, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER



Here is help  for Unblocking Blocked Fallopian Tubes the safe, Natural, and Healthy Way.

Fallopian tubes 

After trying the doctor and the doctor says you have a blocked tube what can you do. If you were given D and C and nothing happens what can you do. You may want to do the following. to ensure your body becomes healthy and well  to be able to have a child

Do a complete body cleanse

1  . Three days fast on only juices, vegetables,s and fruits. drink 6 times per day. Drink lemon and water  Do not eat any food )

2. Take a non-enema bowel cleanse,  Such as 1tsp Psyllium husk in 5ozs water
  and 1 cup  cascara tea; or two tablets 2-3 times daily for 3 days a week;
   Eat light meals Always remember when you do a colon cleanse to take acidophilus  tablets( 1 tablet for 7 days ) to replace the good gut bacterial you may have depleted

4. Take a non-enema colon bowel cleanser. Such as 1tsp; Psyllium husk in 5 ozs water
 and 1 cup  cascara tea make with 2 tsp herb or take two tablets 2-3 times daily for 3 days 
 Eat light meals Always remember when you do a colon cleanse to take acidophilus tablets after the cleanse (1 tablet for 7 days )to replace the good gut bacteria you may have depleted.
5.Do a blood cleanse-Burdock and/or Red Clover and or dandelion tea 3 times per day for 7 days. You may also combine the 3 herbs for best results mixed in equal parts then use  tsp of the mixed herb to 1 cup of boiling water (You may take the herbal tablets instead).

6.  Do a real enema using warm water and black coffee 3 days each week Get a bag;  here (.enema bags) mix 1 quart water with 4 tsp coffee draw and strain.

7.Take; herbal Health Supplements like red raspberry and Don Qui or/chaste berry to balance hormones 3 times daily. (view herb supplements)Search for them on the same site no These will help if you are trying to get pregnant.


                                                           Healthy foods  for promoting fallopian tubes health

Do a sits bath Put your hip in a tub of warm water and sit for half hour each evening for  2 weeks.

  9. Do a 20  minutes steam bath 1 time per week.(sit on a chair wrap yourself in a blanket put a pot of boiling water under the chair best to put it on a hot plate or use an electric kettle so it continues to boil ensure the whole chair is covered so steam keeps in. Put a rag soak in ice water on your forehead and head back; at all times to keep the brain cool.) Cool down quickly by going under the cold shower then dry quickly then dress yourself quickly  and go to bed immediately to prevent a chill.

 10.   Take multivitamins 1 time per day The Nutrilite Women Pack is very good, especially for women with your problem

11. The herb dog blood (infection bush} {Rivina Humilis} will clear any infection in the tube. Take 1 cup of tea made from 1 tsp herb and 8 ozs boiling water twice per day.

  12.Repeat items 2-7 for one week then rest for one week  Repeat two weeks more using the same procedure. Go back to your doctor and get tested better yet try getting pregnant.
 NB:  Keep taking the vitex tablets  for at least 6 months that's how long it can take to work 

         Make sure your partner is tested too in the meantime let him take saw palmetto tablets.

 Jamaica dog blood (infection bush) herb is the best herb for unblocking fallopian

  Things you will need  to create your reproductive  health and wellness:

  Plenty of fruits and vegetable

       Colon Cleansing:           Psyllium husk  Cascara, coffee grounds, Enema bags
       Blood Cleanse:           :  Burdock Red clover, red raspberry
       Clean tube infection:     Dog blood
       Balance hormone:         Don Qui, Chaste berry black cohos
       Supplement                    Nutrilite women pack tablets 
       Probiotics;                      Acidophilous     tablets

Contributing author 
Julie Christie Murray
Sandy Bay Jamaica


-           Fibroid  Care and Treatment 

 This program must be done for 3 to s six months

Take the following nutritional supplements  for the first month skip 2 weeks then repeat do this for the entire treatment period.
Calcium         1500mg        2 times daily  
Magnesium      800 mg       2x daily
Vitamin B 6     100mg        daily
Vitamin c        3000mg       daily

