, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER

The Secret of Acquring Wealth


The Secret of acquiring wealth  know the spiritual laws of health, wealth,aboundance and prosperity

Have you ever wondered why you are constantly in a state of bad luck and let's say poverty?

To change that You have to make up your mind if you want to get prosperity by the principle and laws of the God who created heaven and Earth .Or are you willing to achieve prosperity by worshiping the God and demons of the great arch deceive Satan

Both have the power to make you prosperous and wealthy, each  requires from you worship. The arch deceiver will lead you in some dark secrets and evil practices and leave you there. The great God revealed to you some simple principles and spiritual laws that activates his release of wealth and abundance and prosperity.  See some important ones below.

1. Acknowledge God, creator of heaven and Earth give him Praise and glory and gratitude each day

2. Activate the principle of tithe and offering bring it into his store house, it activates the pouring out of blessings by opening the windows of heaven,  that you will not have room to receive it. 

  What are the store houses of God? 

  - Your principal place of spiritual  nourishment.

    -Any ministry Committed to promoting the gospel of                   salvation and the savings of souls.

     -Any minister committed to the salvation and the                       preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ  and saving souls for the kingdomdom of God  

3.  Giving is one of the spiritual laws of wealth.

-Freely give Freely received give freely god loves a  cheerful giver.

-Read proverbs 18: 16, proverbs 11: 25 ,Corinthians 9: 9, Proverbs 31; 27, Luke6,38, Proverbs 3  proverbs 39.:All these Bible verses show The spiritual benefits of  giving. 

Types of giving  that activates wealth

There are many but the 1st three written here are seen by  many as the most powerful in activating  wealth.

  1. a..Worship offering :   Whenever you go to praise Go bring an offering it is helpful in promoting the gospel in  the savings souls. 

b. kingdom investment . Investing in the spread of the  gospel,  building and maintaining the house of God and giving to the  take care poor. Give  in proportion  to what you received: If you get much then give much Give accordingly to what you receive


 c. Seed Faith :

 is connecting your seed with  the  a  desired expectation such as removal of curses and bad  karma from you, business, family and life challenges.It moves God to act.       


d. Prophet offering  : Give the prophet of God, the    shepherd an offering when you visit him you should also bring an offering when  you  visit someone especially if  the individual is in need

e. Parents offering :  Always give gifts to your parents there is  the first commandment with a promise. It shows gratitude and respect for them

   f.  First fruit offering:   When you open a business of any kind your farm  bring an offering giving thanks  of the First transactions or fruits. 

   g. Sacrifice offering:    These are usually given to show  how much we appreciate ŵhat God has done for us, love  for God and solicit his continued help and favour its  more powerful if use with fasting and prayer. Remember to bring sacrifice of praise like David  in his psinging  and dancing to the lord.

   h.  Vow offering:    Making a vow to God is to solicit supernatural help.Make sure you  keep your vows a vow should not be taken lightly or it could become a curse.


Channels by which we

 receive answer to activated  aboundance laws

When you activate the spiritual laws of abundance  the answer will be money ,wealth ,health, fame, prosperity and friends. They will  manifest through the channels  listed below


-Of GOD:   The  first favour is God ,Joseph  found favour with God   No matter how much you work and save  abundance are determined   God  favour given through spiritual gifts and the anointing

 - OF MAN :  Brings friends and  favour, such as those of Potiphar and  Pharaoh granted to Joseph . Man gives love,attributes opportunities  in ways  one cannot even imagine.  Joseph found favour with God and man,  Queen Easter got favour from  God and a great  king.

2. Wisdom :  Wisdom come through Devine  direction and strategies . Wisdom  teaches knowledge  and  understating to use opportunities arising from these strategies  and direction to acquire wealth and to multiplying It.


3.   Blessings:   When  you activate the law of  abundance this is a spiritual quality that  Brings people opportunities to bless themselves and others, Some call it the law of attraction but simple put it is called the law of blessings of the Almighty. Blesssing is something that you pray and give thanks for always

 4.   Health:  

Health may not seen by many as a channel of blessings however it is and  should be activated by practicing God’s health laws  in order to obtain maximum benefits like wellness and long life.  This  law of abundance health is activated by practice of good nutrition , (see Gensies 1:39) Exercise,  water  sunlight, temperance  adequate a Rest and  trust with faith in God.


