The Secret of acquiring wealth know the spiritual laws of health, wealth,aboundance and prosperity
Have you ever wondered why you are constantly in a state of bad luck and let's say poverty?
To change that You have to make up your mind if you want to get prosperity by the principle and laws of the God who created heaven and Earth .Or are you willing to achieve prosperity by worshiping the God and demons of the great arch deceive Satan
Both have the power to make you prosperous and wealthy, each requires from you worship. The arch deceiver will lead you in some dark secrets and evil practices and leave you there. The great God revealed to you some simple principles and spiritual laws that activates his release of wealth and abundance and prosperity. See some important ones below.
1. Acknowledge God, creator of heaven and Earth give him Praise and glory and gratitude each day
2. Activate the principle of tithe and offering bring it into his store house, it activates the pouring out of blessings by opening the windows of heaven, that you will not have room to receive it.
What are the store houses of God?
- Your principal place of spiritual nourishment.
-Any ministry Committed to promoting the gospel of salvation and the savings of souls.
-Any minister committed to the salvation and the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and saving souls for the kingdomdom of God
3. Giving is one of the spiritual laws of wealth.
-Freely give Freely received give freely god loves a cheerful giver.
-Read proverbs 18: 16, proverbs 11: 25 ,Corinthians 9: 9, Proverbs 31; 27, Luke6,38, Proverbs 3 proverbs 39.:All these Bible verses show The spiritual benefits of giving.
Types of giving that activates wealth
There are many but the 1st three written here are seen by many as the most powerful in activating wealth.
- a..Worship offering : Whenever you go to praise Go bring an offering it is helpful in promoting the gospel in the savings souls.
b. kingdom investment . Investing in the spread of the gospel, building and maintaining the house of God and giving to the take care poor. Give in proportion to what you received: If you get much then give much Give accordingly to what you receive
c. Seed Faith :
is connecting your seed with the a desired expectation such as removal of curses and bad karma from you, business, family and life challenges.It moves God to act.
d. Prophet offering : Give the prophet of God, the shepherd an offering when you visit him you should also bring an offering when you visit someone especially if the individual is in need
e. Parents offering : Always give gifts to your parents there is the first commandment with a promise. It shows gratitude and respect for them
f. First fruit offering: When you open a business of any kind your farm bring an offering giving thanks of the First transactions or fruits.
g. Sacrifice offering: These are usually given to show how much we appreciate ŵhat God has done for us, love for God and solicit his continued help and favour its more powerful if use with fasting and prayer. Remember to bring sacrifice of praise like David in his psinging and dancing to the lord.
h. Vow offering: Making a vow to God is to solicit supernatural help.Make sure you keep your vows a vow should not be taken lightly or it could become a curse.
Channels by which we
receive answer to activated aboundance laws
When you activate the spiritual laws of abundance the answer will be money ,wealth ,health, fame, prosperity and friends. They will manifest through the channels listed below
-Of GOD: The first favour is God ,Joseph found favour with God No matter how much you work and save abundance are determined God favour given through spiritual gifts and the anointing
- OF MAN : Brings friends and favour, such as those of Potiphar and Pharaoh granted to Joseph . Man gives love,attributes opportunities in ways one cannot even imagine. Joseph found favour with God and man, Queen Easter got favour from God and a great king.
2. Wisdom : Wisdom come through Devine direction and strategies . Wisdom teaches knowledge and understating to use opportunities arising from these strategies and direction to acquire wealth and to multiplying It.
3. Blessings: When you activate the law of abundance this is a spiritual quality that Brings people opportunities to bless themselves and others, Some call it the law of attraction but simple put it is called the law of blessings of the Almighty. Blesssing is something that you pray and give thanks for always
4. Health:
Health may not seen by many as a channel of blessings however it is and should be activated by practicing God’s health laws in order to obtain maximum benefits like wellness and long life. This law of abundance health is activated by practice of good nutrition , (see Gensies 1:39) Exercise, water sunlight, temperance adequate a Rest and trust with faith in God.
The secret to wealth and abundance is to activate the laws of abundance which is to show love to God and man.
LOVE TO GOD : Obedience to God’s Laws Tithing and offering
LOVE TO MAN : Giving to others good gifts, and quality time