1.       Take 1 tsp Psyllium husk in 4 ozs water 3 times daily drink before it thickens 7 days   of the treatment. Repeat this every month of the entire treatment.
2.        Drink 2 glasses green juice daily (this can be cucumber, spinach, callaloo, lettuce, green cabbage etc,) add I tsp of chlorella, or sometimes Spirulina.  Each maybe mixed in plain water and substitute the green juice sometimes
3.        If there is bleeding  take 1 tsp alum root with 1 cup boiling water and make a tea  and soak a large piece of cotton and insert up in vagina
 4.       Do a golden seal douche once per week? 
5.       Do a coffee enema 2 times per day for 2 times per week.   (2 tsp grounded coffee in 2 quarts  boiling water cool to body temperature and use.)
6        Take 1 glass vegetable juice or fruit juice 3 times daily,   Add 1 tsp kelp powder and drink.
7.       Drink 1 cup peach leaf tea three times daily (1 tsp peach leaf in 1 cup boiling water)
8.       Apply a castor oil pack on lower abdomen and over ovaries at bed time at least 3 times per week(Castor oil packs are made by soaking a piece of flannel in castor oil and placing it on the skin. The flannel is covered with a sheet of plastic, and then a hot water bottle is placed over the plastic to heat the pack.)You may use an ordinary glass bottle with warm water
9.       Use a progesterone cream over belly follow the direction on bottle
10.     Take the herbs supplement hormone fiber reducing tonic 3 times daily (takes for 4 weeks rest for week and continues doing this for the entire program .JICM CENTER). You may email us to get the recipe if you live out of Jamaica we welcome your contribution 

11 Eat 1 tbsp of the following  salad  Blend
      ½ red cabbages
     1 large onion
     1 cup olive oil
     7 pegs garlic
    Blend and take one tablespoon 3 times daily eat with your meals.

Things to bear in Mind
- Fibroid usually grow on meat eating diets and when the body has too much estrogen.
-Avoid eating chicken, and soy products. Eat lots of grains including peas and beans. Eat lots of fresh    vegetables , brown rice Bulgar  millet , corn and wheat. Do  fish 1 time per week if you eat flesh.
- Drinks at least 6-8 glasses of water daily.
 take 1-2 grain celtic salt with each glass
- Do not eat and drink at the same time
-Do not snack, have a heavy breakfast , a medium lunch and a  light supper.
- Eat 3 hours before  bed time. Sleep 7 hours go to bed before or by10:00 PM . 

Prepared by:  Juliet Christie Murray



Carrying on our race is very important to civilization. The command that was given to our first parent was “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.” From that time there is the yearning in human to reproduce their kind. Sad to say many individuals have been denied the joy of carrying out this command for various reasons. One of these reasons is un explained  infertility.
So many marriages have  gone on the rocks because couples have found themselves not capable of having children for no reason.
We at the JICM Wellness center is interested in trying to help alleviate some of the frustration
By giving a brief rundown of  how you may try to help your self.

There  is a program to follow and  we will give you the recipe to the herbs you may use and how to make it up since we may not be able to get it to you if you live outside of Jamaica
  Pregnancy  Program
This is the program to follow if you want to get pregnant
Step: 1.     Do an infection test.  and do a  female /male hormone imbalance test.
Step: 2.     Take  these supplements ,must be taken for 3 months to get the best results

Sep:  3
Your Partner

Folic acid
Fish oil
Vitamin B6
up to 50mg
up to 50mg
Vitamin B12
up to 50mcg
up to 50mcg
Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
up to 2300iu
L-cartine -                       100mg
L-Taurine                            -100mg

Step; 4
 Follow The Hormone-balancing Diet plan
  1. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
  2. Eat complex carbohydrates - wholegrains like brown rice, oats, wholemeal bread
  3. Buy organic foods where possible
  4. Eat phytoestrogens, including beans such as lentils, chickpeas and Soya products
  5. Eat oily foods, including fish, nuts, seeds and oils
  6. Reduce your intake of saturated fat from dairy products, etc.
  7. Drink enough fluids
  8. Increase your intake of fiber
  9. Avoid additives, preservatives and chemicals such as artificial sweeteners
  10. Reduce your intake of caffeine
  11. Reduce alcohol
  12. Avoid sugar on its own and hidden in foods
    Step : 5 Avoid using tampon to prevent  toxic shock. If you have to change every  4 hours

   Step :6 Make sure you have sex when the woman is ovulating. Buy a  ovulating meter and 
               use to test your body temperature when  it is hottest is  ovulating time

    Step : 7.Try using the best position for sex such as lying on your back or  do back entry,
Elevate your hip for 15 minutes after

  Step:8    After You get pregnant Discontinue the JICM Tonic and get a supportive tonic.
                   As some of the herbs will not benefit  the process of child rearing.
   Step:9.     Sit in a warm zits bath  bake for half hour at least 3 times per week

Important Information:
It actually takes  3 months for an egg to release
It takes 2 months for sperm to mature  You  will need at least 4 months of this program to be effect ctive.

Do not smoke, do not take caffeine  Do not take alcohol they will reduces or prevent the working of this program.
                                       (You must type in" jicmcenter" to unlock the info when you are directed )


 ­ Prostrate Problem 
This cancer affects the prostrate  the chest nut size glands  that surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra. Prostrate cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in men over age 50.about one in every 4 men over 50 will have prostrate cancer

 Cause include ,poor diet, high in fats and protein, constipation, holding urine , not drinking enough water,  over stimulation from intercourse, wearing boxer shorts, drinking alcohol and beer

The natural cure for any form of diet is ensuring that  all flesh foods are removed from the diet.
 diet must contain alt least 80 to 90 % raw foods. The 8 health laws must be adhere to.
Last do not return to the things that cause the problem less a greater thing come upon you.