The secret to wealth and abundance is to activate the laws of abundance which is to show love to God and man.

 LOVE TO GOD : Obedience to God’s Laws  Tithing and  offering 

  LOVE TO MAN : Giving  to others good gifts, and quality time

Herb for Health and Wellness


                                smoothy is good for health and wellness
There are many forms in which herbs can be used, the most common of which is in the form of a liquid drunk by the patient, either an herbal tea or a (possibly diluted) plant extract. powders and tablets I have helped hundreds of people with different problems and promoted a healthy lifestyle that leads to health and wellness.Herb-like: to create the formula that is sure to help you

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At Dr. Freeman – Herbal Home ) we will find herbs  to address any of the            problem below

  • alcoholism                                                     
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  • Asthma
  • Attention-deficit disorder
  • Bronchitis
  • Cancer
  • Congestive heart failure
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  • Cough
  • Copd
  • Graves
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Diabetic ulcers
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  • High blood pressure
  • High blood sugar
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  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
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  • Irritable bowel
  • Impotence
  • Indigestion
  • HPV
  • Infection
  • Insomnia
  • Hot flashes
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Irregular Menstruation
  • Low sperm count
  • Malaria
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Shingles
  • Nausea
  • Syndrome
  • Morning sickness
  • Muscle pain
  • Toilet Infections
  • Migraine
  • Lower Back pain
  • Syphilis
  • Sore throat
  • Tonsillitis
  • Ulcers
  • Varicosities
  • Yeast infection
  • ETC
  • LISTEN   Dr. Freeman – Herbal Products    for any of the above problems
  • Nature fix for eyes


    Nature fix for eyes gives instructions for natural methods of correcting and fixing your eye problems

    Nature   Vision care 


     Vision care 

    Do you find your eyesight failing in your 40s? I did. Little did  I know. I was affected by pre-diabetes. Diabetes is one of the first causes of. eyes sight failure. in middle age. 

    As you age you must pay special attention to your diet and monitor starch, fat, and sugar intake. This  will stall the progression of eye disease?

      Hower diabetes is not always the cause of eye diseases. It could be caused by eye strain, or degenerative macular  disease.  Here You will be introduced to exercises that can reverse your eye disease. I will give you information on the best eye product that will correct almost all your major eye problems. You may even be able to put off that eye surgery you were planning for. 

    I introduce this excellent product that will help correct most of your eye problems.

    such as foggy eyes, burning eyes, difficulty seeing words, red and itchy eyes, cataracts,  eye strain, glaucoma


    Vision care 

    This product is made up of nature's best herbs for correcting eye disease.

    After realizing that your sight is not as it was before, you should be practicing eye exercises. Here are two

     1. Exercises For nature Eye Fix

     This is how it is done. Hold your head in one position throughout the exercise.


    look down

    look left 

    look right

    look diagonal up and down.

    Do all these six times.

    Do daily for at least  30 days

    Exercise Two for natural fixes 

     Now hold your head very straight starting as if reading a very large clock face. Starting from 12 o'clock.  go to 1:O'clock straight to back to  12..O'clock moving your eyes to each hour and coming back to the base of the clock hand. . Do )this  in reverse   starting from !2: then go  to 11:O'clock  right back to  12, O'clock

    Exercise for Eye Fix  3

    Close your eyes and cover them with your 4 fingers and rub lightly in a circular motion 4-6  times.

     This will tone the eye muscles and you will be surprised that your eyes will start seeing much better.

    having done that I would recommend that you take the herb supplement known as bilberry some countries call it huckleberry follow the instructions on the container. Always remember to take it with lots of water.

    The eyes most times have lots of dust particles in them which can cause the eyes to see less.

     You may use the herb fennel to make a light tea and use it as an eye drop, you can also drink the tea 1 tsp in 1 cup boiling water. 

    if you are suffering from cataracts this can be easily removed naturally by boiling 1/2 tsp of nutmeg in 1 cup of water boil to 1/2 cup. Get a clean eye drop bottle and a very clean piece of white fabric and strain. Remove all the nutmeg residue. Put only 1 drop in each eye 1-2 times daily you will be seeing like a young child.  However, it is best to use a really good already readymade tried,  certified, and proven natural eye formula, 

     It is still your eyes, if you are not a professional natural healthcare provider you may be doing this at your own risk.since this treatment must be administered with extreme care .to learn more

         Nature's Secret for healthy  for Vision care 

    Supports vision health with Ocuprime's specially selected and formulated with 24 most powerful and effective nature ingredients


    Natural Gall bladder and Lver Cleanse


    Traditional liver and gall bladder cleanse usually ensure that the entire body ends up in good health and wellness 

    How to do this 

    1.The day before drink apple juice all day and lots of water every 3 to 4 hours

     2.At  3.PM  take 1 tbsp. Epsom salt mixed in ¼ cup water.

