, pub-2600041692440697, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 JICM HEALTH and WELLNESS CENTER

Benefits of Exercise

For exercise to be beneficial is must be done for   
Duration of

·        3 times weekly
·        30 minutes
·        Elevation of  heart rate must rise above 100

Effect of exercise on the skeletal system
·      Increases the bone mass
·      Strengthens bone mass (black people have the highest density of  bone mass)
·     Will decrease risk of  fragility and fracture in (hip, spine and wrist bones)
Benefits on Muscles
·        Strengthen muscles
·        prevent you from falling
·        protective effect on           ligaments
·        reduces risk of lower   back pain
Benefits of Exercise  on Bowels
·        increase mobility
·        less constipation
·        less expose to toxic products     and bacteria
·        decrease risk of bowel cancer
·        increase water intake which      decrease risk of constipation
 Benefits:  on Mind and Spirit
 Relaxation and It is fun
·         Has positive effect on mood
·        increase and release   endorphins and encephalin   which give a feeling of high
·        reduce stress and keeps away    depression
·        improves self esteem

Effect of Exercise on skin
·        increase sweating  and get rids of toxin
·        Prevents the blocking of pores and removes trapped dirt and oil
Exercise Improves immunity
·        increase white blood cell   counts
·        improve lymph flow
·        Allows for weight loss
·        Increase insulin secretion
·        Decrease diabetes   
      Lowers the risk of type 2             diabetes by 50%
·        Improves sleep  by Improving the depth and length of sleep
·        Decrease risk of heart disease
·        Cause a decrease in LDL bad       cholesterol
·        Increase HDL good     cholesterol
·        Lower risk of coronary
     disease and strokes by 35%
·        Lowers blood pressure
·        Reduce the risk of peripheral  muscles damage
·        Reduces the risk of cancer

·        Important
·        Heart beat must be  60-100  People  with too low a heart beat should not do exercise
·       Walking is good exercise. However you must do muscles strengthening exercise for full benefit. and equal distribution  on muscles  
·        Squats. Pushing against a wall and carrying nap sack on your back to strengthen back and leg muscles
·       Show the simple exercise that helps build immune raise heart beat and strengthens muscles.
·        Do Remember to drink  lots of water do body detox inside and out
·        Here is an effective way to detox the body externally
2       lbs sea salt                                  ½ lb Epsom salt
1    1 box bicarbonate soda
 1   1pint hydrogen peroxide
 Put in a bath tub of Luke warm water soak to 15-20 minutes.

We at the J.I..CM. Wellness Centre can help with your detox program and other health issues. We offer  services  such as  healthy lifestyle changes consultation, ionic foot detox, herbal detox, massage therapy,full body scan, and weight management programs.
 Contact us at 378-1354 / 324-4479 we are located in Sandy Bay Hanover
I leave this thought From the Divine with you
Above all I wish that you would prosper and be in good health even as your soul prosper. All things are possible if you only believe

Credit Is Given to Don Gilbert : Orthopedic Doctor
Montego Bay, Jamaica

By Juliet Christie Murray
Lifestyle counselor

Reccommend Health Poducts

Health and Beauty  products

There are a number of individuals who constantly  seek for healthy life style products to use in their every day  health regime . Below are some  links that will take you to a number of health products  that you may find useful and reasonable priced,. Spend sometime and look around you may find something you have been look for.


Beauty takes in hair skin and nail. Beauty is reflected from the inside but skin needs to be moisturized hair need to be conditions. co check out the products  

 Looking for great skin and hair products, vitamins and minerals , male enhancement products here is the place to explore. as I said before just spend some time to explore you will be surprise as to  great deals you will find .Why not give your self a chance to find something you  wanted for  quite a while.xxxx


Is the foot detox (machine) a hoax or real

My Ionic Foot Detox Experiences

There is so much controversy about this foot detox that I no longer listen to the doctors, scientist or skeptics' and started talking to individuals who have done the process. Some said they slept well some said they had no effect and some got good relief from arthritic pains .Some said they fell ill for 2 day

I had and intriguing experience and thought it good to mention.  One individual did the detox he is a smoker. His water was slightly yellow. However there was so much froth is was amazing.
Two other individuals did it the first was slightly yellow you could almost say it did not change .The other individual water showed very light grey you could say the water did not change  .

I started to doubt the array. It was suppose to be new it was  using  for the 4th and 5th time.
I  sent a complaint to the company then. decided to try it myself. I sterilized and clean  the array then did  the process. The water became deep orange and murky with white foam. I could not believe it.
I clean , sterilized  and l decided to do someone else to see what would be the effect  to my surprise . that water was clear and a beautiful light green with oil floating on top.

Not satisfied I washed sterilize and dry the array this was now the eight session this array was being used .We were appalled this was a young  lady. immediately the water became brown then become black  with lots of foam. All individuals experience a good sleep more energy and reduced joints pain.
 There you are you be the judge

Our feet have over 7500 nerve endings and over 2000 sweat glands in them. Your foot there is a natural gate way to eliminate waste product from your body.
Toxin will attach themselves to your fat cells before  your organs. If the body does not eliminate these toxins properly from the fat cells the toxins will start building-up on the organs this is when the body start to break  and illness and disease may start to creep in.

REMOVE TOXINS using a detox foot machine

Detox foot machine on sale
Detox foot machines  bags and arrays

During an ionic foot bath an ionic charge is release into the water which raises the voltage of the cells to the optimum levels, which increases the cells ability to function normally to absorb nutrient and oxygen, in doing so the cells, and the body organ is able to eliminate waste allowing the body to function more efficiently.
 The fizz is the negative and positive charges that pull the toxins from the pores of the feet.
The ionic current that runs through the module is safe for children at the age of 8yrs. It is to note however the people with pacemaker or women who are pregnant must not do this procedure.
Too much detox will pull lubricant out the joints and ligaments. Do not do more than (Twice per week)You must drink lots of aster  for 24 hours after.

  Why did I get one of those foot detox ironing machines. After getting  the chikungunya disease my two big fingers could not bend no matter what Doctors and I applied. So I got a machine and did my first detox. When I was done I started to worry  since both my eyes looked red like blood. I went to a school graduation and everyone who saw me asked what went wrong with my eyes. I told them I did not know. I was too ashamed to tell them I did a foot detox which most people were saying it is a hoax and a scam geared to rob people of their money.

By the night it started clearing up, I went to bed with my two big fingers sticking out as  usual do for the last 6 months. However when I woke in the morning they were back in business as if they were never out of  use for 6 months and is still functioning as  I write this report. Is it a hoax. I Personally do not think it is.


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