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Memory Loss Disease and Treatment

Memory loss  diseases  and treatment is one of the biggest topics  on the internet today.However 
Do you know that the lifestyle and what  you eat today  will affect how you think and remember  in the years to come.

Nerve damage can affect memory.This instant product can  start repair your nerves immediately Sexual and nerve health 
Do remember to  always sesrch  the limk  for   exactly what you are looking for

Just 30 years ago  Memory oss diseases like Alzheimer's, Depression and Panic Disorder were relatively unheard of, but today they've captured public imagination.

You did not see many people suffering from the diseases above. Just a few aged were suffering from senility.  I could ask are you experience or know any  the occasional "senior moment" like…

… Forgetting names?
… Forgetting faces?

… Where you misplaced your phone or keys?

...Is your spouse or family becoming irritated with your "brain fog"?

.....Or do you find it difficult to concentrate on even the simplest of tasks?

If any of the above sounds like you right now, then you should be concerned because…
In the United States, about 40% of people aged 65 or older have age-associated, memory impairment.
hat's about 16 Million people! From this group, nearly 15% of them develop Alzheimer's disease each year.
and about 1% of them will progress to dementia each year. If any of the above sounds like you right now, then you should be concerned because It can only get worse.

Do you realize that this was not evident in seniors just a few years ago So what has gone wrong.
 Our food and life style  Yes  that is what went wrong .Then came the facts that doctors keep telling us that our cholesterol is too high and keep on piling us with cholesterol lowering medication which robed the brain of some of the cholesterol it needs to function efficiently.
Today we are planning for tomorrow. Many health advocate  keep pointing you to the eight natural health laws.
 Take a quick look at nutrition, The original diet of man was fruits, grains nuts and herbs. But we keep on eating for taste, diseased meats, fish with mercury, take alcohol and tobacco. Constant exposure to neurotoxin like arsenic, mercury  and cyanide and excitotoxixity in food  additive and taste enhancing chemicals like MSG  can kills brain cells by causing clumping of blood cells. This in turn reducing oxygen to brain and killing off  many of our brain cells. We consume unhealthy fats, take recreational drugs and medicinal drugs all to the detriment of the brain

After doing all this and  our cholesterol levels go up to a reading 5 and above and doctors pile on the cholesterol lowering medication and try tell us to take fat free diets and WHAM. We suffer  forgetfulness, memory loss dementia, Alzheimer's and senility

 Do you know that lots of individuals do not drink Water which is so important to maximum body performance 6- 8 glasses daily  is what the body needs this does not includes juice and teas.
Sunlight is necessary to help with keeping off depression which is one cause of brain impairment. Get 30-45 minutes  of sunlight. No sun take vitamin D supplements..
Did you know if you do not get enough rest you will not perform efficiently  in your work, The brain need rest or else you will have memory laps  do that too often and your job, money and life is at stake. You develop new dendrites  by learning something new try develop a hubby to expand the power of the brain
The brain needs  lots of exercise and the body must be exercised daily to send oxygenated blood to the brain

 Do not think Memory loss only happen to old people According to the Fischer's Center for Alzheimer’s foundation, latest study shows changes in the brain and body of an Alzheimer's patient of up to 20 years before the common memory and thinking problems become obvious.

You can do some thing for you and your love ones old or young from losing their mind or memory.
People have spend millions of dollars to research to find out  apart form following the Health laws what natural products supplement can you use
One of the chief reason for memory loss is build up of too much cholesterol in the brain  causing blood flow to be reduced.
There  Products  and  herbs that can help to remove  this cholesterol block. like the

Lilly of the valley used properly is good for removing cholesterol and plaque from the brain.This herb is not well promoted  and maybe  not be recommended  but it is one of the best for the problem.

Balm of gillard is also good for removing cholesterol . IT will move cholesterol from blood to colon and excrete through the colon 

     Indian Kino Extract monitors blood sugar
     Indian Kino does a wonderful job of managing blood sugar levels. 

