, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER: December 2020


Fasting is considered by many health enthusiasts as one of the best methods of controlling overweight and diabetes.

  This book will give you more insight

Many of us were told that weight gain was due to taking on too much calories therefore if we are considering losing some weight the best method is to eat less.

 Many eat less until they reach starvation and still do not see much difference as the fat kept piling on.

Until it goes to the point that they end up with not just fat but type 2 diabetes too. 
Then we were told that lowering the carbohydrates was the way to keep fat off. C.I.C.O calories in calories out were the best way; eat then exercise. But this also proved wrong because the "eat less and lose more theory" did not work also.
Later more studies proved that the underlying cause of obesity seems to be hormone related rather than caloric.

The hormone insulin is a fat-storing hormone.When we eat insulin increases and signal our body to store food energy as fat to use later when the need arises. Although this method has helped humans for many years in today's world the need never arises in most cases.

High insulin levels result in obesity and later goes on to type 2 diabetes as the cells develop high resistance to insulin

In type1 and type 2 diabetes insulin certainly lowers blood sugar but causes weight gain. In type 1 insulin levels are low so blood sugar is high.

Type 2 insulin levels are consistently high, but blood sugar is high because the cell develops a high resistance to insulin. 
Doctors consistently increase the insulin dosage and as type 2 diabetes gets worst so does obesity.

What can we do to help both of these conditions obesity and type 2 diabetes?  Studies  said that It seems that there could  be  a "one plaster that could be suitable to cover both wounds"

It is said diet and fasting could do both. Studies showed that a low-carb diet coupled with vegetables, high-quality protein adequate amount of good fat would show marked improvement in regulating blood sugar but no marked improvement in weight loss.

It was hypothesized the body when going into assuming starvation will hang on to its caloric reserves and instead of reducing weight actually gain weight.

Further studies proved that the best way to overcome this challenge is to send the body into a fasting mode. Not only did blood sugar levels fall but weight reductions were observed also .

However to the delight of many. Some underlining health issues other than the two mentioned showed marked improvement and many completely went away. 

This happens because fasting actually sends the body into detox mode where water and toxin are released as the liver .kidneys and colon detoxify. The result is more energy and a sense of well-being.

This really sounds crazy how can one feel better when the body is starved of nutrients. These promoters of fasting must have lost their minds. 

We were thought that to function we need at least 3 meals daily maximum 6 to include mid-morning mid afternoon snacks and a nightcap.
However, reports came that when fasting the mind becomes clearer
 the brain sharper and energy improved. Who would not want to experience this?

Fasting is voluntarily depriving the body of food over a period of time for specific. reasons. these reasons vary from religious, to protest. Weight loss, blood sugar reduction as in the case of diabetes, and curing of life threatening diseases even cancers

Fasting must be planned and the mind prepared to complete the task.
If this is not done there is the possibility of breaking the fast before the time it was intended to last for this resulting in losing most of the benefits.

There are some things necessary to have on hand to ensure the body does not go into a toxic shock such as lemons,  bone broth with sea salt, and spring water .sometimes vitamins especially vitamin D, and distilled water if you are trying to reverse cancer. Most of all have a good reliable person to be on hand especially if you intend to go on long periods of 3 days and over.

In the end, there will be significant weight reduction and lower blood sugar. levels.

Remember to take probiotics when coming off a fast and gentle include into the body like light vegetable soups and juices.

Most importantly do not return to bad dietary practices like massive intake of carbohydrates, junk foods unhealthy fats sugary desserts, and drinks.

NB. The practice  of 5 hrs between meals, reduction of sugary drinks and desserts  and some strengthening exercise to firm up muscles have been proven to keep the weight off and stabilize the blood 

Watch this video  for reasons why we should fast

Pumping Up the Energy Relieving the Stress


Do you know that your enter body is made out of pure energy.this energy is arrange in different  form  to produce organs ,bones hair and liquid in the body.

Well there is one organ in the body that you can use to top up your energy quickly if you are feeling stressed or tired especially when you are in places where you need energy or need to calm the rising stress.
It is believed that the body  has at its disposal 9 energy system that you can activate  to pump up the energy.
However I will just introduce  you to the triple warmer a simple one which for most people over utilizes an gland that at 70 it is not even there  but that  what remains of it is just a blob of fat.

Have you seen in the movies Tarzan or Cheeta beating their chest when they are thinking  of going to war. Well you believe this  they are activating one of the easiest system  of pumping up the energy  the "triple warmer

Why best the chest? You see there is a gland situate right at  the breast between the lung behind the sternum called the thymus gland. Though born with it it is  slowly developed until late childhood,and puberty when it reach its maximum weight  and slowly  starts shrinking and gradually replace by a fatty tissue.
Thymosin is the hormone produce by the thymus. Throughout  the childhood years It helps in the development of T Cells, which  are specific type of white blood cell  called  lymphocytes. These Cells pass through the thymus gland on their way to the lump noods.
where hey  helps to fight disease
The thymus  has a double function one as a endocrine the other  a lymphatic gland. These functions  form part of the immune system and thus helps the body to fight many diseases in the body.
The immunes system is a part of the first line of protecting the body from invasive bacteria and viruses.

You need to know that if you beat a few seconds on the area  on the chest between the breast at times when you are very tired or feel stressed your energy will pump up and and your stress releive

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat?

Maybe you have or you are infected with the Helicobacter pylori. This is a bacteria that penetrates the mucous lining of the stomach and has establish an infection there.
These germ enters the body and take up residence in the digestive tract. After living there for a long time even years, may cause ulcer which is a sore in the stomach and can later lead to cancer .If you develop signs and symptoms of peptic ulcers your doctor should test you for the bacteria.
It is believed that the infection usually happen in childhood. It is contagious and can be passed on through the saliva by kissing and even oral sex.
It run in families and the spouses should be tested if family members are experiencing the problem.

Signs and symptoms
1. An ache or burning pain in your abdomen.
2.Abdominal pain that's worse when your stomach is empty.
3. Nausea.
4. Loss of appetite.
5. Frequent burping.
6. Bloating.
7. Unintentional weight loss.

Can this bacteria be Cured

Best info on Hpyloric
Bacteria cure
Get rid of all stomach problems just get all the  and best product from this link  HERE 


Treatment failure — Up to 20 percent of patients with H. pylori infection are not cured after completing their first course of treatment. A second treatment regimen is usually recommended in this case. Retreatment usually requires that the patient take 14 days of a proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics.

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are one type of medication that can be used to reduce stomach acid and relieve GERD symptoms.

PPIs are approved for
1. numerous indications, including short-term management of gastroesophageal reflux disease, erosive esophagitis, duodenal and gastric ulcers.

2 Long-term indications for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug–associated gastric ulcers, hypersecretory conditions, and maintenance of healing erosive esophagitis.
Other medications that can treat
at excess stomach acid include H2 receptor blockers, such as famotidine (Pepcid AC) and cimetidine (Tagamet)
Natural health advisers at times
Think that better results may be obtained be selective diet and medicinal herb which have been proven very effective since the individual do not have to contend with the effect of prolong antibiotics that may impaired the immune and exposure the individual to yeast infection and candida which can cause so many other types of medical conditions.

Aregano oil, mistic gum matual tea are said to be very effective in treating the pyloric bacteria a 

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...