    3.1/2 hour after drink a tea made from dandelion and or milk thistle You can use 5 capsule open in 1 cup water boiling water or 2 tbsp  tsp herbs in 1 cup water.

    stone that has formed in the gall bladee
    Gall Bladder Stone

    4.At 6 .PM you do another dose of Epsom salt

    5.At  8 PM you mix ½ cup grapefruit   or lemon juice with ¼ cup virgin olive oil mixed until the mixture looks white. Drink all the mixture at once and lay on the right side with legs drawn up in fetal position for at least 30 minutes.

    6 .At 10 PM  drink the  tea mixture again

    7.At 5Am  take Epsom salt mixture and the tea ½ hour after.

    NB. Drink lots of water during this period

    8  By 6- 7 AM you should be going to the bath room as the system begins to flush.

    9. By 10 Am you should be able to do a light breakfast

    For best results you should repeat this  3 times  1 week apart.

    Contributing writer                      

     Juliet Christie Murray 

    Healthy life-style counselor                                            






    Taking care of black women hair

    If you have issues on how to manage black women's hair and find health products  to keep  hair and body in good health and wellness including black women skin ,nails and eyes .Just continue  reading to

    Find out more Black women hair

    How to get rid of Back Pain

    Help For Back Pain

    Many individuals are seeking help from the  excruciating back pains they are experiencing .A pain that radiates from the lumbar area of the spine and travel over or along sides the buttox going down to the thighs, legs and may affect the feet and even the toes This could be classified as a classic case sciatica 

    Sciatic nerve pain formula

    D., Christopher original
    back pain  nerve formula

    Back pain may originate  from inflammation, pinching or compression of a nerve in the lower back. This is sometimes  cause by a slip or hernated disk that result in pressure on the root of a nerve.

    Some Causes of back pain

    1 Degenerated  bone diseases caused by natural wearing down between vertebrate and  ageing can shorten spine resulting in narrowing of nerve passage, often refers to as  spinal stenosis  and reduces  the available space for the spinal cord nerve

    2.  Slippage of  one vertebrae  can result in a mal alignment  with disk above it  narrowing  the opening through with the nerve  exit. this can pinch the sciatic nerve resulting in back pain.

    3. Osteoarthritis  can  also mitigate  in back pain  since the bones  in the aging spine can form spurs and  jagged edges of bones compressing the lower back  nerves thus the pains

     4, A trauma to the back especially in the lumbar region can cause inflammation  as it damage the sciatic nerve 

    5. Performic muscles syndrome can also be the cause of your discomfort. This small muscle is located deep in the buttocks  can put pressure on the sciatic nerve.

    6.Sometimes an inflammation can affect a bundle of nerve at the end of the spinal cord often refer as the cauda equina syndrome  a rare condition but a serious condition causing pain to run down ,the leg resulting in numbness  around the anus and loss of  bowel and  bladder control. 

     7.The sciatic nerve, also called the ischiadic nerve, is a large nerve in humans and other vertebrate animals which is the largest branch of the sacral plexus and runs alongside the hip joint and down the lower limb

    Signs that your back pain could be Sciatic Nerve Related

    • Moderate pain in middle and lower back
    • Pain that worsen with movement
    • Loss of movement
    • numbness  or weakness in lower  back, buttocks, leg and feet
    • lack of bowel or bladder control
    • excruciating pain in back thighs especially in sitting,  bending and getting up.

