean protein, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil. If diet is poor, you can introduce vitamin and mineral supplements

 Eliminating foods that can trigger reactions, such as the night shade foods, (tomato, Irish potato, sweet peppers, and garden eggs).

A.I.P requires that you find the inflammation triggering foods, then stop eating certain foods for a period. Notice how you feel as you eliminate them one at a time. Then gradually reintroduce them back one at a time and notice the results of each  such as  surge in the symptoms.

 The food that does not have any adverse effect you will keep that in the diet. The food that makes you feel sick you will have to take it out of your diet for months or maybe forever.

We can conclude: If we build our immune, we will have a good chance of keeping diseases at bay by just eating the right foods and in the right combination.

Never forget to make use of the health laws. Individuals who have an auto immune disease must pay stricter attention to the A.I.P, diet.

3 John 1: 2 Beloved I wish above all that thou may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prosper.

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