The connection between diabetes and Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are well established. It's critical to manage your blood sugar levels  Refine sugar and too much carbohydrates can poison brain

  L-Tyrosine  improve concentration
 Is an amino acid provides the raw materials from which your body creates dopamine, epinephrine and, norepinephrine, which are essential and vital neurotransmitters.  Can improve concentration. flexibility  in switching task

  L-Theanine shield your brain against excitotoxicity like MSG
  L-Theanine actually bonds to the glutamate receptors in the brain, calming you and reducing anxiety. high anxiety can slowly lead to deteriorate your thought processes, lead to inability to focus.

 Choline normal brain development, nerve function, and supporting energy levels. 
 a structural component in fat, and is therefore found in foods that contain certain kinds of fat. The National Institutes for Health call choline “an essential nutrient for Public Health.”Signs  energy levels, Memory loss, Cognitive decline, Muscle aches, Nerve damage, or Mood changes or disorders. cognitive decline, including Alzheimer's disease. Our bodies can create a small amount of choline, but most of it has to come from the foods we eat...foods like eggs and beef. Low fat or strict vegetarian diet can cause deficiency

Bacopa Monnieri There's not much more to say about bacopa, it's powerful, it's worked for thousands of years, and modem medical science has proven it works
When the NIH publish a double blind, placebo controlled clinical trail that proves an herb increases memory and reduced stress and anxiety, you include it in your formulation, period! 

 Ginkgo Biloba combat senility an age old powerful nootropic herb
The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that ginkgo biloba may protect nerve cells in the brain, and it is a well-known way to increase blood flow to the brain.More blood flow means more oxygen to cells, and more removal of waste from cells. no nootropic supplement should be without Ginkgo biloba
Vinpocetine reverse cognitive declines. Improve long and short term memory
Vinpocetine is an extract from the seeds of the periwinkle plant. 
It's a particularly powerful long and short term memory enhancer
. It does this by improving blood flow to the brain and by increasing brain cell energy through its effect on the production of ATP, which is the molecule that the cells in our bodies use to power themselves.
Vitamin B6
The B complex of vitamins are critical to healthy living. Well so does Vitamin B6!
 It's essential to healthy brain activity, to elevated mood, and to the short term memory structures of the brain
Your body uses B6 in particular to create several neurotransmitters, including serotonin and norepinephrine, which influence mood, and melatonin, which helps regulate the body clock. They help the body convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is used to produce energy. 
Lily of the valley is very good for removing cholesterol from the brain. Most memory loss is believed to be a build up of cholesterol in the brain  thus preventing blood from going to the brain when required
  Compromise Glial cells are believe to be the cause of most memory decline
 Glial cells are the most abundant cell types in the central nervous system.
 The glial cells surround neurons and provide support for and insulation between them.

   There are Basically 6 types of Glial cells
·         Microglia. clean up cellular debris via phagocytosis.
·         Astrocytes. support and repair neurons; form the brain-blood barrier within the CNS.
·         Satellite. form the brain-blood barrier within the CNS, function similarly to astrocytes.
·         Ependymal. ...
·         Oligodendrocytes. ...
·         Schwann Cells.

The overall mixture  of the products in a well created formula to help you multiply your Glial Cells .and prevent memory deteriorate
It is good if you can Find a perfect product with all the ingredients instead of trying to purchase all. Come back to see when I have found one that I am confident will work for you

Contributing author
Juliet Christie Murray.
The information found on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat any medical condition. If  you have one visit your health provider.

