, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER


·         Christ Jesus  The substitute:  He has become our substitute. He sacrifice his life for us we no longer has to make blood sacrifice for our sin. If you find yourself doing  so or were told to do so you are sacrifice to Satan. Jesus’ bloodshed on Calvary made full payment for your sins all we have to do is to claim it.

·         Christ the Lawyer :There is no need for you to feel guilty when you have committed a sin. Jesus now becomes our lawyer and pleads for our  sins submitted to him for forgiveness He pleads our case before the heavenly courts and he never looses an case.

·         Christ Jesus  the star witness: He  is also the star witness to the sins we have committed and the sins we put before for forgiveness. No sin can be too vile or great  that Christians cannot place before Jesus and ask him to forgive that will not be forgiven expect the sin of Blasphemy   against the Holy Ghost  Jesus said such sin cannot be forgiven.

·         Christ as The Judge: He  also act as judge within the heavenly courts. He is said in Ezekiel 18:27-32 to be impartial giving equal justice to those that seek him ,rewarding individuals as
they deserve.

·         Christ Jesus the purifier: Jesus does the special work of taking away our sins and make us clean. There is no need for you to feel guilty for the past confessed sins and do not let anyone burden you for the sins you committed when you were x years. The important thing after confessing them you should endeavor with the help of Jesus to try and do them no more. However If for some   reason you got weak and slip Jesus is there to ask for forgiveness.
 Malachi 1:3 Jacob  depicts Christ purified  people and Esau represents the people who do not accept Salvation  children of Satan. Jesus will rain down destructions on such individuals Ezekiel 25:26:27   as he did to the people in these countries who did abomination in his sight.

·         Christ Jesus the vindicator: He is  pays the full of our sins committed which enables us to be vindicated. He wipes out all the sins we have committed and Satan can no longer lay Claim to us as he tried to do with Moses. Jesus said My blood covers them all.

·         Christ  Jesus the assuring good news:  As the heavenly host looks on  -and the other un-fallen worlds they will  realized the God is Just. To prove this He will allow Satan to have full reigns on the earth. In such time inequity will mature. This is the reason why at this time all type of wickedness is advancing. Satanic Heavens are spring up all over the world. People are selling themselves to Satan making blood sacrifice to gain wealth and Fame. At the same time they   infiltrate the young with vileness and wickedness. Through songs, games and movies. The sins of Homosexuality are more rampant and subtly toppling Governments and churches demanding all sorts of favors and right to the destruction of  nations..

·         Christians do not have to be dismayed as these immorality grow we know that it must be for Jesus has given Satan free  reign  so that the un-fallen world and  people must  see the extent of Satan’s wickedness and come to the conclusion that when God  finally destroys him, God is Good and just. God loves his created planet and his created people.

·         You may want to read about the Cosmic Conflict between God and Satan Read this book The Great Controversy By Ellen G white. 
       Read the previous article ARE YOU REALLY HEALTHY

·         You may post you comments in the comment section below.


 Remove Toxins From the Body

A good health regime is to do a 3 days general cleaning at the end of each month.
 Juices will help neutralize toxins and aid their elimination through the kidney liver and skin
Broth puts back your potassium, aloe and grapefruit mixture cleans blood,  Psyllium sweep the intestine, enema cleans colon.

If it is just a general cleansing your body needs, only juices, lemon and water. chlorophyll or Spirulina
 This is to be used each day of the cleaning. Must be done 3-6 days  

 4-6  Lemon or lime juice
 64 oz Water  spring or boiled water
24 ozs Fruit juice  (grapefruit, orange, lemon)  ( apple, grapes,  pineapple  ) ( melon drink alone)
 24 ozs Vegetable juice  ( calaloo, pack choi, string beans,  cucumbers carrot  celery) do fresh or store in covered container for 1 day
 8 0zs vegetable broth evenings (no Food) ( Irish potato 2 , 2 carrot, celery, onion, garlic,)  pinch sea salt boil strain and drink)
 ( chlorophyll / Spirulina )  
 Enema bag
Psyllium husk
Grain coffee  (draw 2 tbsp in 2 quarts water) use in enema
Deep BloodCleaning (turmeric, I tsp , aloe vera 2 inches,   ¼ tsp cayenne, 1whole grapefruit  without rind)  blend  and take  2 ozs or 4 tbsp at nights   

 Method/  Procedure

1.  Night before mix 1 table  Psyllium husk spoon in 5 ozes water and take  immediately
2.  In the morning take 1 table spoon lemon juice in 2 -8ozs glass Luke warm water
3.  Take one glass of fruit juice mix with 1./2 tsp Spirulina /chlorophyll  7.00-800  am
4   Drink 1 glass water
5.  1 1/2 glass vegetable juice                           10.00 a.m
6.  1 glass water
7.  1 1/2glass fruit juice                                   12.00  p.m.
8   1 glass water
 9. 11/2 glass vegetable juice                             2.00  p;m
10.1 glass water
11. I 8 oz bowl  vegetable broth                       4.00  p.m
13. 1 glass water
14. 5 ozs Psyllium husk in 5 ozs water              6.00 pm
15. 1 glass water before going to bed/ fruit juice

If you experience nausea or headache it is the body getting rid of waste. drink a tea like mint..

