, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER


Recently I was attacked by Chick-V virus and ended up with  very bad pains in the joints but it went  down into the left toes and no doctor medication was helping. The doctor concluded I had gout in the toes but somehow it did not affected the  big toe .Nothing the doctor prescribed helped. However I  met a friend of my mother who told me to take warm apple cider vinegar with honey for fifteen  days. However I took it for only 7 days  it worked better than  all of the doctor medication
Gout is a form Arthritis that affects the  feet especially the big toes and  is associate with hype-ruricemia  that is too much uric acid in the blood. This acid is found In some foods like alcohol and a leftover of the metabolism of chemicals compounds called purines.
Diets that reduce uric acids are extremely helpful.these  involves cutting out foods that have high levels of purines.

uric acid crystals magnifiedCelery seed extract  and bromilain are some popular  alternative medicine, adding folic acid can reduce the inflammation and reduce gout episodes. Eat green vegetables, very little tomatoes, fruit and juice also breads that do not use yeast.
 Pain-Safe Foods
Pain-safe foods virtually never contribute to arthritis or other painful conditions. These include
  • Brown rice
  • Cooked or dried fruits: cherries, cranberries, pears, prunes (but not citrus fruits, bananas, peaches or tomatoes)
  • Cooked green, yellow, and orange vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, chard, collards, lettuce, spinach, string beans, summer or winter squash, sweet potatoes, tapioca, and taro (poi)
  • Water: plain water or carbonated forms, such as Perrier, are fine. Other beverages – even herbal teas – can be triggers.
  • Condiments: modest amounts of salt, maple syrup, and vanilla extract are usually well-tolerated.
After four weeks, if your symptoms have improved or disappeared, the next step is to nail down which one or more of the trigger foods has been causing your problem. Simply reintroduce the foods you have eliminated back into your diet one at a time, every two days.

Have a generous amount of each newly reintroduced food, and see whether your joints flare up again. If so, eliminate the food that seems to have caused the problem, and let your joints cool down again. Then continue to reintroduce the other foods. Wait at least two weeks before trying a problem food a second time. Many people have more than one food trigger.

It is not recommended to bring meats, dairy products, or eggs back into your diet. Not only are they major triggers, but they also encourage hormone imbalances that may contribute to joint pain, and also lead to many other health problems.
Avoid Major Arthritis Triggers
1. Dairy products*
2. Corn
3. Meats**
4. Wheat, oats, rye
5. Eggs
6. Citrus fruits
7. Potatoes
8. Tomatoes
9. Nuts
10. Coffee
*All dairy products should be avoided: skim or whole cow’s milk, goat’s milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
**All meats should be avoided: beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.

Other Approaches
For some arthritis patients, supplements of certain essential fatty acids have been helpful. They should be thought of as a medicine, rather than a food. A typical regimen would include a tablespoon of flax seed oil with 500 mg of blackcurrant oil (or three capsules of evening primrose oil) twice each day 
 If it is helpful, it should be reduced to the lowest effective dose. Some people also benefit from an herb called fever few, taken two to three times per day.  The herb called Devils Claws is also helpful (Caution: Do not take fever few if you are pregnant.)


RELIGION WITH OUT VOWELS is like a person without love
So many individuals follow a religious body but they have no  idea of what is true religion. Many follow to make their resume look good,

Some follow in order that when they die their family will have a church to church their body. In the true Jamaican parlance “take shame out a the family eye.”Some get attached to a religious body because they believe it is the right social thing to do not knowing what true religion really is all about.

True religion especially the Christian religion encompasses love for God and fellow men .It encompasses in the ten commandments and all the teachings of Jesus. Jesus’ teachings were based of true love. What is true love?

True Love is the channel of purity through which the heart flows out to its fellow men to do to him at all times.
If you cannot find that heart of purity then you cannot experience true love, be it Filial, Agape, or Eros.
James 1:27
English Standard Version (ESV)
27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Without this love then your love is like love spelt without the important vowels, therefore your religion and religious practices are like words built with only consonant senseless.

Is your religion made up of just empty consonants?

 Consonants alone cannot make English words. Vowels make  words have meaning. Love and religion: they create miracles.

Below is an acronym as it relates to the importance of vowels in religion.

 1. Acknowledge your sins and confess your sins them  to God  like David Psalm 51:3
2 .Examine yourself. Psalm 26:Corn11:28
3. Integrity: You must stand for what is right and  true Job 2:9--10
4  Obedience Follow Gods Laws this is what God expects of all. 1 Samuel 15:22-26, Acts 5 .29
5 . Understanding. Will enable you to make right choices Ask God for understanding
     1 Kings 3:9 ,4:29
6. Walk as Jesus walk, ask. Him for guidance .Gen 17:1, Gen 5:22-24 ,Eph 4:1 ,Micah 6 :8
6. Yoke be willing to carry the yoke of Jesus Christ Matt 11: 28-30.

Does your religion teach you how to apply the above to your daily living .Then you have put the vowels into your religion.

Contributing author: Juliet Christie Murray
Credit; Alberga Foster


Digestive Enzymes help break down food substances in forms that can be absorbed and assimilated by the body. They are very important to digestion.

