, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER


Read  this First How to quit smoking

It can be very difficult to get off smoking. There are many good programs but many individuals still do not benefit. These people have to get manual help. Manual help can be healthy herb cigarettes , smokers gum or smokers tea. People who smoke always have problem with their adrenal gland. If individuals are addicted to cigarettes they are addicted to sugar too because the body converts the nicotine to simple sugar 

This could be the reason for the sugar addiction. This program can take  one week - one month it is hard to say. Studies have shown that smoking is the number one killer in the world. It has adverse effects on the whole human particularly the lungs, brain, heart, nerves, arteries and the digestion

                                                What you can do.

 Protocol 1
Smokers liquid  cigarette replacement 
1 cup honey                                       
  ½ lemon juice
1/3  tsp  pepper mint oil                    
  ½ tsp spearmint oil     
2 tsp liquid smoke                              
 ½ tsp clove       
1 ounce apple juice                            
 ½  tsp cayenne, 
 Mix  all the above together .              
Take 1 tsp  when necessary
This will trick the brain and get  smokers addicted to this which they can easily come off.

 Smokers tea
1tbsp Verivain
1tbsp skullcap
1tbsp catnip
Steep all in ½ cup water for 30 minutes  and take 1 tbsp in in one cup of water drink 3 cups per day


Protocol 2 that makes smoking unpleasant
-Steep 1 tsp spoon marjoram in  8 ozs boiling water .creates a dry sensation and makes smoking unpleasant

1 tsp charcoal in ½-1 glass water 2 times a day

 Remove Toxins
 Take a sweat bath 1 time per day to remove toxins
 Drink 6-8 glasses of water
Get plenty exercise a brisk 30 minutes walk is beneficial
Pray  and get into a peaceful environment.

Contributing Author: Juliet Christie Murray    Medical Missionary Hanover Jamaica
Credit is given to Mormon Wilson and DyerRhonda Wilson

You should visit the center or call for help if you are not able to do the practical sections of this educational protocol.
Disclaimer: This is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat a medical problem. It is intended to educate as to the alternatives available to the problems above. Please visit your medical doctor for your medical problems or concern you may have.  I therefore I release the J.I.C.M. Center and its subsidiaries of  any liability arising from the use or miss use of the program protocol. My using this program  protocol is entirely at my own risk and is an  indication that I agreed to the terms mentioned above.
Signed User…………………………………………………………………………………………


  Weight Management            

Causes of weight gain or weight reduction
Weight gain  Aging, congestive heart  failure depression  diabetes, drug reaction. Edema, hormonal imbalance, Hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, lack of exercise, over eating , poor diet,
Weight loss aging, AIDS, Alzheimer’s disease, anorexia nervosa, cancer, chronic infection, depression, diabetes, hepatitis, mal-absorption,  syndrome, mononucleosis, Parkinson disease
Indication: Geared to help individuals who are obese ; Before this programmed is implemented. The individuals should take the following measurements weight and height is a must.
 Height--------- Weight------------------- Body Fat ------------   BMI------------------
He should determine how much is the final weight loss goal and how much is the weekly weight lost goal . A diet based on the caloric requirement should  be worked out  for the individual.
A quick reference calculation is . For  the first 5 feet  give 100 lbs for every additional 1 inch give  5-7 lbs extra  inch for female and 7-10 lbs  for each additional inch for male. The 3 lbs differences  is for the bones structure small, medium or large.

 Treatment Protocol

Protocol 1. 
If you stick to this protocol  
 you can lose weight without doing anything else or do this simple thing

-Walk 30 minutes each day.  In the sunshine.
-Do some strengthening and firming exercise
-Drink 6-8 glasses of water at room temperature
-Do not snack or eat between meals
-Do not eat and drink
-Drink ½ hour before meals and two hours after
-Do not add sugar to your drink.
-Do not drink juice unless for your treatment
=Eat the fruit or vegetable then drink water between meals
-Eat three meals a day heavy in the morning ,medium lunch -and light supper
-Do not eat less than 3 hours before going to beg
-Reduce your fat and flesh intake
-Reduce salt
-Make sure you get air in your bed room.
-Go to bed by 10Pm


-Reduce you flesh  intake or better yet do not eat them
-Do not prepare you meals with more than 1 tbsp of oil.
-Do not eat butter or margarine.
-Eat grains in the form of porridge, puddings. 
-Eat brown rice , brown -flower  bulgur   .
- Cut out white products, flour and rice and -sugar.
-Use a little honey or molasses for sweetening or none
-Eat plenty vegetable salads
-Eat ½ your plate of raw and blanched vegetables
-1/4  of  your plate of starch and
-1/4 for your plate for  protein in which all fats are trimmed from
flesh and add no butter to soy products or peas and beans.
The plate must not be  more than 2ins high,

If you feel hungry drink ice water drink or eat carrot sticks , then you would be snacking and you must not snack

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits if you are diabetic you must go easy on the sweet fruits.