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Why Make Body Cells Alkaline

Alkaline Foods Versus Acid Foods

We constantly worry ourselves about developing or managing lifestyle diseases.
There is really no reason to, if we keep our side of the bargain by employing the 8 health laws.
 Proper Nutrition 
 Adequate exercise         
  enough water intake             
 adequate sunlight
  Enough  fresh air     
  Proper rest      
 Be temperance in a all things
 Trust  in  God
 We were always told to keep the  PH of blood  alkaline. Since  it is said  perfect blood gives  perfect health.   Therefore  Blood has to be alkaline in order to make cells alkaline to fight and keep away lifestyle diseases including cancers
The perfect alkaline state of  blood is a PH of 7.35 -7.4.5     

 Blood Ph above 7.45  results  in a condition called alkalosis If blood  Ph goes  below  7.35  the result is the condition called  acidosis Both are life threatening conditions.    
 The PH of blood does not really change  but the  Ph of cells can change.The normal PH range of cells  should be PH 6.5 a little acidic.
Bicarbonate irons, and  phosphate ions are called  buffers They  work along  with  The lungs and kidney  to keep the  ph of  blood  balance.
The PH of cells can change through improper food, Lack of exercise , lack  of fresh air,  lack of water, intemperance  lack of sunshine  and distress , (stress is sometimes good to improve our performance .Prolong stress leads to distress.
Over exposure to toxin like lead, and mercury in fish and electromagnetic rays from cell phones  do change PH of cells.
Cancer and fungus in  cell with  a PH of  5.5 will thrive rapidly .This is why cancer patients must keep  the  cells  ph 6.5.and blood PH.7,4 if  cancer cannot thrive they will die.

What type of food help body to retain the proper PH
    A.  Alkaline forming  food leaves  an alkaline ash  when burn and is associated with the minerals  
  ( calcium, sodium  magnesium, potassium )  foods such as                                                  
1.              1.   Lemon,
     2 ,Vegetables Dark green leafy vegetable
3.              3.Vegetables ( lintels lima bean ,soy )

? Night shade Foods .  For some people they can be  acidic ( if there is inflammation in the body )  you must remove them  or else you will have arthritis pains. ( sweet pepper, tomato, garden eggs, irish potato)  They can also be alkaline
                4.Grains: quinoa, millet, buck wheat, spelt, kamut ( the gluten in wheat flour can kill the good               flora in stomach and affects the immune and brain.) very acidic
             5. Nuts best ones almond and brazil
                     6  Seeds all : sunflower, flack, pumpkin,  sesame, chia, black  seed
        7.  Fruits: They can be acidic if you have yeast infection
        8.  Salt : Celtic and Himalayan salt  has 85 minerals natural sea salt not table salt 92 ( table salt  has two  sodium and chloride)
        9.  healthy fats ; olive oil and coconut oil
        10  alkaline water
        11, Fiber : removal of waste
        12. sweet potato  (a yam)
Acid forming foods when burn gives off and acid ash and is associate with minerals these Are (chlorine, sulfur ,phosphorous)
    1Refine Sugars : (white brown  or tanned  beat sugar  (Replacement sugars  honey ,maple,              coconut, agave,)  molasses)
          2.  Meat , give off high sulfur  acidic  waste
          3. Hybridized  wheat,  kill gut bacteria  Flora
          4.  Dairy  :milk and  Cheese (Fresh cheese ,cottage, ricotta  and feta  are alkaline)
          5.  Caffeine food and  soft drinks.
          6.  Beans  Kidney, soy, chick peas (All beans must be soaked  3 days before cooking)
          7. All other grains, and nuts are acidic
          8.  unhealthy fats
          9. Antibiotics tablets (kill gut flora)

    So what do we do?
   There has to be a balance to keep your blood Ph in alkaline. Too much alkaline cause alkalosis and     too much  acidic cause acidosis .  
   Take meals that consist of 70 % alkaline foods and 30% acid. real  lifestyle disease the PH of               cancer patient is  about  PH 5.5. That means you must eat  70 %  raw 30% cooked.
   Curse causes never come

Natural and Cheap cancer Cure

Natural and Cheap cancer Cure

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases. It is this way because it is not easily cured  and even with the best health care most individuals die within 1-5 years.