    How to  diagnose backpain  if it is sciatica

    • Straight leg raise to help pinpoint the pain 
    • Spinal x-ray looking for hair like factures
    •  MRI 
    • CT scan   see detailed  images of bones and the pressure they exert  on nerves
    •  Velocity and  electrical impulses 
    • Myelogram to determine  if a vertebrate or a disk is causing the pain 

    Self help relief for with treating  backpain

    1. Applying  ice and heat alternately to the identified area
    2. Taking over the counter medication like Advil, Aleve, and others
    3.  Do gentle stretching exercise 
    4. Applying  alternate therapies, massage, poultice, liniment and ointments
    5. taking internal herbal treatment geared at treating the nerves
    6. Pearl Barley is said to be extremely effective if added to meals
    I recommend you try Dr. Christopher original nerve tincture formula  .I have been getting good and positive results feed back on the product in addressing back and sciatic pain problems 

    How to Remove Pregnancy Stretch Marks Naturally


    Lots of pregnant women complain that they have lost the beautiful skin on their bellies because of  unsightly stretch marks. Their major concern that men will no longer want  them. and if unmarried they fear men will not want to make them their wives.

    Stretch marks are usually associated with rapid weight gain or loss ,It is not only associated with pregnancy, It can be seen in fast growing adolescence, during puberty and individuals who do weight building.

    Try this latest product
    ULTRA MITO REJVINATING CREAM  is said to work  Wonders for stretch marks and dark spots.

    These marks are distinctively different from  from the other unaffected area they may look red , bluish ,purplish,  brown, white or some cases silvery,   

    The best cure for any disease is prevention. Use a good moisturizer on skin before they start in early pregnancy. 

    Can you remove stretch marks or make them look less conspicuous Yes, natural remedies are very effective too. here are a few below most of them work with water to remove them after applying .The best way to help is to  use early after they occur. No one treatment will do the trick and is best to massage in instead of just slapping them on.

    1. Castor oil This is very powerful .Apply generously on fabric ,cover with Saron wrap(plastic)         leave on overnight to heat up, remove in the morning and wash with water.  repeat until            you  get the desired  results. 

     2. Aloe Vera jell. apply the clear jelly in an aloe Vera leaf for  10 - 20 minutes. then wash with        water.

    Stretch marks due to weight gain

    3,  Lemon rub cut lemon or the juice of a fresh lemon  for 10 minutes on these lines. Remove          with  warm  water

    3  .Olive oil  Rub on the skin condition the 4 antioxidant in this oil , vitamin E.A polyphenols                   and Hydroxytyrosol are very effective.

    5,   Sugar   mix with almond and lemon tub onto the skin area of stretch marks for 10                          minutes then wash  off.

    7 ,Alfalfa powder 2 tbsp  mix with  8 drops chamomile oil into  paste and rub on stretch marks       for 15  minutes ,wash off with warm water

    8.   Coco butter .2tsp , Shea butter, and vitamin E1 tsp heat and melt the shea butter  add the           coco butter and melt .Remove from the fire and mix well. Cool and use as a cream on the           marks

    10, Hyaluronic acid though  could not be called a natural treatment  will he very help full too.

    Pancreatic Cancer help Protocol


    Pancreatic Cancer help Protocol


     Weakness, diabetes, pain in stomach or lower back, jaundice , diarrhea, weight loss

    Cause of pancreatic cancer is usually caused by:

    1.       -Wrong food habits

    2.       -Poor diet

    3.        -Excessive Commercial, seasonings, and spices spices

    4.         -Smoking / 2nd ary exposure to smoke.

    5.         - High fat diet, protein, sugary, and salty foods.

    6.          - Chemical and toxins  exposure

    7.       -Predispose, factors:  heredity, pancreatitis, diabetes,                  constipation

    8.       -Dairy products, meat eating.

    9.       -Low immune response


    1.       Natural Treatment: Change the wrong habits above

     Follow the 8 laws of health NEWSTART    Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine, Temperance, Air , Rest, Trust God. reduce stressful situations.

     Because the individual is likely to feel weak, and do not want to eat especially if  they do radiation or chemotherapy  they will be  nausea. 

     The Diet must be nutritious and taken in small quantities

    2 . Suggested diet  

    Have 3-4 serving of fruits daily include in them (blue, purple and red berries) ½ cup ) is a serving.

    Add 6 ozs. of freshly squeezed orange juice daily

    Eat oatmeal add grounded flax seed and a few raisins and walnuts

    Drink bone broth made from Irish potato and bones and carrot.

    Eat fish and chicken about 1 time weekly

    Eat a handful of nuts and seeds daily (chia seed, sunflower, sesame seed, pistachios. Almond etc) .

