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Remarkable secrets for desolving bladder stones

 Dissolving Bladder stones
So many individuals are suffering from different types of stones
Gall bladder, kidney and Bladder.
Be is what they may they are all a form of concentrated form of minerals that mainly because of too much  protein too much table salt and too little or no water  consumed
I do hope this information will help you to avoid them or dissolve them.
When diagnose most people panic and go for one of the doctor methods of getting rid of them. Surgery usually the recommended option.
However alternate  medicine  practitioners  also have methods of removing them other that the medical ways.

Bladder stones 
are small, dark mineral masses that form in the bladder—they develop when concentrated urine is left in the bladder. This concentrated urine is about 95% water and five percent minerals and waste products (i.e. salt and protein).
Bladder stones start to grow when urine is left in the bladder after urinating. This is often due to an underlying medical condition that stops the bladder from completely emptying when using the toilet.
They however can be dissolve natural .using herbs singly or made into a formula. Chanca Pedra  is  good  formula but Royan Chanca Piedra is proven to be one of the best bran. Check it out here
Conditions that stop the bladder from fully emptying include:
·         Neurogenic bladder: If the nerves that run between the bladder and nervous system are damaged, for instance in a stroke or spinal injury, the bladder may not empty fully.
·         Prostate enlargement: If the prostate is enlarged, it can press on the urethra and cause a disruption in flow, leaving some urine in the bladder.
·         Medical devices: Bladder stones can be caused by catheters or other medical devices if they move to the bladder.
·         Bladder inflammation: Infections of the urinary tract or radiation therapy can leave the bladder enlarged.
·         Kidney stones: Kidney stones can migrate down the ureters and, if too large to pass, they will remain in the bladder and can cause obstruction. Kidney stones are more common than bladder stones.
·         Bladder diverticula: Pouches can form within the bladder. If the pouches grow to a large size, they can hold urine and prevent the bladder from being fully emptied.
·         Cystocele: In women, the bladder wall can become weak and drop down to the vagina; this can affect the flow of urine from the bladder.
How Are Bladder Stones Diagnosed?
If you are having complications with urination or any symptoms that are associated with bladder stones, contact your doctor. The tests your doctor may recommend include the following:
·         Ultrasound: An ultrasound will use sound waves to create images inside the body that x-rays may not be able to see.
·         Urinalysis: A urinalysis test is used to examine your urine for crystallization, abnormalities, and infections.
·         Spiral computerized tomography scan: This is a computed tomography (CT) scan, which checks for complications within the bladder.
·         Intravenous pyelogram: A dye is introduced to the veins and moves throughout the body until it finds its way to the bladder. The dye highlights any abnormalities found in the bladder, and an x-ray is taken of the highlighted results.
·         X-ray: An x-ray will show the inside of the bladder and most complications that are present. However, an x-ray may not show every stone that is present.
Risk Factors for Bladder Stones
Below are some of the things that can increase the chances  of one getting  bladder stones
·         Age and gender: Males develop bladder stones more often than females, especially as they get older.
·         Paralysis: People with serious spinal injuries and loss of muscle control in the pelvic region are unable to empty their bladder completely.
·         Bladder outlet obstruction: Any condition that blocks the flow of urine from the bladder to the outside world. There are a few different ways that the bladder can be blocked, the most common is an enlarged prostate.
·         Bladder augmentation surgery: A type of surgery carried out to treat incontinence in women can lead to bladder stones.

Treating Bladder Stones Medically
There are basically  3 methods used.
1.     Drinking  Enough water  If  bladder stones are caught when they are still small, simply increasing the amount of water the individual drinks can be enough to pass them naturally. If they are too large to pass in the urine, treatment for bladder stones normally involves either breaking them up or removing them by surgery.

2.      Cystolitholapaxy Is a procedure in which a doctor inserts a thin tube with a camera on the end into the urethra (the opening found at the end of the penis or above the vagina). The doctor can view the stones through the tube and break them down.