Cancer is believed to be a toxic substance that is comprised of a fungus a virus and a bacteria that enters normal cells ,and multiply while destroying them and go on to invade new cells releasing toxin as they  go so that the body can no longer handle them, resulting in death.

Traditional medicine seem to try to destroy the cells that carry them through chemotherapy, radiation, or both.  but sad to say they actually destroy the cells the cancer invade along with good healthy cells but  still do not destroy the cancer causing virus.

These viruses like sugar and thrive in an acidic environment, therefore it is theorized  that you have to use what they like( seeet) plus put them in an environment(alkaline blood) in which they have difficulty surviving.

Thus you make the cells they wish to invade alkaline and feed them with special alkaline sweet substance like ( maple syrup )that sends them rushing for it since cancer use up 5 times more sugar than ordinary cells, This  in turn will  help suffocate and destroy them.

This is how many natural cancer cure protocol comes about.: by making the body PH more alkaline will destroy cancer cells. However with  these methods the  PH has to be well balanced because over alkalinity can occur which is definitely not good. 

 This protocol have to be followed slavishly, and sometimes for life in order that the cancer does not come back. Below I have found some methods which have been said to work wonders more so because they are cheap.  I have also listed some natural herbs that are said to have melted tumors.

It must be noted that just taking these formula will not be enough you have to keep your body in a healthy state by eating a proper diet and the correct food. You will  have to relieve the toxins from the colon by taking coffee enema  from time to time.

You must follow the instructions  for quantities  and for the number of times to do or take and also length of time required.
N.B. This article is not written here  with the intent to diagnose or treat anyone.  Consult your Doctor before embarking on any health program.

However ask the Almighty and his Holy spirit for guidance. You see you have the right to take your own health in your hand. Jesus said if you ask anything in My name believing, it will be granted. Always remember The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. All who are alive at the reading of this article is quite likely to die before Jesus return.

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Healthy people do not die only by accident of some type or suicide. If you find your self with cancer your may be one of the lucky  or chosen one. Fight !, fight !, fight like craze. Do not let it take you into that night.

 But Sir/Madam life is held by the Almighty creator not you, not me, There is eternal life on the other if you accept this gift of Jesus; He said I come to give you life and more abundantly.

 Cancer is your wake up warning. If you sleep or when you sleep  choose life before you do. Death is only a sleep a rest from the heavy pain and burdens of this life. So walk now always with Jesus Christ  . Walk Good.
Contributing author
Juliet Christie Murray
 Life style Counselor :M.Missionary

Tumor melting  Pure herbs    
Anyone of these can be taken with cancer cure part one or part two

    Formula #1     
2.Chuch huasi                
5 cats claws                 
Mix 4 tbsp of any one  single  herb in 4 cups 16 ozs water and take this  1 cup 2 x daily 30 minutes before meal  You can combind up to three for a more powerful effect

Tumor melting herb Formula #2
Non iJuice
Calabash juice
Blackstrap Molasses
Roast the calabash gourd. Cool and juice in a cloth
Add to 1 bottle blackstrap molasses
Juice 12 mediun size ripe noni add to the mixture. Take 3 tbsp  3 time daily
.Drinks lots of water

Natural Cancer cure Part one
can be taken with tumor shrinking herb above

1 tsp baking soda
1 ½ -2 tsp Maple syrup or/black strap molasses
1 tbsp  apple cider vinegar in one 8 ozs glass warm filtered water
-Put the soda on the maple syrup or black strap molasses
.Take 3 times daily with the last one before bed .
- Take the cider vinegar 30 minutes after taking the soda and syrup mixture
-Take every day for 4-6 weeks. Then rest 4 week and repeat.
-Take your PH each day to get it up to or over 8.
-Eat no sugar no white foods , no soda beverage. 
No meat  eat lots of vegetables like  carrot and green vegetables
eat fruits like melon  cantaloupe, pineapple. But eat the melon alone
- NB This can  be taken with other cancer cures.
-Take 8 ozs retention coffee enema when you start feeling nauseous 
and giddy this sometimes happen as toxins  are released.