    Remove red meat but its best to remove all flesh for a while

    Add whey or hemp protein powder in order to keep weight stable 3tbsp daily

     Drink Golden milk: 1 glass almond or soy with ½ tsp of turmeric powder Daily . Do not eat any form of peanut.

    Have lots of carrot juice Do not add any sugar 3-5 glasses daily if cannot tolerate food

    Have 1-2 glasses of green juice daily made up of at least 3 (lettuce, cucumber, celery, broccoli, callaloo etc} each time. Add spirulina to at least 1 glass daily and a piece of garlic. Have 6 glasses of purified water daily.


    Pancrestic  cancer Eat whole grains cornmeal. Brown rice , wild, black rice ,quinoa,  fresh vegetables and steamed reduce starches to minimal , Do not eat any product make from wheat . bread, pasta etc. while on this protocol

    The individual may have digestive problems since the good bacterial may be destroyed therefore, probiotics is recommended, try Acidophilus 1 tablet daily

    4, Take supplements to build the immune as it is now compromised.

      Vitamin  C. 5000 mg daily , Vitamin D 5000IU daily Beta Carotene  25,000 IU , 4 times daily for 3 weeks. Kelp 5 capsule 2 times daily. Spirulina, 4 capsule daily or 2 tsp 3 times daily. Blackstrap molasses  1 tbsp  2 times daily , Irish moss 2 capsule 2 times daily, Alfalfa  3 capsule 3 times daily open it water is better. Golden seal ½ tsp in juice 3 times daily for 8 days at a time rest, 7days then start again, Take 100mg zinc daily. Take 500 magnesium daily Take selenium 200 mg daily and vitamin B complex1000 mg daily .Take ashwagandha   to reduce stress and help sleep.  For pain take white willow

    5, Herbs  to remove pancreatic cancer.cells

     Blood’ cleaning tea


     St Johns wort   2 parts

    Chaparral          4 parts

     Pau D arco       4 parts

    Violet leaves     3 parts

     Echinacea       5 parts.


    Mix all. Make a tea of 2 tsp in 8ozs water take 4 times daily

    Until done.

    Maybe repeat consult  the herbalist


     Burning cancer cells tea

    Chaparral        1oz

    Alfalfa              1 tbsp

    Pau  D arco      1 oz

    Shiitake            1oz

    Astragalus        1 ozs

    Periwinkle         1oz

    Mix and use and use 1 tbsp In cup  2 take  times daily.

    Until done

    Maybe repeat consult  the herbalist


    5. Pancreatic cancer Detoxification; A 3 days fast drinking only juice can be done at least once every 21 days

     Enema Take coffee enema 2-3 times daily.  Draw grain coffee in 1 quart water cool to body temperature , pur into enema bag and gentle insert the tube into anus, gentle run the tea in. Hold for as long as you can . then go bathroom and evacuate, Take 1 capsule senna  every 3 days. If have diarrhea  stop the senna

    Salt Rub :do Epsom salt rub  3 times weekly do a warm bath after each (. ½lb  Epsom salt, damp and rub over entire body  Bathe in warm water, dry  off, wrap and go to bed

    Castor oil pack : get a  marina /T shirt . cut off sleeves and neck pour on I bottle of castor oil .Fold it , Put on area ,put plastic over it, then bandage to prevent leakage. This pack can be reused nightly. Just store in a plastic bag

    NB The only healer is your own body if given the right condition and stop and change the bad habits that cause the disease. They are listed above. The other healer is God Almighty. Do the 8 health laws and the things above .Ask God for forgiveness and Mercy He hears sinners prayers too and He wish us to turn our life over to him. He has given you your wake up call . You are one of the chosen few. Set all that  straight . Then what is there to fear. The almighty holds everything. He will take care of you.

     For you I am praying , for you I am praying, .I am praying for you. Written with all my love

    Contribution Author : Juliet Christie Healthy lifestyle counsellor/ Nutritionist








    Menopause real issues help

     Help for  some of the indescribable health  issues associated with Menopause

     There are so many issues related  with menopause , they cannot be described and something a woman  wonders if she is loosing her mind. 

    A number of women seem to have stomach issues 

     Many constantly complain of not digesting food properly, some complain about acid reflux

    Some complain of nervous stomach  and others complain about gas,. .