Green juices –to build energy
-Take 2 tsp molasses  in the morning then
Immediately  drink 2 glasses of water preferable with lemon or lemon squeeze in.
-Drink 1 glass of fruit juice ,such as apple melons, pineapple,  grape etc

-Drink 2 glasses of  blended green unsweetened vegetable
juice daily.
 -juice may be made from  any two or three  such as cabbage, calaloo, spinach, lettuce , barley grass, Spirulina, Spanish   needle ( nettle) celery  etc
-All this will stabilize your blood sugar and increase your energy and supply you with minerals , vitamins and  detoxify  your blood.










Do a  non Enema Bowel cleanse
-mix 1 tbsp psyllium husk with 5 ozs water




Herbs Teas
Take one of the following each day no sugar
Alfalfa      yarrow      fenugreek    Uva ursi     ginger                         

Promote weight loss




Steam bath , Salt glow
Do each once a week Get rid of Toxins and increase circulation

Take 500 mg vitamic C
500 Cal/mag
1200mg. lecithin  tablet to reduce cholesterol

BMI Is used to check you body fat and see how you compare to the normal person your age and height
You can check yours here

Contributing Author: Juliet Christie Murray    Medical Missionary Hanover Jamaica
You  could visit the center or call for help if you are not able to do the practical sections of this educational protocol.
                                                    TALK TO A CONSULTANT
Disclaimer: This is not intended to diagnose , prescribe or treat a medical problem. It is intended to educate as to the alternatives available to the problems above. Please visit your medical doctor for your medical problems or concern you may have.  I therefore I release the J.I.C.M. Center and its subsidiaries of any liability arising from the use or miss use of the program protocol. My using this program protocol is entirely at my own risk and is an  indication that I agreed to the terms mentioned above.




Yeast infection is usually caused by a fungus Candida  Albicans which is normally found in the   mouth ,intestine and  the vagina
The chief factors for yeast infection  are
Diabetes                                 antibiotics
Pregnancy                              contraceptives
Declining  estrogen levels        male female transmission
Sometimes it is passed through the mouth

Symptoms are usually: itching, burning around vaginal area White vaginal discharge looking like cottage cheese,
Pain during intercourse, burning  urination

The remedy is to give lactobacillus   acidophilus  which is found in yogurt.
Choose unflavored  type  look at labels to ensure they are living cultures,

Add 2 tbsp acidophilus to I cup yogurt . Mix and keep in refrigerator
Put this in the vagina 5 nights in a row  using a tampon or a  syringe.
Sometimes  just taking the pill will cure the problem.

Consume 80% raw foods
Eat  no fruits, dairy ,meat refine products, bread ,sweet , chocolate nuts corn , beans, carbonated water  for 2 week then gradually add back  fruits

Eat vegetables in the morning fruits in the afternoon
Avoid all sweet fruits eat sub acid fruits.
After 2 weeks add ½ fruit if no problem gradually add more fruits
-after 4 weeks add sweets and beans

Take 300 mg Vt.B 6 daily
2 capsule kelp 3xdaily
1-2 cups peach leaf tea when in pain

Drink  anti –yeast  Use each of the following herb in 1qt water  use 6 tbsp  make tea  ,drink 3 cups daily  with cranberry  juice
Sage 2parts                                 Mullien 2 parts
Raspberry 2 parts                       Goldenseal ½ part

Drink sleep time tea made with 2 tbsp each valerian, catnip, hops in 1 qrt  water

Take a steam bath and a salt glow

 Use a  suppository  Garlic
1 clove garlic wrap in thin gauze and twist that there is a tail.
Rub a small amount of oil on it and insert into the vaginal cavity

Insert a fresh one every 3- hours uses 3-5 days until infection is gone.

