, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER: October 2020

Is Your Arthritis Bothering You Again

Is your arthritis bothering you again. 

Now that the colder seasons are creeping in Is your arthritis. Acting up?. Are those joint beginning to ache. Yes I know the feeling.

.I do not dread these times .because miraculously  for the past 5 years

I have conquered those nagging arthritis pains.

What did I do

My first experience of pain actually started when I went on a Health walk. I was suppose to do a mile and a half walk it a walkíng  contest.

I was so determined to get to the goal that I had my head bent  just

 watching and count my strides

 However after  a while I realise that this walk was taking me too long 

.So I stopped and asked direction 

Only to realised I had past the goal by almost half a mile.

I turned back taking the homeward stretch  and I started feeling some excruciating

But I was determined to finish the race Vehicle 

came by and offer to pick me up but I refused the offer.

I final reached my starting point and every one gave me a big cheer because I was the lady to return

However because of my age I got the first price in that category because I was the only one who finished .

I got this prize at a great cost because for weeks  I could scarcely walk

My athirst hip pain was really acting up .It felt like I had a real raw sore in the hip joint. I apply various pain rub Bengay,Tiger. Balm Bunny's Arthritis Rub.  Quite a few of the renowned pain rub, but none worked.

I decided to go to the doctor,  got medications but none worked.

I decide that I was going to ask God for help. So I Prayed.

The answer actual came within my spirit I decided I was going to make my own pain rubbing.

I went to the pharmacy and starting picking up products that my inner mind said I should.

I came home with them put them on the kitchen counter and said.

See them here God what am I do with them I have no idea.

Then that inner mind again directed me telling me what to put in first and how

 And I follow my inner directions until all was combined

It was hot so I cooled it . And before it was completely cooled I put it in into a bottle.

It was a weekend and my helper who was going off for the weekend was given some to try because she was always crying for pain and told me of the many homemade rubs she had applied. All to no avail.

I applied it the night and to my surprise the morning the pain was greatly reduced.

By the Monday my pain on a scale of 1 to 10 was about 3.

When my helper came to work she said "what a thing good",and I even gave some to my sister. I used that rubbing and that pain gradually went away

As I said in the winter seasons or if there is bad weather, I may feel a little ache so I used it and I am alright. 

However, being a seller of herb product I do sell Turmeric powder.

Someone came and asked what I had for diabetes because nothing seem to balance her glucose level. I used to have a herb called bitter melon but had none  I took up a pack of turmeric that I had labelled  good for inflammation .diabetes and there was arthritis on the label too. So I sold the individual the turmeric .A week later she came  and said she wanted more because she had never seen anything that good.

After that I sold quite a few other individuals for the said problem.

Have all those people talking about how much helped they have gotten with there diabetes I decided that I should try it for first hand experience .I did and bingo my glucose level came right down to normal. Actually it had gotten too low the first time I took  it I had to quickly get something sweet to bring it back up.

I regulated the next dosage and from then I was quite alright.

But as I said the arthritis was not completely gone in the winter or extreme weather it was a bit challenging .

To my amazement  they come and  go  but low and behold these situations passed and I now have none of those pains.

It has been going well for the past 5 years.

A little secret turmeric was a part of the ingredient in that pain tub.

I now  sell that ointment to individual who asked for it. The return customers are the one who had loan it to a friend or family and they have decided it was so good that they are not giving it back to the one who was the original owner.

 This rubbing ointment is really really goodg again.

Now that the colder seasons are creeping in Is your arthritis. 

Acting up?. Are those joint beginning to ache. Yes I know the feeling

.I do not dread these times .because miraculously for the past 5 years

I have conquered those nagging arthritis pains.

What did I do

My first experience of pain actually started when I went on a Health walk. I was suppose to do a mile and a half walk it a walkíng contest.

I was so determined to get to the goal that I had my head bent just

 watching and count my strides

 However after a while I realise that this walk was taking me too long 

.So I stopped and asked direction 

Only to realised I had past the goal by almost half a mile.

I turned back taking the homeward stretch and I started feeling some excruciating

But I was determined to finish the race .

Vehicles came by and offer to pick me up but I refused the offer.

I final reached my starting point and every one gave me a big cheer because I was the lady to return

However because of my age I got the first price in that category because I was the only one who finished .