Step # 2 A MUST
Cancer Prevention
After treating for 12 weeks with the above (part one
 this must be taken to prevent the cancer from recurring

Instead of taking this concoction once to twice daily,
you are going to be taking it three times daily for 12 months 
solid. After that, you can then drop to twice daily.

 Remember, cancer is a relentless disease and you 
 cannot become complacent.
 you absolutely must stick with this protocol sometimes for 
 the rest of your life to keep cancer away forever!
 This ingredients combination
 is one of the best ways to stop and kill the microbes 
 and parasites that infect the cells and cause cancer and can be use
as a formula 2 cancer treatment with a little variation
 as you can see at the end of this page 
thoroughly mix 
½ a teaspoon of turmeric powder,
½ teaspoon of freshly grated ginger 
½ teaspoon of cinnamon, along with 
½ a teaspoon of MSM and
1 full teaspoon of either wheat grass, or 
barley grass, or spirulina or chlorella   
powders( not the soda) with 1 table spoon of very dark
Simple eat this formula 1-3 times daily for the 
rest of your life.
Take it 20 mins before food. Onan empty stomach then
drink one glass of filtered water.
you can Alternate the wheat grass and the1 1/2 baking soda.
 at times but never use both

You can  get all of the products you need for the protocol
by clicking on this linkProducts

A Few Extra Points to Keep in Mind…

make sure you take a good quality probiotic supplement
With the tumeric, this spice is fat soluble so make sure you always have it with a tablespoon of coconut oil, along with 10-12 small black peppers (black pepper increases the absorbability of turmeric by a whopping
 Use aluminium free”).like Bob’s Red Mill baking soda 2000% MSM biological sulphur must be distilled with no added fillers
cinnamon powder, it should only come from Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam or Ceylon
The ginger you use should be fresh ginger finely grated (oh, and in case you haven't heard, a new study just found ginger to be up to an astonishing 10,000 times more effective at killing cancer cells than chemotherapy!)
the MSM biological sulphur must be distilled with no added fillers or binders. This brand is one of the best we’ve found so far… Gold Standard Organic Sulphur

As the toxin are release you may feel awful and want to stop .dont. just take you coffee enema and you will be good again. Drinks lots of pure distilled water. Eats lots of carrot or juice  do beet and green juice. Eat vegetable salads.follow the diet here it will help.If you reach the stage you cannot eat get your juice as enema. it will be absorb there. If you are losing weight too fast do a whey powder enema for for 10 days Then return to the protocols above.
So epsom salt warm baths to help release toxins effectively.

Walk good. I'll pray for you. 

  Credit is given to the writes of the various authors from which I have gathared the above iformation

As a natural cancer cure,Formula #2
Here is what you can do
1/2  a teaspoon of turmeric powder
 ½ teaspoon of freshly grated ginger,
 ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, along with
 ½  teaspoon of MSM
 1 tsp coconut/olive oil/hemp/ flax seed oil
 1 full teaspoon of either wheat grass,
 barley grass, spirulina or chlorella powder.
(do not add any soda here)
 with 1 table spoon of very dark honey.

Step #1 throughly Mix all ingredients in the
 same manner as above except increase all 
amounts by ½ a teaspoon and substitute the
green food (wheat grass, barley grass, etc) 
for baking soda add 1 full teaspoon.
Take this entire batch first thing in the morning
on an empty stomach with one full glass of filtered 
Then make up and take another batch 30 minutes 
before lunch (on an empty stomach) and repeat once
again before bedtime (3 times a day in total). 
Do this for 3 weeks before switching back and
 forth in the manner described in step #1.

May God bless you on this journey.  