 The Wellness Store
What you can do













 remove  waste from colon – take enema 2 times daily –take very hot  ,hold as long as possible. Take 5 times daily for first 3 days.

Go on a juice fast .Mix the following juice and  drink 8 ozs 4 times daily
( 4 0zs cabbage, 8 ozs green juice,16 ozs carrot juice 4 ozs beet juice

During the week you take the enema, take a non enema  intestinal cleanse 3-5 times daily (1 tbsp Psyllium husk with 5 ozs water mix and drink before it gets thicken,

Drink 3 cup peach tea leaf   or yarrow  ,cleavers  and  gravel root daily
( 3 tbsp  to 1 ½ qrt water.

Get the following  Prostrate cancer herb  mixture and  take  1 ozs in 4 ozs  juice Ask Centre To build it

Eat a hand full of pumpkin seed daily

Drink at least 2 qrts water daily

Rub progesterone cream over the testicles 3 times daily

Take a drop of rose marry tincture on tongue 3 times daily ( this is very strong  use only as directed

 Take vitamins and supplements  listed  below

Diet Should consist of 80% raw foods raw fruits and vegetables
Use lot of raw seeds  and nut especially pumpkin, sunflower almond, sesame
Use cold press  vegetable oil  such as sun flower ,sesame seed or olive oil.

Lecithin, brewers ,yeast and vitamin E  for good health of the prostrate. Use them in cereal and vegetables 1-2 tsp per day

Take juice  do not drink with meals use juice to replace a meal

Supplement and Vitamins

Vitamin B 3 niacin 50 mg 3xdaily
Vitamin B12  1000 mg daily
Vitamin C 10.000  mg daily
Beta Carotene   4 capsules (25,00 IU 4 times daily
Vitamin F 600 mg. daily  if pressure is high take 800 mg daily
Chelated  zinc 50 mg  3 times daily
Pygeum Africanum  50 mg 3 times daily
Calcium  1,200 daily
Saw palmetto 5 capsules 3 times daily
Cran Actin capsules 5 cap 3 times daily
Sarsaparilla  4 capsule 2 times daily
St Johns worth 2 capsules 2 times daily

Avoid  coffee, black tea, alcohol and all spices

Get the recipe for making the prostrate cancer reversal mixture
It works.

Do this program for 6 weeks and your doctor will be astonish.continue 
If you stop eating flesh you can remain cancer free

Contributing Author: Juliet Christie Murray    Medical Missionary Hanover Jamaica
You should visit the center or call for help if you are not able to do the practical sections of this educational protocol.
Disclaimer: This is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat a medical problem. It is intended to educate as to the alternatives available to the problems above. Please visit your medical doctor for your medical problems or concern you may have.  I therefore I release the J.I.C.M. Center and its subsidiaries of  any liability arising from the use or miss use of the program protocol. My using this program  protocol is entirely at my own risk and is an  indication that I agreed to the terms mentioned above.



   Controlling High Cholesterol                             

Cholesterol is a necessary substance in our bodies 75 percent of which is produced in the liver. The other 25 percent is obtained from diet. Cholesterol is seen as a fatty wax-like substance found naturally in all body cells.
 It is used to build Cells, make hormones and aids digestion. It is divided into 3 groups. HDL (high density lipo -protein ) is seen as good CHO. The higher the better.  LDL (low density li-poprotein)   It is seen as bad ,the lower the better. Triglycerides is another component that makes up the whole cholesterol

The total overall Cholesterol should be Between 150  If it goes below 150mg you are at risk for cancer and lung disease and some types of stroke along with suicide, anxiety, impassivity and aggression in men and women, adolescents and adults alike.  If it goes higher than 200 you are at risk for heart attack and stroke.
The question to ask is this: What am I eating/drinking/doing/not doing that is creating all these free radicals that is damaging my arteries, oxidizing my cholesterol, and contributing to coronary artery disease?
The best treatment for high cholesterol is through lifestyle and diet.
Search  for new health Products  

           Cholesterol treatment Educational protocol


Follow the 8 health laws, do not smoke, do not drink coffee, stay away from excessive alcohol

Foods to avoid
Cheese, butter, hydrogenated oils, meat, egg yolk

Eat oil such as
Corn oil, soy oil, olive oil, wheat germ, oil flax seed oil,
Drink 8 glasses water and juice daily but not with meals
Eat  nuts   
Wall nut , almond , cashew, Brazil etc. but in moderation
Eat Seeds sesame, flax, sun flower celery
Eat beans  and peas, eg. Red, Lima, garbanzo, split, lintels
Eat fruits with pectin
Eat vegetables, lettuce, asparagus, okra, cauliflower, figs, tomatoes ,celery etc.
Eat grains, oats, Bulgar, wheat germ etc
Eat  lots of onion and garlic