I got this prize at a great cost because for weeks I could scarcely walk

My athirst hip pain was really acting up .It felt like I had a real raw sore in the hip joint. I apply various pain rub Bengay,Tiger. Balm Bunny's Arthritis Rub. Quite a few of the renowned pain rub, but none worked.

I decided to go to the doctor, got medications but none worked.

I decide that I was going to ask God for help. So I Prayed.

The answer actual came within my spirit I decided I was going to make my own pain rubbing.

I went to the pharmacy and starting picking up products that my inner mind said I should.

I came home with them put them on the kitchen counter and said.

See them here God what am I do with them I have no idea.

Then that inner mind again directed me telling me what to put in first and how

 And I follow my inner directions until all was combined

It was hot so I cooled it . And before it was completely cooled I put it in into a bottle.

It was a weekend and my helper who was going off for the weekend was given some to try because she was always crying for pain and told me of the many homemade rubs she had applied. All to no avail.

I applied it the night and to my surprise the morning the pain was greatly reduced.

By the Monday my pain from a scale of 1 to 10 was about 3.

When my helper came to work she said what a thing good .and I even gave some to my sister. I used that rubbing and that pain gradually went away

As I said in the winter seasons or if there is bad weather, I may feel a little ache so I used it and I am alright. 

However, being a seller of herb product I do sell Turmeric powder.

Someone came and asked what I had for diabetes because nothing seem to balance her glucose level. I used to have a herb called bitter melon but had none I took up a pack of turmeric that I had labelled good for inflammation .diabetes and there was arthritis on the label too. So I sold the individual the turmeric .A week later she came and said she wanted more because she had never seen anything that good.

After that I sold quite a few other individuals for the said problem.

Have all those people talking about how much helped they have gotten with there diabetes I decided that I should try it for first hand experience .I did and bingo my glucose level came right down to normal. Actually it had gotten too low the first time I took it I had to quickly get something sweet to bring it back up.

I regulated the next dosage and from then I was quite alright.

But as I said the arthritis was not completely gone in the winter or extreme weather it was a bit challenging .

To my amazement they come and go but low and behold these situations passed and I now have none of those pains.

It has been going well for the past 5 years.

A little secret turmeric was a part of the ingredient in that pain tub.

I now sell that ointment to individual who asked for it. The return customers are the one who had loan it to a friend or family and they have decided it was so good that they are not giving it back to the one who was the original owner. In



The Accuracy of Momograms

Momogram are being pushed by many health providers as the  ways to go for early detection of breast cancer. What is your take on it .Is it really necessary or is it one of the money making opportunities for the medical  fraternity


 I am 69 years old entering my 70th year in the next 6 weeks and although  recommended
by my doctor many times I simple did not and have never done a momogram.

I once went to a herbalist to name the person. Dr. Fowler , she told me my breast were lumpy which was true.she gave me a full body herbal detox  and some supplements .I did one repeat when she was done my breast did not feel lumpy any more . That was some 16 years ago. 
The strangest thing was I did not go to her for such  a condition but when she was through assessing me with Irodology she found 3 conditions that I  had without me opening my mouth  to her about them

Based on the British standards of invite  for screening I would have 2 years left to do a monogram
Breast cancer screening - › conditions › b...
Web results

As of October 2015, the ACS recommends that American women get tested annually starting at 45 years of age (it was 40 previously) and that women aged 55 and older cut back to one test every two years.

 This change was prompted by a 2013 report published by the U.S. Preventative Task Force which recommended delaying mammograms for healthy women in order “to reduce the harms of mammography screening by nearly half.

The specifics of these harms have remained somewhat vague; the mainstream media has mostly focused on the high number of “false positives” that mammograms produce. Indeed, approximately 20% of all initial breast cancer diagnoses wind up being “false positives,” which often lead to unnecessary biopsies and even rounds of chemo and radiation – not to mention a lot of unnecessary emotional stress.

Article Summary

  • Approximately 20% of all initial breast cancer diagnoses wind up being “false positives.”
  • A study found that mortality rates from breast cancer was the same both for women who got mammograms and those who did not.
  • There is technology which can safely and effectively detect breast cancer, sometimes years before a lump or bump appears.
  • There’s a billion-dollar cancer industry that is designed to promote the “status quo” at the expense of patient advocacy and disease prevention.
  • It’s important to work with the right doctor to find the best detection methods for you.
It is now believed that MRI is even now a more effective screening  than monogram.

So here you go I just gave you the report you have to make your choice.Breast cancer have been detected  by monogram and has helped save many lives.