Natural Cancer Cure Natural Products

Sometimes sourcing the products  needed to implement the natural cancer cure protocal can be very difficult.No cancer cure is free but you can minimize the cost of the treatment. I have selected the purest products and best  products. You should buy those that are cheapest but none  GMO.  .


Celon Cinnamon

Apple cider Vinegar

Alluminum Free baking soda

Maple Syrup



Enema bag

Coffee grounds

Cayenne pepper

Wheat Grass
Barley grass

 Tumor melting Herbs

Chuchuhuasi Powder Extract 2.2 lbs.


The first day at school stress

Stress the number one cause of most Diseases

What really is stress:-
-  It is seen as pressure, strain, tension , tightness .(physical  )
_ it is also seen as a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from adverse   or demanding circumstances.
-Under stress the body may respond by releasing chemicals in the blood stream to give more energy or strength to deal with the condition on hand  if is physical. - Such as the fight or flight reaction, or  the burst of anger response when  face with  physical danger,
-These chemicals release are good for the body  in short periods but under extended  period it can be bad. This is why stress is sometime said to be good or bad.

There are different categories of stress

Internal Stress: Is the one that has you worried about. Things you can do nothing about .things you have no control over. Yet you worry Eg. (The rain won’t stop falling and I cannot get the clothes dry)This is dangerous stress.

Emotional Stress: Is your response to situations around you such as (noise around you, work, family etc, You must identify the cause and design ways and strategies to deal with it.

Fatigue and over work Stress: This type is built up over long periods of time and can take hard toll on the body physically, emotionally and mentally.

 Mental Stress can affect the body and mind:

People under large amount of stress can become, tired, sick and unable to concentrate and think properly ,they cannot make sound decisions, they can  go into depression, they can have a full blown mental breakdown.


There are many warning signs such as
 Tense muscles, Over eating, cold limb nervousness.
Nervous stomach ,dry mouth ,frequent visit  to  the bath room.      
 Shortness of breath ,impaired judgment , frequent colds and flu.
 Biting nails,  anxiety forgetfulness, irrational, defensive  lack of patience, argue all the time, fatigue
Smoking headaches , excessive  drinking  of alcohol.
High blood pressure , back pain,  Terrifies of heights.
Others are always wrong, drug  use ,mental problems, grinding  teeth,
Excessive movements , Twitching , restlessness , reclusiveness

  1.  Recognize  you are stressed
  2. Stop –and breathe
  3. Convince your body to relax
  4. Responding to the immediate physical effect of stress can help fix long term stress
  5. Exercise regularly
  6. Eat healthy
  7. Sleep regularly 7-8 hrs is best
  8. Adopt a hobby
  9. Avoid over use of any drug,
  10. Stop smoking,
  11. Stop taking caffeine
  12.  Go on an inexpensive  vacation
  13. Organize  yourself  (Plan your day , organize your work and  time)
  14. Some people may need professional help to deal with stress.since they may be having an imbalance adrenal gland.

 Quick Fixes  For Stress

1.Breath deeply: it slows down heart  rate and reduces anxiety                           
 Focus on your breathing and breathe for a count of 10 . Repeat.   
                           Breath in as if filling a paper bag and out as if you are forcing out the air from the bag.

2.Relax your muscles: Bend and stretch arms, clinch and unclench fingers  rotate wrist, bend over, squats  etc ,massage neck  and shoulders muscles                                

3 Make a change: Step back from what you are doing or is straining you for few second,  can bring back a lot of perspective;  go for a quick walk,  play some music, dance, sing loudly, drink a glass of water, talk to a friend, go outside. Just change  what you were doing.

4.Laugh :       nothing relieves stress like laughter it releases endorphins that   relaxes the whole body. Laugh at yourself or some form of comedy not others.

5. Converse with God: 

                 Pray and ask for help Isaiah 26:3  States God  will keep in perfect peace those                     whose minds are steadfast on Him

contributing author
Juliet Christie  



How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...