You may douche with apple cider vinegar and water or insert a tampon of 3 parts water  to 1 part vinegar
do same time  as above

N.B You may have to treat  your male counterpart. Use olive oil in which garlic stand in 1-2 days. It must be very mild for a man to prevent burning
Yeast infection that return maybe a sign of diabetes or aids.






Contributing Author : Juliet Christie Murray
Medical Missionary –Hanover Jamaica




Click To get The Prostate Report

Fennel is considered an appetite depressant, and   a weight loss aid.  All parts of the Fennel plant are safe for use, Use  Tea to increase the flow of milk in nursing mothers.  Menopausal women use it to ease the associated symptoms. The leaves or stems can make a poultice  for nursing mothers to relieve breast swelling. 

Fennel Teas, or Fennel Water is used to break up kidney stones, quiet hiccups, prevent nausea, aid digestion, prevent gout, purify the liver, reverse alcohol damage to the liver, and treat jaundice. 
Good for colic and flatulence, in babies and to expel worms. 

It may be used along with conventional treatments in prostate cancer ( it is definitely worth trying), but consult with your doctor first).

Click To get The Prostate Report

It may be used as Gargle for breath freshening and as an eye wash.To make Fennel water, use 8 drops of Oil to 1 pint of water - take up to 8 teaspoons per day. 

Fennel is disliked by fleas, it can be used around the house to reduce flea;  can be used for a steam facial to open the pores and  to rejuvenate the skin of the face .

Fennel has a very pleasant aroma and the seeds are sometimes used in  and on baked products. Fennel has an history of being use by many of the greatest   doctors and chemist of their time.


  Cancer Can  be cured  but it depends on the stage it is inCancer is the number two leading cause of death in the United States of America and so many individuals are losing the battle with this disease. It is regarded as one of the Lifestyle diseases. The American Cancer Society ascertains that 1/3 of cancer cases are  related to poor diet, and another 1/3 to cigarette smoking.

Therefore 2/3 of cancer is potentially preventable with diet exercise and optimal weight. Cancer usually attack cells in the breast ,lung, prostrate, colon, cervix, ovaries, brain and blood. If you want to cure cancer the two first stages are the stages that you should try attacking it. Sometimes stage 3 is too late , but Miracles do happen


The following things occur when a cancer is in its developing stage.
1. Sabotage of the DNA.
2. Deficient stage where the cancer can be control
3. The invasion of boundaries of other cell – It then metastasize to un-controllable growth since it now has its own blood supply and the blood is subverted from the other cells to feed it. When Cancer begins these are the following steps.

 Stage 1. Step 1: Initiation Stage

(a). in this stage the DNA is permanently damaged.

(b). Free radicals attacks caused from
    -high fat diets,
    - over eating ,
     -city smog,
    -excessive exercise,
     -trauma, injury and inflammation

(c ). Too much ultraviolet light
(d). Chronic diseases
        – such as -reproductive system.
          -Excessive radiation,
         - elevated blood sugar
          - natural aging

2. Step 2: the promotional stage This is where the initial cell rapidly multiplies

(a). This growth can happen with excessive use of Omega 6 fatty acid (found in sun Flower seed and fish oils 
(b). Reproductive tissues are particularly cancer prone And divides rapidly

( c). Other promoters are obesity, refined sugar, Excessive CHO, alcohol , and smoking.

3 Stage 3: Progression.

If all other defenses fail and damage spawns a tumor and will become a full blown cancer.
Nutrition is Linked To Cancer. Science has indicated that 1/3 of all cancers are linked directly to nutrition .

Therefore One of the best methods of preventing, reversing and curing cancer is through nutrition.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits, and low salt intake.  Flesh foods are the worst foods to eat when one has cancer. The diet must be 80-90% raw. Green juices and cleansing foods are the best  treatment for cancers
as they have phyto-chemicals that starves the tumor of food.

How to prevent or Cure Prevent is the best cure for any illness.

Herbs, lifestyle changes, hydrotherapy, non enema bowels cleansing enema and and salt glow and having a clean forgiving heart. Many individuals believe cancer is an illness related to the inability to forgive

The key thing to prevent and cure cancer is to baance your blood Ph so that is nearest to PH 7.-7.4 in such a state disease find it difficult to grow. Perfect blood perfect health,Food is the chief method of doing this.
1. Eat foods rich in antioxidants: garlic, cruciferous vegetables( i.e. broccoli, cauliflower), Blue berries, B12, folic acid, magnesium. I lemon in 6-8 ounces of water each morning.