I would suggest that you give your body a yearly detox preferably colon cleansing  herbs and some blood purifying herbs,keep blood albumin levels between 3.5 -5
.00 gdl, reduce fleshy and dairy food. Drink 6- 8 glasses of water daily get some sunshine , exercise, reduce stress get enough rest and you should  fairly be on your way  to preventing breast cancer.

Added update info
Adding soursop to your diet

If you can get the fruit or it's leaves consume one 1  -2 lbs  fruit or drink the tea made from the leaves at least 1-2 times daily and 3 time weekly will kill cancer cell . If you do find yourself with very  low stage breast cancer  
Try adding agressively soursop fruit and leaves for the next 3  months. Like using the soursop 3 times daily.and reduce flesh from diet adding vegetable juice. Reduce the fruit juices  .You see cancer thrive on  sugar.

I am  will be 74 years old in the nect 5 months almost out of the momogram testing range.I  have not done a momogram as yet .Still givining glory to The Almighty I am cancer free.and practicobg thr health laws.

Contributing author
Juliet Christie Murray

One hundred facts for desease prevention


Stay on top of your health dos and dont

1.    D   To get rid of toxins Stop putting them in your body

2.       Do not eat brand name foods of mass production.

3.       Get metal filling out of your dental work

4.       Stop smoking

5.       Do not drink tap water

6.       Buy and use a shower filter

7.       Eat only 100 % organic food

8.       Do not eat in fast food restaurant

9.       Do not eat anything that come out of the microwave

10.   Eliminate aspartame and monosodium glutamate

11.   Do not eat artificial flavors (including Splenda)

12.    Do not drink diet sodas

13.   Do not eat hydrogenated oils

14.   Do not eat homogenized and pasteurized dairy products

15.   Do not eat high fructose corn syrup

16.   Use only toothpaste with no fluoride

17.   Do not use nonstick cook ware

18.   Eat only organic, kosher meat and poultry

19.   Do not eat farm raised fish

20.   Do not eat pork

21.   Do not eat shellfish

22.   If you cannot eat it do not put it on your skin

23.   Get an air purifier

24.   Use only nontoxic 100%organic cleaning supplies

25.   Do not drink canned or bottled juice

26.   Do not use sun block

27.   Do not take vitamins (take juices &whole food supplement)

28.   Do not antiperspirant or deodorant (read ingredient can’t read it do not put on your skin)

29.   Do not eat white processed sugar

30.   Do not ear white processed flour

31.   Eat nothing that say fat free on the label

32.   Eat nothing that says sugar free

33.   Eat nothing that says ,low carbs  or net carbs on label

34.   Do not eat food bars

35.   Do not eat diet or protein shakes

36.   Stay away from hot tubs ,steam rooms and swimming pools

37.   Eliminate air fresheners

38.   Eliminate fluorescent light (use full spectrum lighting (acts like Sunlight)

39.    Reduce or eliminate air conditioning

40.   Avoid dry cleaning

41.   Make your own beer or wine((with pure organic ingredients)

42.   Buy a good vacuum cleaner with a heap filter


C.  You must handle and address your nutritional deficiencies  

 43. Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetable

44.   Buy a juice machine and use it( 3-4 glasses daily  give all minerals .and vitamin))

45. Eat raw nuts and seeds. (raw means uncooked no salt no roasted.

46.  Get natural sunlight (walk in the sun)

47.  Eat an organic apple a day

48.  Take coral calcium

49. Take all natural vitamin E

       50.   Take liquid colloidal silver Daily

  51   Drink the magic juices ( noni, mangosteen, aloe vera, acai berry )

  52.  Take a whole supplement daily

 53. Eat raw organic honey, bee propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen( if not allergic to bee products)

    54. Get an oxygen water cooler (helps to increase oxygen which is most times always low.}

 55.Take digestive enzymes.