    Here is something  simple you may want to try

    1.  Stomach ; Drink plain cabbage  juice   no water added

    2.  Nervousness  Nerve tonic, (ask JICM Center for their formula}

    3. Hot flashes: Use female balance  (Ask JICM for formula)  Use Clari-sage oil  rub i drop inside               upper arm

    5.  Gas :Drink  fennel tea or chew seeds     Take 1 mustard  each morning for 20 days. Do not take at          night Mix 1tsp Anese seed  powder with 1tbsp honey in 1 glass water boil , 10 mins. take 1 to 2               tbsp daily

    6. Memory enhancer:  rosemary tea  ( lemon juice, whey powder. honey)  1/2 cup water

    7.  Eat  balanced meals meals on time and drink water ,

    8. Read a book ,.do some project  to keep the mind occupy .Start a hobby. do something with a friend.

     9. Fix up your self and look nice  Get up out of your bed 

    10 Above all pray for help and just try stop worrying about  the stage of life you are in.

    NB. This too will past nothing ever remain the same .

    Bless you, Love you. 

     Read more  In-depth Info on Menopause.


    Natural Cure for Piles and Hemorrhoids.


     Healing Piles Naturally

    Of  piles and fissures

    Another name for Piles is Hemorrhoid

    -Cause of them are small tear or fissures in the mucus lining of the anal canal

    -Passage of large hard stools

    -Severe diarrhea

    -Compact colon

    -Strains while passing hard stools

    -Sexually related trauma

     Different types

     -Pressure of  pregnancy  and  beating down during birth

    -Lifting of weights

         Signs and Symptoms hemorrhoids and piles

              ▪︎  Pain much like a paper cut.

               bright red blood after you poo.

              ▪︎ An itchy anus.

              ▪︎ feeling like you still need to poo after going to the toilet.  

                ▪︎slimy mucus in your underwear or on toilet paper after wiping your bottom

                ▪︎lumps around your anus.

      ▪︎pain around your anus.


     Hemorrhoid  Diet


    Drink plenty of liquids :

                                    Helps reverse  constipation

                                    helps soften stool

                                    proper hydration leads to better health

    Eat whole grains:  like Brown rice, peas and beans

                                    Seeds: like  grounded-flak, sesame, sunflower

                                   Nuts : such as almond, pistachios

    Fruits :                    Any kind: if diabetic ,avoid the very sweet                                  ones

    Vegetables  Eat lots and lots to provide mineral and                                   vitamins and fiber.

     Raddish juice is helpful 1/4 to 1/2 cup daily.ðo not prolong  you can stop then start again. Remember to drink lots of water as it removes fluid and can dehydrate the body.

    Natural Treatment for piles


    1 Let surgery be your last option because you can get well without it naturally

    2.When using the toilet wipe bottom with a damp cloth or damp toilet paper

    3. Drinks lots and lots of water to soften stool

    4. If in lots of pain take paracetamol              

     5. If itching occurs sit in a tub of warm water to ease itching and pain    

     6. Use an ice pack or wrap ice in a towel, place on area for pain

     7. Use 1 part peroxide in 3 parts water to clean area and promote healing    

    Hot sits bath to cool the aches of pile

     8. Peel aloe Vera and cut jell into strips and freeze then insert  in anus  to promote Internal  healing  and soothing of  fissures and cuts.


    9. You can make from cotton a supository and soak in castor oil  then insert in the anus  for 24 hrs. To promote healing of  veins on the inside


      Addressing and healing  Bleeding Piles 

    1.Drink 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper powder in ½ cup warm water 3 times daily.

    2. Use 1oz hydrogen peroxide in 8 ozs warm water as an enema hold in as long  as you can,. Do daily until you get results.

    3. Do not eat dumplings

     4. Do not do anal sex

     5. Keep feces soft you can take cascara herb tablet 1 2-3   times daily until it is at the right consistency

    6. Drink green juice 1 time daily until you see  improvement

    7. If piles are on the outside put cayenne on a cotton and         keep there to stop the bleeding.


    Contributing Author

              Juliet Christie Murray

    Lifestyle Counselor/Educator

    JICM Wellness Centre

    Sandy Bay, ,Hanover Jamaica

    1 876 378-1354




    How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

     Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Get rid of it now Hypylori...