Supplements  to take daily

Take 600-900 mg  garlic powder capsule
take vitamin A,
Take 1 tsp Psyllium  husk in 5 ozs water 3 times daily
Take vitamin c (1000-4000 mg) per day
vitamin E 8oo iu
Vitamin B 30 mg
Selenium 200 mg
Zinc 30 mg
Copper 1-2 mg
1-2 tbsp lecithin
3 tsp lemon juice or brags apple cider vinegar

Herb  Intervention use one or in combination.
Gugul 300 mg 2x daily (a lowering cholesterol . Herbs)
Fenugreek, barley grass, lemon  grass, Spirulina, cayenne

Contributing Author: Juliet Christie Murray    Medical Missionary Hanover Jamaica
You should visit the center or call for help if you are not able to do the practical sections of this educational protocol.
Disclaimer: This is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat a medical problem. It is intended to educate as to the alternatives available to the problems above. Please visit your medical doctor for your medical problems or concern you may have.  I therefore I release the J.I.C.M. Center and its subsidiaries of  any liability arising from the use or miss use of the program protocol. My using this program  protocol is entirely at my own risk and is an  indication that I agreed to the terms mentioned above.


Gall BladderFlush
   New health detox products
Cleaning the system is very important to .The colon is the death of many people But did you know that the gall bladder is very important to your health also When the bile ducts are blocked many illnesses can occur.

You can prevent various illnesses by getting a gall bladder flush. You will feel much better after doing this. Make sure you repeat step 2 for two consecutive days. Then do this 2 more times within one month.
 Week  end is the best time for working individuals

Gall bladder Flush

1quart Raw apple juice or
1/2 quart fresh lemon juice
Grapefruits juice
½ cup olive oil
 1 pack Epsom salt
1 cup  Barberry /dandelion/ yellow dock 

Step 1.    Start fasting on the  and apple juice or lemon juice for 24 hours. ( 6 .00 am Friday-Saturday-6.00 pm) Drink one of   the teas above during the day. About 2 hours before doing step 2 take the Epsom salt mix in water
Step 2.    At the close of fast Saturday night drink the ½ cup lemon /grape fruit juice and the olive oil mixed together. Lie on your right side for ½ hour before going to sleep. Repeat this procedure two days in a row.
Step 3. If you do not have a bowel action takes an enema. You will generally pass some dark, black or  
              Green objects that may look like peas that are shriveled the day after the flush.

These are not the stones they may be the oil that is mixed with the bile which tries to dissolve the cholesterol thus expelling the stone in the process. However stones may be smaller and less than 2 millimeters and may even be soft if they have not yet calcified.

There are small chances that some stone may be so large that they require surgery to remove them but there is no evidence that this has happened using this treatment.
The olive oil is used to soften and melt the stones which are formed by hardened cholesterol which blocks the bile duct.


The best cure for any disease is to make sure one does not get it. What is the easiest  and cheapest ways to prevent disease ?. It is quite simple that one can scarcely believe.” just ensure that your immune system is healthy and in tip top condition.

Basically there are only three ways to ensure a healthy immune. Herbs ,food and vitamins and (life style choices( Stephen H. Buhner) There Five  herbs  that stands out and are regarded  5 of the best immune herbs according to (Buhner Stephen)  are Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Boneset, Redroot, Siberian  Ginseng. Others herbs that have a milder effect is Echinacea ,  but this should not be taken if you have auto immune problems such as rheumatoid arthritis  but is good in mild infections.

These herbs stand out  when it comes to strengthen, rehabilitating, and enhancing the immune’s he top five can be used over a long period and carry very little s if any  side  effects. Their strength lies in their ability to enhance  various aspects of the  of the immune .these herbs are also used as an-stressor  since they seem to  protect the body from stress and stress is seen as causing impairment to the immune.

.Ashwagandha is reputed to have a strong and sure immune tonic and stress protector
Astragalus has been found to be very effective for the immune, it enhances the body’s own killer cells.
Boneset helps with chills and fevers and pains in the bones and is used in place of Echinacea
Red Root is important since it helps clean dead cell from  the lymph  system.
Siberian ginseng is an adoptogen. Anti stressor, immune tonic increasing nonspecific  resistance against several pathogenic  monoamine  oxidase inhibitor.
Individuals who are able to keep healthy immune have been found to harbor dangerous bacteria which cause illness in individuals with weakened immune. However these same individuals have never develop  any of the disease although they harbor the disease,  
Contributing Author :Juliet Christie Murray

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

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