  56. Use organic sea salt

  57. Eat organic dark chocolate

   58.  Take omega 3 supplement

  59.   Eat a fruit or vegetable snack if hungry (apple Pears, celery, carrot cucumber etc)

D   Get something to neutralize electromagnetic Chaos

  60. Use electronic and wireless devices less

 61. Reduce TV Time

   62. Put a plant in your room(add  oxygen to your room)

  63. Wear white  as often as you can(white bring positive energy)

  64. Stay away from electric tumble dryers

  65 Take off you shoes and walk on floor outside is better

  66  Speak powerful healing words

  67 .Sleep 8 hours .Go to bed 10.00 pm ,wake 6,00 am

  68. Take an afternoon 15 minutes walk

  69. laugh and smile more

   70. give and get hugs

   8 0. Have sex

   81. Listen to nice music

   82.Be thankful

   83. Do a kind deed (it stimulates the immune system)

  84. Be lighthearted

   85. Do not eat late

    86. Do not use alarm clocks

     87. Get a hobby, or two (gardening get a pet, cooking, dancing, singing)

  88 . Get a relaxing massage

   89. Do aromatherapy

    90   Get an inversion table and a range of motion machine for exercise.

 91.  Write a goal plan
 92.   Get out of debt

   93. Have a news fast no reading of newspaper nor watching news

  94.For urges try the Callahan techniques.

  95.Do a dianetics /scientology

  96.  Find your purpose a life

   97..Pay special attention to hand washing they transfer, mold ,fungus, virus and bacteria

 98.Do  a twice per year  internal  fully body detoxification.

  99. On rising  drink a glas of water. Take at least 6 glasses a day.

  100. Do not eat  and drink at the same meal


Help for prostate cancer

 Help for prostrate Cancer

prostrating problems warning  signs

1. Slow urine stream

2. Frequent urination
3. Swelling and pain in 
     the rectum
  4.Difficulty and frequency in            urination especially at nights 
If you are experiencing any of the signs above as a male before it gets worst and  become full-blown cancer get the natural supplement the best for the problem  at this time click the link to get it Prostadine drops  

Testing  For prostrate Cancer

1.   Digital -Using the index finger to test the rectum.

2.      PSA- Prostate-specific Antigen. This is a protein secreted by the prostate gland

                Done by a blood test: PSA = 4 When the blood PSA is above 4 there is a prostate   problem

.     3. Biopsy When the prostrate gets lumpy and hard, a Biopsy is done. A needle is  inserted and a piece is snipped off for testing. The Biopsy is rated from 2-10

                There is Cancer if the Biopsy  shows 2-10,  2 is not aggressive, and 8 -10  is                very aggressive. cancer  stages of  Prostrated  is  A-D  or 1-4

4      MRI, CT Scan: Scans bones from head to toe. The stage determines the treatment.


 Prostrate cancer is a hormone cancer, even if you follow the laws of health you can still have cancer. Once cancer has left the prostate gland we cannot guarantee a cure.  It is best to remove testosterone from the system    If a  person is over 75 years  old, no radical prostrate surgery is given  .It is given to people who have 10 years or more to live.  If the person is 75 years and over he is given radiation. Large PSA over 20  likely there is a risk.

Signs and symptoms

            i.            Erectile dysfunction     impotence

           ii.            Bleeding;                      blood in urine

           iii.          Urine control                 urinating on yourself

            iv.          Urinary obstruction      stoppage of water

 Types Of  Prostate Treatment

Radiation - kills cells thus stopping their growth. The rate of survival is up to 10 years

 This is where an external beam is passed over the affected area for 6 or 7 weeks, 5 days per week.

Hormone Therapy complication

            i.                 Enlarge breast

            ii.                  Flushing-like (hot flashes)

           iii.                 Erectile dysfunction

Cryotherapy-        for prostate therapy this is the freezing of cancer cells

Chemotherapy -   Used for the last stage of cancer. They are real drugs. given by muscles, veins mouth, on skin, or organ cavities

Side effects      These may occur or not at all

            i.                   Weakness

            ii.                  Nausea and vomiting

            iii.                 Hair loss


Herbal remedies    For hormone for treatment 

 -Medicinal herbs:  like tumor shrinking and wasting, blood detox herbs etc. if you use the.

-Soya  Products:     good for prostate but may cause enlarged breast

.-Immune herbs:     system building   

-Herbs that destroy tumors: all these must be done in the very early stage


 Watchful waiting  is

            i.            Observing a patient while no treatment is given

            ii.          Such patient usually has organ-confined cancer with no symptom

While  you are waiting can take prostadined rops you will be surprised at what it can do

 Can prostate cancer be prevented? - No specific measures are known in the medical field.  Early detection with an attempt to cure. However the herbal formula Postadine has been  used to prevent or reverse the very early onset 

