, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER: To The Visitors

To The Visitors

Dear Visitor I am happy that you took the time to visit this site
We are a group of medical missionaries who operate from Sandy Bay,Hanover, Jamaica.

At the center we do

 Know your numbers testing such as height weight, waist measurement,
Blood pressure, testing BMI and Computer Health age,
 Blood sugar and cholesterol testing are done by request at individual own  reisk. 
  We accept a contribution to replace material used. We do use the best material under sterile and sanitary conditions by trained individuals.

 We offer education on managing your lifestyle and lifestyle disease for better health.
We do lifestyle assessment for a reasonable fee
We offer free health counseling, but accept contributions.

We help you plan a weight reduction program to help you manage your weight.
We introduce you to the Daniels Diet which is guaranteed to make you feel better and if it is  followed will make you lose weight without special expensive diet, supplement and excessive exercise.
We teach individuals about the benefits of using nutritional herbs to alleviate simple illnesses
At the center we do hydrotherapy and massage therapy which attracts a cost.
The center also provides and sell nutritional herbs, protein alternatives to meat, fruit drinks including coconut water, spring water and a variety of nuts.

The center carries  healthy desert, Jamaican Jack ass corn, Healthy  Fiber Cookies, Jamaica vegetarian sweet potato pudding  all sold in controlled servings  sizes so one does not  over indulge.
We do health presentation to organizations and institutions and companies. For this we do not charge but allow companies to give a donation to cover material and transportation cost.

 We hold vegetarian cooking classes on request  for this we charge a minimal sum per person in attendance to cover expenses of material . and ingredients

All our counseling is based on the natural health laws as taught by the Seventh Day Adventist.
It is good to be healed physically but it is best to be spiritually whole. We encourage individuals to thrust  in the Almighty. “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. Corn :
Juliet C Murray

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