How to fight the 1st Step- Initiation 

-The first line of defense is to cut off foods that promote the disease

-caffeine interferes -Eat tomatoes cooked they contain the antioxidant lycopene

- eat foods that gives vitamins A,C,E (i.e. carrots, citrus, avocado)

-Genistein stops free radical from harming cells -eat five servings of vegetables daily

- eat seven or more serving of whole grains

-avoid refine white foods, sugar, flour and their products.

-Avoid meat if possible all flesh products -Restrict dietary fat

-avoid processed oil, hydrogenated oil and margarine,

-avoid charred, jerk barbeque foods -Do not take alcohol

-eat food providing selenium -do not smoke

-avoid MSG

-Practice the eight health laws,
-Have daily communion with God
-Have faith in The Almighty -Develop a spirit of forgiveness.
-Believe that you will be healed Herbs That Help
- Lemon -Drink 6-8 ozs. of water with one lemon juice each morning acts as a preventative
-Cleanse the system -with combination of any 1-3 of these herbs
Black walnut, Red clover.Moringa, Blessed thistle, Pau D Arco, Semi contact, Build the immune- Red clover, Licorice, Chickweed, Goldenseal, Pau D Arco, Milk thistle Nettle ,Oregano (boil 1-3 with 2 cloves of garlic

IF you do have help and the cancer needs HERBAL CHIMO you could ASK the JICM Center to make it or give you instructions on how to make and take)

This will help to kill stubborn cancer cells.and stop them spreading. Sometimes when the Cancer is stubborn you may have to use the ESIAC Tea. Ask the JICM center how to make it and use as its use can pose challenges.

. There may also be the case where you may have to do herbal surgery to draw out the cancerous lump that refuses to waste away .You will definitely need some one to help as this can be challenging as well as dangerous.

 The herbs use here are usually blood root, chapperal, poke root ginger root among others and DSMO to transfer the medicine.It is used in the form of a poultice .This is put on externally

.You may also use black salve. This is really a dangerous procedure.If you do not know what you are doing you could remove a whole organ and should only be attempted with help of a train herbal doctor or MM missionary who is trained and experience.


This information is not intended to diagnose or medicate You must not disregard conventional medicine  and your medical doctor   
 The above information is for educational  purposes only  putting at your disposal  resources to help you make educated choices when it comes to your health and cancer.  




J.I.C.M. Wellness Centre:{ Jesus Incorporated Counseling Ministry Wellness Centre  is a natural health and wellness organization geared at helping individuals to make lifestyle changes through the implementation  of the eight naturals laws of health.

Its aim is for participants to achieve maximum health by preventing or reversing lifestyle diseases. The health advise on this site is given from a medical missionary point of view and is not intended to give specific medical ,diagnoses , prescribe or to replace traditional medicine. 

Therefore if at any time you are introduced to a program then it is advisable that you check your health practitioner for advise to see if it will enhence your health.
However you sometimes have to educate yourself and also step out in faith as many traditional  doctors do not readily embrace alternate medicine. One major reason their pharmaceutical sales will drop and their clientele will be greatly  reduced.

Natures eight doctors namely the eight health laws will be giving you advise. They have proven to be the best practitioners, always reliable always available and most of them are free of cost . Sometimes nature has to be given some help and so you  will  be introduced to nutritional herbs which will be beneficial in helping to maintaining your health or correct some health problems.

As said before these are not intended to replace traditional medicine and should be used with caution. Contrary to many belief herbs do have side effects if they are used over extended periods and wrong dosages. As medical missionaries we are bound by principle and integrity to let you know this. This counseling ministry is not intended to miss lead you for the sake of financial benefits or gains.

We encourage you to keep taking your medication until your doctor tests tells  you to reduce the dosage or to stop completely.

This site also stands by the writings of Ellen G White a woman of spiritual enlightening and who seeks to direct individual to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You are invited to give your feed back on articles that are posted on this site. They will be vetted then if they s are in accordance or will enhance the information here they will be published;
To contact us you will find information on the about page. We hope you  have a great, educational,  spiritual and physical experience as you browse.

When you have received your healing  our advice Go  And Sin No More less a worst thing come upon you.
 Simple  put if you go back to do what had originally caused you to be  sick then the illness will return
As you have receive  freely give go out and make tell the good news to others.

We also take prayer request for healing Call: 1876 3781354

Administrater: Author
Juliet Christie Murray.

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