Unfortunately  starting from age 30 the body’s secretion begins to decline by the senior years.  Usually  this declination can significantly affects digestion.Younger individuals commonly suffer from  insufficient  digestive enzyme as  well.
Tons  of antacid are purchase each year: Andrews, Maalox, Dioval , Milk of Magnesia and the list goes on. All aimed  at  ease conditions such as acid reflux,  excessive belching,  bloating,  excessive passing of  gas, stomach burn, and the list goes on.
Most of these individuals would do much better if they take a digestive enzyme before eating, These sometime could be a bit costly for some individuals especially  the elderly and poor individuals in third world countries who do not work.
You can eat pawpaw  and or pineapple a little before meals as these contain these digestives enzymes. necessary to digest protein, carbohydrates, and fats  Taking acidophilus tablets to supply intestinal flora can be helpful too
Things to do that will help  
1.       Chew your food properly
2.       Stop chewing gums
3.        Avoid soft drinks and excessive caffeine and alcohol    
4.       Eat uncooked fruits , vegetables, and sprouts rich in enzymes
5.       Eat no later than 2 hours before bed time
6.       Avoid laying down  immediately after meals
7.       Do not eat and drink


Eye colour -Wikipedia

The eyes is one of the most valuable organ of the human body. It  will not last if it is abused.
Some common cause of eye problems are due  to aging, birth defects,over exposure  to too much light , heredity  and secondary illness of other diseases.
Exercising the eyes can improve the sight. One simple exercise is to look at the object you want to see and circle the outer boundaries with your eyes before centering on it. When doing close up work  always stop and look way out in the distance ever .once in a while.
 Try looking at the ground with the corner of your left eye and at the sky with the corner of the right eye holding your head in one central position.

Here are some of the more common degenerating  eyes diseases below but there are many many more.
This condition, commonly known as nearsightedness, occurs when light rays entering the eye focus in front of the retina, not directly on it. People with myopia are usually able to see close objects well, but objects in the distance—such as highway signs or writing on a chalkboard—appear blurred. People with this condition may squint to see distant objects and experience eyestrain or, sometimes, headaches. Eyeglasses or contact lenses can correct myopia. Surgery is another alternative.

This common vision problem, also known as farsightedness, occurs when light rays entering the eye focus behind the retina, not directly on it. People with hyperopia are usually able to see distant objects well, but close objects appear blurry. Hyperopia may cause eyestrain or headaches, especially with reading. Eyeglasses or contact lenses can correct hyperopia. For people who do not want to wear glasses or contact lenses, laser vision correction is sometimes possible.

Disease in which the pressure of the fluid inside the eye is too high, resulting in a loss of peripheral vision. If the condition is not diagnosed and treated, the increased pressure can damage the optic nerve and eventually lead to blindness. Vision lost as a result of such damage cannot be restored. A person who has glaucoma may not realize it at first, because the disease often progresses with no symptoms or warning signs. Early detection through regular eye examination and prompt treatment is essential to prevent vision loss. Daily medication (usually eye drops), surgery, or a combination of both enables most people to control their intraocular pressure and retain their vision.

A condition in which the lens of the eye, which is normally clear, becomes cloudy or opaque. Cataracts generally form slowly and without pain. They can affect one or both eyes. Over time, a cataract may interfere with vision, causing images to appear blurred or fuzzy and colors to seem faded. Most cataracts are related to aging. In fact, cataracts affect more than 50 percent of all adults by age 80 and are the primary cause of vision loss in people 55 and older. 

Those with high  blood sugar, those who  take steroids, people with heavy metal poisoning, people using hair dyes, smokers. and lack of vitamins. People with early cataract may benefit from new eyeglasses, bright lighting, anti-glare sunglasses, or magnifying lenses. If, despite such devices, cataract interferes with daily activities, surgery is the only effective treatment. Cataract surgery, which is common, involves removal of the cloudy lens and replacement with an artificial lens.
Natural remedy is to eat whole grains, nuts, fruits, and get enough vitamin A,B.C
Relaxing during the day is good for the rye..

Diabetic retinopathy
 Eye condition that results from the damaging effect of diabetes on the circulatory system of the retina. The longer someone has had diabetes, the greater the person's likelihood of developing diabetic retinopathy. Changes in the tiny blood vessels of the retina can lead to vision loss. People with diabetes should have routine eye examinations so that diabetes-related problems can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Maintaining strict control of blood sugar levels helps to prevent diabetic retinopathy. Surgical and laser treatments can help many people affected with this condition

    This is the inability of the eyes to tolerate  light. It is where looking at normally bright objects hurts the eye. This can  occur occasionally or gradually increases
usual. The chief cause of this is a lack of vitamin A in the diet. It is usually experience by  individuals who smoke marijuana. If the problem is vitamin A related add 25.0001U daily for a few days as more can be dangerous. Increase the intake of beta carotene in diet. Drink 3 glasses carrot juice daily .Use moderately morenga



·         The wise man Solomon says truly the light is sweet and·     It’s a pleasant thing to behold the sun   Ecclesiastes  17.:11
·         Nothing can be seen until it is hit by light·   UV light  activates vitamin  D synthesis which is necessary to absorb calcium  and other nutriens.
·         Blocking the UV rays may severely  weaken the immune system·   People who wear  tinted glasses are more likely to be psychopathic than those who do not wear
·         Using bright  warm, light colours such as yellow and orange can  improves intelligent quotient and academic achievement
·         Stress affects the peripheral field of vision and reduce how much one sees
·         Moderate exposure to cholesterol reduces blood cholesterol significantly.
·         Looking at the sunlight for a few minutes can reset your biological clock if you work at nights and mess up your sleep wake cycle.

Eyes exercise can help your sight immensely. When looking an an object circle  it with . yours eyes before focusing  on it. 
When yo work close up such as with computers  at various intervals focus your eyes on far away objects.

Try looking diagonaly with your eyes on the floor and up to the sky.

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...