The doctor will use a laser, ultrasound, or a small implement to break up the stones before washing (or   vacuuming) them away. This procedure is carried out under anesthesia.
           Complications from cystolitholapaxy are rare but can include tears in the bladder wall, and  

3.      Surgical removal

If the stones are too large to be broken down using cystolitholapaxy, surgery is an alternative treatment option.        The surgeon will enter the bladder through a cut in the abdomen and remove the bladder stones. Any surgical procedure comes with some risks, so cystolitholapaxy is always the first choice.
Bladder stone can be caused by a number of reasons so they may be no one specific way in preventing them.
 Reducing table salt and minimizing protein intake along with  drinking plenty of water 6-8 glasses will also help break down any developing stones and prevents its formation
 However, if an individual experiences any odd urinary symptoms - pain, discoloration, blood – it is  advisable to  getting an medical opinion  
  Most people  with urinary tract infections feel that there is urine left in the bladder after urinating. In these cases  double  voiding is best. That is try urinating again 10-20 seconds after the first attempt.  This  can help prevent stones from forming.
It is also suggested that if you already have an enlarged prostate ,sitting to urinate can help make sure that the bladder is emptied fully. This, prevents or slows the buildup of bladder stones.

Bladder stone can be treated naturally It will take a longer time If you do not make sure you get enough water and ate well balance diet they may return. However this product will ensure that they keep away Just make it be a part of you cleans regime which is using them every 6 months after the stone is gone. You will find you will  need to use it less and less. Royal ChancaPedra

Contribution author
Juliet Christie Murray

Information found on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat any medical condition. If  you have one visit your health provider.

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Memory Loss Disease and Treatment

Memory loss  diseases  and treatment is one of the biggest topics  on the internet today.However 
Do you know that the lifestyle and what  you eat today  will affect how you think and remember  in the years to come.

Nerve damage can affect memory.This instant product can  start repair your nerves immediately Sexual and nerve health 
Do remember to  always sesrch  the limk  for   exactly what you are looking for

Just 30 years ago  Memory oss diseases like Alzheimer's, Depression and Panic Disorder were relatively unheard of, but today they've captured public imagination.

You did not see many people suffering from the diseases above. Just a few aged were suffering from senility.  I could ask are you experience or know any  the occasional "senior moment" like…

… Forgetting names?
… Forgetting faces?

… Where you misplaced your phone or keys?

...Is your spouse or family becoming irritated with your "brain fog"?

.....Or do you find it difficult to concentrate on even the simplest of tasks?

If any of the above sounds like you right now, then you should be concerned because…
In the United States, about 40% of people aged 65 or older have age-associated, memory impairment.
hat's about 16 Million people! From this group, nearly 15% of them develop Alzheimer's disease each year.
and about 1% of them will progress to dementia each year. If any of the above sounds like you right now, then you should be concerned because It can only get worse.

Do you realize that this was not evident in seniors just a few years ago So what has gone wrong.
 Our food and life style  Yes  that is what went wrong .Then came the facts that doctors keep telling us that our cholesterol is too high and keep on piling us with cholesterol lowering medication which robed the brain of some of the cholesterol it needs to function efficiently.
Today we are planning for tomorrow. Many health advocate  keep pointing you to the eight natural health laws.
 Take a quick look at nutrition, The original diet of man was fruits, grains nuts and herbs. But we keep on eating for taste, diseased meats, fish with mercury, take alcohol and tobacco. Constant exposure to neurotoxin like arsenic, mercury  and cyanide and excitotoxixity in food  additive and taste enhancing chemicals like MSG  can kills brain cells by causing clumping of blood cells. This in turn reducing oxygen to brain and killing off  many of our brain cells. We consume unhealthy fats, take recreational drugs and medicinal drugs all to the detriment of the brain

After doing all this and  our cholesterol levels go up to a reading 5 and above and doctors pile on the cholesterol lowering medication and try tell us to take fat free diets and WHAM. We suffer  forgetfulness, memory loss dementia, Alzheimer's and senility

 Do you know that lots of individuals do not drink Water which is so important to maximum body performance 6- 8 glasses daily  is what the body needs this does not includes juice and teas.
Sunlight is necessary to help with keeping off depression which is one cause of brain impairment. Get 30-45 minutes  of sunlight. No sun take vitamin D supplements..
Did you know if you do not get enough rest you will not perform efficiently  in your work, The brain need rest or else you will have memory laps  do that too often and your job, money and life is at stake. You develop new dendrites  by learning something new try develop a hubby to expand the power of the brain
The brain needs  lots of exercise and the body must be exercised daily to send oxygenated blood to the brain

 Do not think Memory loss only happen to old people According to the Fischer's Center for Alzheimer’s foundation, latest study shows changes in the brain and body of an Alzheimer's patient of up to 20 years before the common memory and thinking problems become obvious.