  Dietary Measures, along with 8 health laws are encouraging

·                   Low-fat low diet Soya bean product increase estrogen

·                   Lycopene from tomatoes                 

                     Selenium & vitamin E, Zinc

·                  Avoiding flesh, sugar, salt, fatty foods


Credit for this section is given to {Dr. Keith Wedderburn} urologist

  Natural Program for Prostate cancer

The Naturopathic measures are known to reduce prostatitis and prostate cancer but are looked down on by conventional doctors mainly because they have no training in such methods and to please BIG PHARMA by pushing their drug. Health is all in the money. This is one of the best if not the best



    1 Detoxifying the body:

(a)   colon cleansing (4ins aloe vera, 1 lemon juice ½ tsp turmeric I cup water)

    take ½ cup 2 x d daily 3-7 days or

(b)  using cascara, senna, goldenseal tea 1-2 tsp in 1 cup water) 2 x d 3-7

       day ake only green juice, carrot, juice beet juice, eat melon, cantaloupe

        4-5 times daily or when hungry while doing the above (a) or (b) 

                 c. Blood cleaning Do with the colon cleanse but go all 7 days  Drink a                              combination tea of all the following herbs (1part gravel root I part   

           1 part plantain.1part echinacea, 1 part buchu,1 part astragulus,1 part chaparral,

            1 part} 1 part periwinkle, 1 part stinging nettle. ¼ part ginger,,1/4 part   lobelia, 

           Use  to make tea add  3 tsp to one cup boiling water sweetened with                                               honey(optional}

    Take ½ cup 3 times daily. More effective if done with a coffee enema. 1 x 

     x7 days, (Draw coffee 1quart  water, cool and put into enema bag and Insert into 

     rectum lying on the side hold for as long as you can. 

   Come off the cleanse with a light vegetable  soup and take 1 acidophilus  tablet 

            per day for 7 days after,

        c. Sweating out toxins with Epsom salt glow (warm bath scrubbing entire 

           body with Epsom salt) and Russian steam baths will induce sweat

            See different ways on the internet.

                     2. Supplements:  These should be taken to reduce swelling  Saw palmetto                                                 tablets, Avena  stevia,(oats) pygeum, kelp,  zinc taken in tablet form, and                                                    albumin tablets, follow instructions on the bottle

                   3.  Diet protocol

                    -  If albumin tablets cannot be found take egg white to build albumin

                       levels to   

                     - take sea kelp. Pumpkin seed, grains, flax seed, /oil 

                -  Eat dark green, leafy, red, and yellow vegetables, legumes,

                                 peas beans

                      - Eat fruits, eat an apple a day, eat nuts,

                      - drink green juice and carrot and beet juice

                     - Eat grains, like brown rice, quinoa corn

                     - Reduce or cut out red meat, soda,

          -   Eat only 100 % organic food

               -   Do not eat in fast food restaurants

                       - Do not eat anything that comes out of the microwave

                - Eliminate aspartame and monosodium glutamate

           -  Do not eat artificial flavors (including Splenda)

            - Do not drink diet sodas

             -Do not eat hydrogenated oils( eat virgin oil , olive coconut, )

                  -Do not eat homogenized and pasteurized dairy products

                   -Do not eat high fructose corn syrup

         4. Exercise Regime; Do 30 minutes walk if you can in see the sun 3x weekly

                 -   aerobic 20- 30 minutes a day 3-4 times weekly

                  - Strength  training  lift weights 2-3 times daily for 8-10 minutes

                   - stretching -exercise  like yoga, like stretching after each exercise

    Help for prostate cancer

                5. Immaculate: hygiene practiced personal bath and change of clothing.

                           Proper hand washing to keep away viruses, bacteria, fungus

                           Which reduces blood albumin levels which are needed to balance

                            Body fluids and nutrients so it can fight disease

                            Oral hygiene visits the dentist and make sure you remove a mercury

                            filling as they reduce albumin levels.

                  6      Massage the Prostate externally and internally.

                  7.      Progesterone cream rub on balls 2 times daily if it reaches cancer stage

                   8.    Prayer   When  using this protocol, you are required to pray daily asking    the creator for healing Because it is, He who heals and holds life all other                                           things are just props to make the stage looks good   

Update. 10.09.23

 a 1-2  lbs soursop  fruit daily for 2 months then 1 time per werek  can greatly reduce the chances of prostrate swelling  becoming cancerous as long as you mamage flesh and sugar intake

                   This section  on natural is contributed by lifestyle counselor Juliet Christie Murray (medical                                   missionary)












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How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...