Enema must be used if cleaning for a disease. Do at nights before going to bed. 

You can do a salt glow of slightly moist Epsom salt to rub the body then shower.

Drink a light vegetable soup the day after fast and fruit juice before going back to regular meals


Being over weight can cause lots of unnecessary health problemsCheck your BMI nowIt will tell you if you are over weight or not then you van decide what you want to do

Findings of BMI: - A health BMI showing normal weight can be between 18.6 and 24.9. - For a person having BMI of less than 18, you are considered to be underweight. - If your BMI falls in between 25 to 29.9 then this is a sign you are overweight. - Persons between 18 and 18.5 is considered to be thin for a BMI. - Persons with an index over 30 are considered to be obese. See how well you can use this table


  Equipping yourself to do Grief Counseling

Grief is a process that comes with a loss and many individuals need help to face it. Counseling is one way of helping individuals who have suffer loss to grief and come through successfully.
Individuals must realize that everything in life can be changed but nothing can be change until you face it.

To successfully help individuals grieve the counselor must realize that people hurt from loss, loss of everything and anything no matter how insignificant it may seem to you.( money , health, persons, things, love , pet, car. etc)
As counselors you must answer these questions in order to be able to help someone else. • What in your life have you not grieved for? • Have you grieved yourself? You must ,before you can really help others • Can you become emphatic with people? • Are you able to face your lion?

What is

Grief Counseling

• Counseling is a passing on of and collaboration of confidential information and trust . between both parties • However the counselor will have to report planned or executed suicide or murder
 • Counselor must be sure to position himself that he will be unharmed during  grief counseling. There must be a   desk separating the individual and an escape route. The roll of the Counselor
 • Is to use psychological principles • Help people understand their difficulties
 • To provide support
 • To help people find solution to their problems

When trying to help someone who is grieving you will face the why question. This is a search for meaning. You must realize that most of the “why” questions are answerable only by God. When asked the “Why” question it is an indication that the individual is not yet ready to accept the situation. When the individual ask the “what” or” how” questions this person is now ready to move on. You must learn how to deal with people without injecting”God Knows statements”

What to expect as a  Grief counselor

• Expect the unexpected                                        • To answer questions
• To be an understanding counselor                         • Not to pass judgment
• To get help to grow                                              • To leave feeling better
•  listen and have someone listen to you.                • To have someone talk back to you

What Can The Counselor do to Prepare For  Grief Counseling 

• Be clear about reason why you chose to undertake this counseling
• Know what you want to get out of the counseling session
• Know what are your objectives
 • Be realistic and specific about expectations ( happiness, or not feeling happy)
 • Be willing to engage in counseling
 • Have a plan to achieve your goal
 • Consider if you are ready for  grief counseling ( time, Emotions)
• Know if it is your desire to change something
 • Know if it is your desire to improve mental well being
• Know the challenge you need to change
 • Know if you are wiliness to talk about your feeling, and your life experiences

   Contact with client

• The first Initial assessment and contact should be about 30 minutes.
• The assessment can take up to 4 weeks.
 • At the end of assessment contact client and give feedback about the suitability for counseling.
 • Set up a commencement time and frequency of contact

      Grief  Counseling  for Children

 Counseling children can be very critical and sometime should be left to professionally trained individuals, but in case you must. Here are some guidelines
• You must have the permission of parents to counseling their children
 • Children must be counseled with parents initially then
• Child alone
• Parents alone
• Parents and child.
 The real value of Counseling is (P.U.S.H- Probe until something happens)

• When thinking of referral these should be written or on specially prepared forms
• Oral by telephone or personal contact
Who can do referrals This can be done by you , parent , teachers, pastors, child person of concern.
This is submitted to social worker or the follow agencies or to other people with expertise. Places to refer people for support in Jamaica
 C.D.A Child Development agency
 Clinical Psychology (Clinics ,hospital. Private or public)
 Family therapist
 (Family Court Offices)
 Guidance Counselors (Schools and Churches)
 Victim Support Units People Who Grieve Feel Lonely