You can do some thing for you and your love ones old or young from losing their mind or memory.
People have spend millions of dollars to research to find out  apart form following the Health laws what natural products supplement can you use
One of the chief reason for memory loss is build up of too much cholesterol in the brain  causing blood flow to be reduced.
There  Products  and  herbs that can help to remove  this cholesterol block. like the

Lilly of the valley used properly is good for removing cholesterol and plaque from the brain.This herb is not well promoted  and maybe  not be recommended  but it is one of the best for the problem.

Balm of gillard is also good for removing cholesterol . IT will move cholesterol from blood to colon and excrete through the colon 

     Indian Kino Extract monitors blood sugar
     Indian Kino does a wonderful job of managing blood sugar levels. 

The connection between diabetes and Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are well established. It's critical to manage your blood sugar levels  Refine sugar and too much carbohydrates can poison brain

  L-Tyrosine  improve concentration
 Is an amino acid provides the raw materials from which your body creates dopamine, epinephrine and, norepinephrine, which are essential and vital neurotransmitters.  Can improve concentration. flexibility  in switching task

  L-Theanine shield your brain against excitotoxicity like MSG
  L-Theanine actually bonds to the glutamate receptors in the brain, calming you and reducing anxiety. high anxiety can slowly lead to deteriorate your thought processes, lead to inability to focus.

 Choline normal brain development, nerve function, and supporting energy levels. 
 a structural component in fat, and is therefore found in foods that contain certain kinds of fat. The National Institutes for Health call choline “an essential nutrient for Public Health.”Signs  energy levels, Memory loss, Cognitive decline, Muscle aches, Nerve damage, or Mood changes or disorders. cognitive decline, including Alzheimer's disease. Our bodies can create a small amount of choline, but most of it has to come from the foods we eat...foods like eggs and beef. Low fat or strict vegetarian diet can cause deficiency

Bacopa Monnieri There's not much more to say about bacopa, it's powerful, it's worked for thousands of years, and modem medical science has proven it works
When the NIH publish a double blind, placebo controlled clinical trail that proves an herb increases memory and reduced stress and anxiety, you include it in your formulation, period! 

 Ginkgo Biloba combat senility an age old powerful nootropic herb
The University of Maryland Medical Center reports that ginkgo biloba may protect nerve cells in the brain, and it is a well-known way to increase blood flow to the brain.More blood flow means more oxygen to cells, and more removal of waste from cells. no nootropic supplement should be without Ginkgo biloba
Vinpocetine reverse cognitive declines. Improve long and short term memory
Vinpocetine is an extract from the seeds of the periwinkle plant. 
It's a particularly powerful long and short term memory enhancer
. It does this by improving blood flow to the brain and by increasing brain cell energy through its effect on the production of ATP, which is the molecule that the cells in our bodies use to power themselves.
Vitamin B6
The B complex of vitamins are critical to healthy living. Well so does Vitamin B6!
 It's essential to healthy brain activity, to elevated mood, and to the short term memory structures of the brain
Your body uses B6 in particular to create several neurotransmitters, including serotonin and norepinephrine, which influence mood, and melatonin, which helps regulate the body clock. They help the body convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is used to produce energy. 
Lily of the valley is very good for removing cholesterol from the brain. Most memory loss is believed to be a build up of cholesterol in the brain  thus preventing blood from going to the brain when required
  Compromise Glial cells are believe to be the cause of most memory decline
 Glial cells are the most abundant cell types in the central nervous system.
 The glial cells surround neurons and provide support for and insulation between them.

   There are Basically 6 types of Glial cells
·         Microglia. clean up cellular debris via phagocytosis.
·         Astrocytes. support and repair neurons; form the brain-blood barrier within the CNS.
·         Satellite. form the brain-blood barrier within the CNS, function similarly to astrocytes.
·         Ependymal. ...
·         Oligodendrocytes. ...
·         Schwann Cells.

The overall mixture  of the products in a well created formula to help you multiply your Glial Cells .and prevent memory deteriorate
It is good if you can Find a perfect product with all the ingredients instead of trying to purchase all. Come back to see when I have found one that I am confident will work for you

Contributing author
Juliet Christie Murray.
The information found on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat any medical condition. If  you have one visit your health provider.

