, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER: OCTO-O Flu and Cold immediate relief

OCTO-O Flu and Cold immediate relief


JICM OCTO-O Flu and cold Relief 

Is a combination of natural essential oils that relieve sinusitis and  other bronchial and lung issues. If used correctly it will prevent flu, cold, Coronavirus, and bronchial issues. 

With continual use, they will go and stay away.  It is very costly to make and very potent. For these reasons, it is distributed in a 5ml or 10ml container making it affordable to most.

 It is easy to carry, small enough for men to take in their pockets and ladies to put in their change purses.  JICM OCTO-O is most effective when a small drop is lightly rubbed in the nostrils with the fingertip.


JICM OCTO-O at all times, anyhow anywhere.

It is also beneficial for pain reduction. Just a few drops neat or in some olive oil Depending on the magnitude of the pain, it will give relief.


Cost at present Small  5ml bottles  US$10. large  US$19. Including shipping and handling for out-of-area delivery.

For more info on how to buy please 

 contact: us by

 WhatAps Tel:87686856922

  or Email  

You   can purchase here and WhatsAp  or email your payment receipt and your address to get your prodct

NB:Large octo-o is out of stock until further


   Taylor’Ave. Sandy Bay, Hanover

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