Here are some scripture to give the people who grieve
  Psalm. 30:5
  Isaiah.41:10
  Isaiah. 43:2
  Rev. 21:4
  Isaiah 33:24
  Corn/15:54



The master cleanse

otherwise called the lemonade diet has been developed to help individuals correct their stubborn health problems .It is used to clean toxins from the blood and to remove stubborn fecal waste from the colon and used to reduce weight.
Step 0ne

(a) .Cleansing tea
1. Pack herbal  cleansing tea  ( start by drinking evening) then each night of the cleansing days
(b).Salt water wash (made with sea salt and spring /purified water)
  Drink 4 8 ozs. glasses of salt water was  all at once each morning)
Step two
 (a ) The Maple syrup Lemonade (. Mix  all the ingredients below)
    1 tbsp lemon/lime juice
   2.tbsp genuine grade A maple syrup
    1-10 tsp cayenne pepper (as much as you can tolerate)
    1 .ten  ozs  glass purified water (or  medium hot)
Take 6-12 glasses  of this mixture  daily  during the waking period ( Do for 10 days) you can do up to 40 days if strong or very ill  Example  2 breakfast  1 break  2 lunch 1 break  2 dinner  and 2 when needed or when hungry.


For the entire  Master cleanse fast

-Do not take any food or drink for these cleansing days.
-Do not take any supplement
If diabetic  or  if want  to lose weight reduce the syrup, in some of the mixture. If want to gain increase the syrup

Step Three Coming off the master cleanse

How to break fast
1st day plain vegetable juice
2nd day fruit and vegetable juice
3 days light vegetable soup
4th day normal eating. (Reduce flesh, and dairy, white flour, rice ,sugar . Eat lots of vegetable and fruits.

   What are the purposes for taking the master cleanse.

1. To dissolve toxins and congestion in any part of the body
2.   To clean and purify glands and cells throughout the entire body
3. To eliminate all un-usable waste and harden matter in joints.
4. To relieve pressure and irritation in nerves , arteries and blood vessels.
 5.To build healthy blood stream
6. To keep youth and elasticity of muscles and organs
9. To help remove disease in body

When to use the master cleanse

1. When sickness develop. Use for all acute chronic condition
2. When the digestion organs need a rest and cleaning
3. When overweight has become a problem
4. When better assimilation is need
5.When there is the need  and necessity to build

How to Use
Follow the diet for at least 10 days or more  maximum up to forty is possible. You will not feel acute hunger the maple syrup will sustain you. You will lose weight over a sustained period.
No food , no drinks  no supplement , no alcohol during the fast only the cleansing tea, the salt water wash  and the lemonade must be taken for the whole  duration of the fast.
 As with all health programs You should consult your  health  doctor before starting if you  have major or minor health concerns.


 Balancing  pH using Diet Can Reduce Disease and Help Heal Your Body.A PH Diet  is God's Diet Plan

 Does anyone here knows the real reason why we tell people not to eat animal foods , such  as flesh, cheese, butter ?
Do you really know why you are told not to eat certain types of fats ,white rice, sugar ,flour etc.

1.Your body cells are made to function in and acid, alkaline solution .This solution is measured by a scale called PH. PH means the potential for hydrogen.

 2 .The PH scale is divide into 0----14. With 1 the most acidic 14 the more alkaline..

 3. It therefore means that PH 7 is neutral.

4. A measurement lower than 7 is considered acidic

 5.A measurement higher than 7 is alkaline.

 6. Healthy bodies operate in a very narrow range on this scale This should be PH 7.36—PH 7.45

 7 .A significant shift from this range gives the potential for sicken ,disease and death.

 8.It is more sure if the sift is downwards.

 9. The lower the Ph the more acidic the blood. This is a state called chronic acidosis Acidic blood breaths disease.

 10.What create this acidic blood animal flesh and foods , denatured foods like white sugar, flour, rice, carbonated soft drinks, rich cakes and pies, rich fatty sauces, coffee etc.

11. What create alkaline blood fruits , vegetables nuts and some grains.

12.The bottom line is if you want to stay free from disease or to reverse disease eat the diet God gave to our fore parents in Eden . Read Gen:1 : 29.and Gen .3:18

13. Remember this that there are vegetable that are acid fruits such as citrus but the body metabolizes them as alkaline .

14.There are also vegetables that are acidic however they are weaker acids that flesh and animal origin food

15.Foods are classified as weak ,medium, or high acidic or alkaline .

The ones is on us to find these foods and then plan our diet  to reduce the high acid foods  that will keep up bloods in a slightly alkaline state thus  keeping away diseases

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...