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Why Make Body Cells Alkaline

Alkaline Foods Versus Acid Foods

We constantly worry ourselves about developing or managing lifestyle diseases.
There is really no reason to, if we keep our side of the bargain by employing the 8 health laws.
 Proper Nutrition 
 Adequate exercise         
  enough water intake             
 adequate sunlight
  Enough  fresh air     
  Proper rest      
 Be temperance in a all things
 Trust  in  God
 We were always told to keep the  PH of blood  alkaline. Since  it is said  perfect blood gives  perfect health.   Therefore  Blood has to be alkaline in order to make cells alkaline to fight and keep away lifestyle diseases including cancers
The perfect alkaline state of  blood is a PH of 7.35 -7.4.5     

 Blood Ph above 7.45  results  in a condition called alkalosis If blood  Ph goes  below  7.35  the result is the condition called  acidosis Both are life threatening conditions.    
 The PH of blood does not really change  but the  Ph of cells can change.The normal PH range of cells  should be PH 6.5 a little acidic.
Bicarbonate irons, and  phosphate ions are called  buffers They  work along  with  The lungs and kidney  to keep the  ph of  blood  balance.
The PH of cells can change through improper food, Lack of exercise , lack  of fresh air,  lack of water, intemperance  lack of sunshine  and distress , (stress is sometimes good to improve our performance .Prolong stress leads to distress.
Over exposure to toxin like lead, and mercury in fish and electromagnetic rays from cell phones  do change PH of cells.
Cancer and fungus in  cell with  a PH of  5.5 will thrive rapidly .This is why cancer patients must keep  the  cells  ph 6.5.and blood PH.7,4 if  cancer cannot thrive they will die.

What type of food help body to retain the proper PH
    A.  Alkaline forming  food leaves  an alkaline ash  when burn and is associated with the minerals  
  ( calcium, sodium  magnesium, potassium )  foods such as                                                  
1.              1.   Lemon,
     2 ,Vegetables Dark green leafy vegetable
3.              3.Vegetables ( lintels lima bean ,soy )

? Night shade Foods .  For some people they can be  acidic ( if there is inflammation in the body )  you must remove them  or else you will have arthritis pains. ( sweet pepper, tomato, garden eggs, irish potato)  They can also be alkaline
                4.Grains: quinoa, millet, buck wheat, spelt, kamut ( the gluten in wheat flour can kill the good               flora in stomach and affects the immune and brain.) very acidic
             5. Nuts best ones almond and brazil
                     6  Seeds all : sunflower, flack, pumpkin,  sesame, chia, black  seed
        7.  Fruits: They can be acidic if you have yeast infection
        8.  Salt : Celtic and Himalayan salt  has 85 minerals natural sea salt not table salt 92 ( table salt  has two  sodium and chloride)
        9.  healthy fats ; olive oil and coconut oil
        10  alkaline water
        11, Fiber : removal of waste
        12. sweet potato  (a yam)
Acid forming foods when burn gives off and acid ash and is associate with minerals these Are (chlorine, sulfur ,phosphorous)
    1Refine Sugars : (white brown  or tanned  beat sugar  (Replacement sugars  honey ,maple,              coconut, agave,)  molasses)
          2.  Meat , give off high sulfur  acidic  waste
          3. Hybridized  wheat,  kill gut bacteria  Flora
          4.  Dairy  :milk and  Cheese (Fresh cheese ,cottage, ricotta  and feta  are alkaline)
          5.  Caffeine food and  soft drinks.
          6.  Beans  Kidney, soy, chick peas (All beans must be soaked  3 days before cooking)
          7. All other grains, and nuts are acidic
          8.  unhealthy fats
          9. Antibiotics tablets (kill gut flora)

    So what do we do?
   There has to be a balance to keep your blood Ph in alkaline. Too much alkaline cause alkalosis and     too much  acidic cause acidosis .  
   Take meals that consist of 70 % alkaline foods and 30% acid. real  lifestyle disease the PH of               cancer patient is  about  PH 5.5. That means you must eat  70 %  raw 30% cooked.
   Curse causes never come

How to get rid of Helicobacter Pylori

 Have you been having stomach problem each time you eat ,untill it reaches the stage that you are afraid to eat? Maybe you have or you are...